Meeting Jason

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Guys this was supposed to be updated yesterday and I am sorry for not doing it yesterday but here you go.

I was making a song-fic you can read it.


Marinette fell on the bed face first and screamed into the pillow. She then laid on her back with a smile on her face," This went surprisingly good."

Tikki giggled,"Your first day in Gotham and you have already made a friend, I am proud of you Marinette."

Marinette smiled at her kwamis cheeky voice,"Thank you Tikki. I want to patrol in the crime ally tonight."

Mullo appeared from her miraculous,"Which miraculous are you going to use Guardian?"

Marinette stared at the kwamis slack-jawed and wide-eyed,"You aren't going to try and stop me.... not even a lecture? J-just like that."

Tikki nodded,"You deserve a break from your everyday drama and we trust you to not get into trouble."

Marinette closed her mouth eyeing the kwami suspiciously,"Even if the brake happens to be working in the most dangerous part of the most dangerous city?"

Mullo nodded along with Tikki. "Okaaaaayyy then. Let's go. Mullo get squeaky."

Then she was transformed into Multi mouse. She took the horse miraculous with her just in case. Her body is going to be sore for using 3 miraculous afterwards. She took a deep breath and went out. She used her jump-rope to look for directions. She stopped a group of thugs, caught a thief who was running after snatching a lady's purse and gave some street children treats. The children were wary of her which was understandable and wise. She just smiled at them and took a bite of everything to show its not poisonous. She was having fun with the street kids who were grouped around her telling about their life on streets. She even got their measurements to make them some new clothes. They asked her about it and she shrugged it off saying that she has a friend who is a designer and would love to make you beautiful new clothes. She gained there trust after some questions.

"Where is your scent, don't the adults have scent?" A boy with dirty brown hair asked.

Ignoring the adult part she said,"My suit hides my scent." They nodded but their attention seemed to be elsewhere.

She looked behind herself to see a large black silhouette with a bright red head, she squeaked. Everyone quieted down. Now her face was red from embarrassment and she was suddenly much more interested in the ground. The silence was broken by snorts from the children.

The figure came into light. He was holding a gun in one hand. He was wearing a red helmet. His scent was lessened, maybe by his suit,"You squeaked." He said, in a matter of factly way.

She huffed cheeks and years still red,"Of course I did. I-I am a M-mouse after all."

The kids stopped laughing when the person, an alpha, she recognized put a gun on her head,"Who are you? What is your business here?"

The kids surrounded her to make a protective barrier of some sort.

"Leave her. She is very good.""She gave us treats." and similar shouts came from the kids.

He pulled the gun away still aiming at her,"How are you so sure she is nice?"

Protests came from the kids. She held her hand up and pushed the kids behind her with surprising power, her cheery and warm expression long gone. She grabbed his hand so that the gun was now touching her forehead,"Do it." She said, her voice calm but her eyes were cold and steely, lips pressed together in a thin line.

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