Chapter Five

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Lloyd and Kai woke early for school. Neither of them were happy about it, both hated school and Lloyd had nightmares all night. Both wanted to stay in bed all morning, but Nya had other plans.

"Wake up!" She tugged the covers off and tossed them on the ground. Clearly Nya was a morning person.

Lloyd groaned and buried his head into Kai's chest. He really didn't want to go.

"C'mon, class first, cuddle later." Nya hurried out of the room, leaving the red-faced boys in the bed.

"She's got a point," Kai mumbled as Lloyd stretched. "Let's go before she yells at us."


Everybody was at school before Kai and Lloyd, all waiting by the lockers.

"Hey, Lloyd. How'd you sleep?" Morro asked as Kai started arguing with Jay.

"Alright," Lloyd rubbed his eyes. He still could see his nightmare, he hoped it would fade soon.

Morro glanced at the others before pulling Lloyd out of earshot. "Nightmares?"

Lloyd nodded, looking down.

"Don't be ashamed or anything, everybody gets nightmares."

"Even you?"

"Except me. But everybody else does." Morro grinned while Lloyd gently shoved his shoulder. "What was it about?"

"It was as if we didn't escape the other day." Lloyd lowered his tone. "Y'know, if their plan worked."

"That's never going to happen." Morro clenched his fists, angry that Lloyd now had the thought of that happening in his head because of them.

"I know, I know. Calm down."

Morro thought for a second. "Didn't some of those guards look familiar?"

"Like what?"

"That main girl, Katelyn. I saw a symbol on her uniform, I could be wrong but I think she's working with your dad."

Lloyd was about to reply but the bell rang, and they all had to go inside.



"Yes, dear?"

Lloyd thought about what Morro had said. "Did you notice anything about that girl who had you captured the other night?"

Koko paused from the dinner she was taking out of the stove. "Why?"

"Morro said he did. He thinks she was working for Dad."

"I did notice a symbol on her front, but I'd hoped it was nothing. I'll tell Wu, maybe he can figure something out. For now, I have a message for you."

"What is it?"

"A certain someone wants you to meet them at the docks. It's near the warehouse, and they said to come alone."

Lloyd thought for a second. He didn't like the sound of that... it sounded suspicious. "That doesn't seem smart. Did they say anything else?"

"Well, note mentioned for you to be there at midnight and not be late. It says "or else" at the end."

Lloyd shrugged. "That's a big risk, I don't trust it. I'm not going to risk all this because of a "or else".

Koko looked nervous, and Lloyd could tell. "Mom? Is something wrong?"

Koko rubbed the back of her neck, making Lloyd worry even more. His mom was never this worried, at least not recently. The most recent time he saw her nervous would be his first time fighting his father. This isn't good.

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