Meeting Tim-2

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Hey guys, Sorry I forgot to post yesterday and then I didn't have enough internet to post the chapter :( Not to mention my sister hijacked the laptop.

This is part two of meeting Tim. She is going to meet Jason in next chapter.

She broke out first and grabbed his arm. He just let her drag her. She pushed her on the bed. He was unsure what to do. Why did she had such serious expression on her face? She held out her hand,"Give it to me."

"What?" Now he was confused. What did she want? Money? His Wallet? What did he have that she could possibly want?

"The coffee."Realization dawned on his face. He pulled out the thermos he was hiding. How could she possibly know that he was hiding coffee? She couldn't have possibly smelled it.

She opened it and took a sip then shook her head,"Oh no, you are going to fall asleep mid-road and die Anddd I can't possibly let you die without wearing whatever I am going to make for you."She said with a teasing smirk.

She went towards her suitcase and pulled out a coffee machine and red bull and what were those cans for? Was that tea in her hands? Or more important question,"What are you doing?"

She didn't even look up,"I am showing you the light in this dark world."She said dramatically.

She came back with a cup filled of God knows what. "Drink it."

He chugged it down in one time. He suddenly felt energized. So energized, that he could open his eyes fully.

"You good?"She asked.

"Yes, I feel, energized, all my senses feel you know,......what was the word?"

She chuckled as she said,"Awake."

He could now properly see her face, She was an angel. Oh god! She is far above the word beautiful. "What was that?"

She chuckled,"My special coffee."

"Can I ask how you make it? It was delicious."

"Coffee, red bull, energy drinks, tea, dark chocolate..........Don't try by yourself otherwise you'll get sick." She said a finger on her chin, "Now the measurements."

He stood up, she took almost half an hour to take all his measurements.

"Now let's start from what your preferences are."

"I-""Nettie how much time are you going to take, he didn't try anything funny or do I have to feed him to Fang."

Marinette sighed, "Uncle. Jagged. I. Can. Take. Care. Of. Myself."

Jagged's voice came from the other side of the door,"I know Nettie but-"

"Let me do my work uncle Jagged." She had a voice was terrifying like an Alpha. How?

"So now, What do you prefer?"

He was still dazed,"Why not we go to a cafe and discuss there?" WHAT HE DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT-

"Of course. Let's Go then. As you are a local you can give me a tour of the safe places in Gotham."

He lit up. He gets to spend time with her,"Of course."

They made their way downstairs (using the elevator of course)

Tim and Marinette went to 'the Batty Cafe' because it was his favorite cafe. They sat there and ordered some coffee. The barista was terrified when Tim asked her to bring him a regular coffee. They both sat there.

"So M-"

"No you should call me Nettie in the public."

"OK. So Nettie, I want something for formal wear because I am the co-Ceo so I have to attend a lot of meetings and galas where my brothers ditch me."

"So, how old are you?"

"I am 16."

"And you are a co-CEO?"

"You also run your own business. I am a child genius, so I graduated early. We all are. My smaller brother is in school just because he is bad at social interaction."

"But still. Wow! that's a lot of responsibility."He shrugged at that.

"I manage it. Besides, I have help from my family."

"That sounds very nice."

"So you are in Gotham for how many days?"

"I am joining school here. Initially I was planning to come here just to meet you but Jagged said he wanted me to stay with them in Gotham. I just couldn't win from both Jagged and my parents."

He chuckled and tried to hide his blush,"That happens a lot in my family too."

"From your personality, I can are a coffee addict anddd you need something that will make you look smart and confident. It should have a feeling of dominance and Gothamy. Ya!"

She opened her sketchbook and showed him various designs. Then in less than an hour she had made a rough sketch of the suit.

"Its late so we can't tour the city but I can tell you about the safer parts of the city and we can tour them any other day."She nodded.

Tim told her everything she needed to know about the safety provisions she has to take while in Gotham. He told him which areas she should avoid at all costs.

"Thank you very much Tim, I appreciate it very much." Her smile caused an odd feeling in Tim's stomach.

"It was my pleasure. Now let's go to the hotel or otherwise your uncle will come and Fang will eat me alive."She laughed at that. Her laugh is so beautiful, just like her heart.

He drove her to her hotel. Happy he went home with a goofy smile on his face.

That's it. I hope you could forgive me. Tim accidentally asked her out for coffee but she has no idea. Timmy got the opportunity to meet her first yay! cause Timinette, Jasonette are my top favorite fics. So they get to meet them first. Just like Constantine said in Pixie spy 2 Dick hits on almost every beautiful girl? Shrugging* I don't know much about him. I saw him on Teen Titans Go in the first time. So, he doesn't have that good first impression on me. I love his Nightwing uniform the one with blue bird on his chest cause black and blue are my favorite  colors but there are not enough Dickinette in the world but I don't know Timinette is my top favorite. Daminette, I just love all the Maribat ships. I don't like Ml ships that much.

I should stop rambling now I don't want to bore you okay bye.

Lots of Love,


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