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"You fucking whore"

"You fucking smaller whore"

Hyungwon glared intensely at the man in front of him whose holding the door for him and the two lovers behind him whose busy chatting with each other.

"Alright, incorrect password bye bitch" Hyungwon yelps when he attempts to stop the door from shutting him by sticking his feet inside, the impact might've swell on his feet a little as he felt his toenails pulsing.

"YOO KIHYUN! WHAT THE FUCK LET THEM IN YOU DUMB BITCH!" Minhyuk's voice was muffled behind the door and in a few seconds the door was open ajar with Minhyuk holding Kihyun by the nape, the latter grunting in resistance.

"What a lovely face to see after years of abandonment, I totally love this friendship" Hyungwon rolled his eyes and squished Minhyuk in a hug, pulling Kihyun as well who slowly stops sulking and engulfed Hyungwon in a hug.

There was a moment of silence as the duo just hugged Hyungwon tightly, burying their faces on Hyungwon's chest and shoulder while the said man ruffles both of their hair like little brothers missing their eldest.

Except that Hyungwon was definitely the youngest among the three and his hyungs are just emotionally wreck bitches who misses him. Yet he can't blame them. The moment he saw Kihyun by the door made his heart race alone. Seeing Minhyuk made it worst as he felt a tear trying to escape right by the corner of his eye and the entire butterfly emerged from his lungs taking his breath away.

He missed them so fucking much.

All of them.

"Wonnie, we missed you" Minhyuk whispers and Hyungwon for sure felt a damp area on his torso, tugging a funny smirk on Hyungwon's face.

"Ew, stop sobbing you look ugly when you cry---" Hyungwon stopped chuckling when he noticed Minhyuk was just giving him a confused look until both of them turned to Kihyun.

Yoo Kihyun, ultimate satanic hamster ball who chops dicks for breakfast and is the epitome of stone cold, now head hung low and the floor beneath where he stood forms a puddle of tears while his light grey shirt is drenched.

Aaaaww shit.

"Kihyunie" Hyungwon coos as Kihyun glared at him and sobs. Fingers fidgeting on his sweater paws.

The elder was naturally short, yet he looks extremely small and vulnerable at the moment. Totally opposite on regular days he's feared when you mess with his kitchen.

"Y-Y-You, I hate you" Kihyun struggles to speak as he once again found himself tucked in a tight hug with Hyungwon. The taller guy rubbing his back in attempt to stop him from crying because shit, Hyungwon doesn't have any plan to cry on this reunion right when his ex/old bff is present.

Which reminds him, Hoseok is still outside along with his new boyfriend.

He turned to look outside catching Haewon giving tiny kisses around Hoseok's face, making the latter squeal and gave back the same gesture.

The fuck...

"Alright Kihyun stop ugly sobbing now and let's get Hyungwonnie inside, some people might forget the front yard isn't a motel" Minhyuk speaks loudly catching Hoseok's attention face red as crimson.

Minhyuk was glaring.


"Not now Haewon" Hoseok sternly prevented his boyfriend to give him kisses again.

Haewon rolled his eyes and huffs lightly. Faking a smile almost immediately putting it as a show and 'respect'.

well, that didn't went nicely to Hyungwon whose been staring at them.

"Are you all going inside and eat or just be here standing like misplaced statues?" Hyunwoo went outside alongside with the 2 youngest.

"If it isn't Hyunwoo and the rest of the children" Haewon grins as him and Hoseok approached near the door where Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk is.

"Its Shownu-hyung for you, Haewon-ssi" Changkyun interrupted, Jooheon behind him had his arms around his waist. "Hyung hates it when people who're not close to him calls him Hyunwoo" Hyungwon exclaimed, looking at Minhyuk who has an unreadable expression.

"Alright Shownu-hyung," Haewon plastered a smile emphasizing the guy's name in a manner of tone. "since all of you insisted, do you also want me to call you guys particular nicknames? I call your friend here daddy" Haewon smirks as he wrapped his limbs around his boyfriend. Smiling like somewhat he proclaims "sweetly" at Hyungwon.

"Haewon..." Hoseok removed the guy's arms around him, glancing at Hyungwon before turning his attention back to his boyfriend who obviously is now sarcastically sweet towards his friends. "Stop it" he muttered. He felt embarrass. All of his friends are not enjoying this, and so does he. Little by little he regrets having his boyfriend present if he's acting like this towards his friends.

"What? you love it especially when we're on bed..." Haewon bats his eyelashes looking at Hoseok like he's the tastiest man alive. "I mean, you know.....when i'm under you and you're....." He looked at Hyungwon whose eyes are focus on the ground and smirked when their eyes met briefly when the latter glanced back at him taking a hint that Haewon's looking at him "...on top of me....naked" Haewon bit his lip and it took Jooheon strength to calm Changkyun down whose clenching his fist tightly.

"You done? food is cold inside and people here are hungry for actual food" Minhyuk deadpans and went inside, Jooheon and changkyun tags along as they tug Hyungwon inside to give him their welcome hugs as well. Diverting what just happened into focusing more on how they missed their hyung.

"Go inside and eat if you're hungry Hoseok," Kihyun had his serious aura on making Haewon twitch his eye in annoyance. "Bring your boyfriend if he's interested on food and not your dick by the next few minutes" He spat the words like poison as if he wasn't crying like a small baby to Hyungwon earlier and left inside with Hyunwoo who disappointingly looked at Hoseok then his boyfriend before following Kihyun inside.

"Bitches" Haewon sneers and Hoseok gaped at him.

"Really Haewon? the audacity to call them that when you're out exposing both of our private matters to them? to my own friends?" Hoseok crossed his arms and looked at him in disbelief.

"What? they can't handle dirty jokes now? they playing virgins or 10-years old and tell their mommies that someone younger from them are out here telling them sex stories about him and their buddy Hoseokkie?"


Haewon realized he crossed the line when Hoseok's pupils dilated in anger. He cleared his throat and suddenly he felt inferior to Hoseok.

"I'm sorry..." Haewon fiddled with his fingers and reflected on his actions. He was just caught up with his emotions because after all the time trying to reach out to Hoseok's friends, it seems like he's always only good as a nuisance to them.

"Let's go inside" Hoseok grabbed his hand and held it tightly, indicating that he felt better and just shrugged his annoyance off knowing Haewon was sorry.

Yet no matter how tight he held his hand, he felt so distant. As if he wasn't holding Hoseok's hand at all.

As if you're gone....again.


took me long enough again :( how are all of you doing? interact with me pwease im a sad noodle

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