Typical, but not really

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I could fall of these stairs and die. Monday mood.

'Nat!' shouts a familiar voice behind me. It's my closest friend Teesh. You know the story, friends at birth, blah blah blah. Teesh shoves aside random students, barging down the science hall. She goofily grins and waves, me doing the same back. Monday mood gone. We shoulder bump, link arms and march down the hallway. A daily masterpiece.

Our first period is English. Heaven knows why we were in the science hall. Though while everything was cheery now the lockdown bell would sound in 7.45 minutes. And it did. Our teacher, Miss Barrium did the usual lecture. Worst teacher to be stuck in lockdown with. As she rambled on about this not being a drill my classmates set up the classroom. Teesh and I snuck into a corner trying to get as far away from Miss Barrium.

We've had many lockdowns at our school. Some serious, others completely pointless. Either way I wasn't concerned. This was just kinda exciting.

As soon as the classroom safety stuff was done our fellow classmates joined us on the ground. I lay my head on Teesh's lap and casually put my feet up on a chair. From there we just carried out a "normal" conversation and laughed our heads off. Blocking out gunshots in the distance.

Finally Miss Barrium snapped. 'Natalie and Letisha' we grimaced as she called us by our proper names. 'This is not a drill and by talking you are putting everyone in danger.'

Then the door flew open causing everyone to help and get lower to the floor. 'Aw Miss, now you've really blown it!' I whined while laughing, slowly getting up off the floor towards the intruder. Leaving Teesh snickering behind me.

Okay fyi, I'm talented in hypnosis. I don't need a ritual or necklace, I just need to focus and anyone is under my command. Only Teesh knows this and we have great joy mucking around with it.

As I approached the intruder he/she (couldn't tell) pointed their gun at me. So I spoke. 'Go hand your weapon to the police and confess immediately' I said in a hypnotic voice as my classmates faces slackened and the intruder walked back out the door wordlessly. Simple.

Once the hypnosis wore off all eyes were on me. This is the first time I had revealed my talent, it was no biggie honestly. I calmly walked back to where I had been sitting, grabbed my bag and strolled to the doorway. 'Cya round peeps' I said chirpily with a wave, winking at Teesh who looked at me in horror.

Then I left school premises. 

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