Chapter 20 - See You Again

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Hikari POV

After having a heavy breakfast, Ro and I make it to our next stop the Northern Water Tribe. Spending the majority of the day in the sky with the occasional pitstop to take a break or eat. Due to Ro's great speed, we made it to the Northern Water Tribe with some time to spare. 

Seeing the sun grow low, we fly over the borders, ignoring the stares of others I look around trying to find any connection with him. 

"And who might you be?"

I turn to see a tall tan-skinned man, from his clothes he looks as though he may be of high rank. "Hello, my name is Hikari and I'm looking for the leader of this tribe, I believe his name is Chief Arnook."

He looks down at me, cautious of my presence, "That is me, what is your business here."

I smile, "This may sound weird, but I was sent here by Avatar Kuruk. He wishes for me to see him."

He gives me a cold glare, "How dare you say such li-"

'She's speaking the truth.'

Looking up at his wide eyes I can only assume Kuruk allowed him to see him. He continues, 'Take her to the Spirit Oasis, now.'

I turn around only to see he's already gone, looking back at Cheif Arnook his gaze softens. 

"Follow me."

As Ro and I do, he leads me to the Spirit Oasis, I think I've been here before but my memories from the attack of the Northern Water Tribe is a bit fuzzy. As I follow him, I feel him look at me from time to time. 

Once getting there he speaks up, "I remember you, you were the who fought the Fire Troops with Avatar Aang and the Water Spirit."

I nod, "Yes, that was me. I'm sorry for your loss, I wish I could have done more to save her."

He gives me a soft smile, "Thank you."

Finally making it in the oasis I smile at the warm air, as the memories from before come flooding back. I turn to Cheif Arnook, "Thank you for bringing me here."

He nods, "It's no problem at all, I'll give you some time alone."

As he leaves I make my way to the pond, looking down at the fish I close my eyes I hear my name being called once more. 

"Hikari, I'm glad you could make it."

Opening my eyes I smile at the sight of Kuruk, "Kuru!" 

Jumping on his he laughs at my childish antics, "You haven't changed a bit Hikari."

I gasp, "What! Not true! I'm stronger and smarter too!"

He crosses his arm, "Oh yeah?"


"Ok, I believe you, but have you gotten faster? Race you to the shore!"

As the world around me starts to change I find myself on a beach, seeing him run ahead I run after him. "Hey! No fair!"

I run after him, seeing the powerful waves he makes me a board out of ice. Not minding my clothes getting a bit wet, we make our way to the middle of the ocean as the sunsets. Smiling at the sight of the spirit sea animals starting to glow. As a wave comes our way we get ready, once close enough we stand, riding the wave with glee.

Giggling at the rush, I smile in awe as the glowing animals swim with the current of the wave. Riding the water until nightfall we make our way back to the shore. Shaking the water out of my hair Kuruk laughs as a bit of water gets on him. 

"I missed this Hikari, I wish you didn't have to leave so soon."

I give him a small smile, "Me too."

"Now for your gifts."

His hand glows like the others, holding out my hands he places the small item in mine. Looking down I see a shard of ice with the water symbol on it and a sea shell fades from blue to white. Admiring the shell I hold it to the moonlight watching it glow like a light in the dark. I give Kuruk one last hug, "Thank you."

Feeling him return it, he says, "No problem Kari, well see each again soon."

Feeling him fade away, I open my eyes to find myself back at the Spirit Oasis. Putting my gifts in my pocket with the others I return to the palace. As the guards escort me to the throne room the Cheif allows me to spend the night.

Giving him my thanks Ro and I are escorted to our sleep quarters. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

Next Morning

Giving my final farewell and thanks to Cheif Arnook, I get on Ro's back making our way to our final destination, the Western Air Temple.

Not taking that long we land in the broken temple, seeing a large statue of Yangchen. Walking in front of it I close my eyes, feeling the wind blow through my hair I open my eyes finding myself in a grassy meadow. 

Looking at the clear blue sky, "Hikari, I'm glad you could make it."

I turn, seeing Yangchen smiling down at me, she opens her arms for me to run into. Giving her a light squeeze she strokes my hair. 

"Come let's have some tea."

Turning I see a small table with two cups of tea right next to each other. Sitting down next to her I waste no time in sipping the warm drink. Starts to calm down I hear her soft chuckles making me look over.

She elaborates, "You did the same thing when you were a little girl. I remember your birth, how the flowers bloomed, and glowed whenever you were around. That's how you got your name, you always found a way to light up the world around you. The first time I met you, you were only a small child. You were on the edge of a pond, smiling at the white lotus glowing at your joy."

Looking at her I watch as a flower crown of white lotus's appears in her hand. Smiling they start to glow as she places it on my head, "You didn't even notice me, you were always so fixated on those pretty white flowers. You leaned in to close, falling into the pond, quickly helping you out you couldn't stop laughing. When I picked you up you made me feel so warm."

I think back on that day, "Ever since that day, we would always meet at the pond for tea. We would talk about each other for hours."

Picking a peddle from my crown she gives it to me, I smile at the air symbol carved into it so softly. 

"Hikari, you've grown so much, you've learned, you've sacrificed and you've found love. I'm honor to be able to watch you grow."

Feeling my eyes tear up I give her one last hug, she whispers in my hear softly, "I can't wait to see you again."

Vanishing I open my eyes, finding myself back at the temple. Feeling the tears fall, I smile lightly touching the flower crown on my head. Laying out my gifts on the ground, I separate them, letting the symboled ones rest on the right with the rest on the left. 

They begin to glow, shocked I watch as the white crystal starts to shake. Each symboled gift starts to glow their respected colors before vanishing altogether. As the crystal continues to shake the symbols begin to appear on it in order. 

Slowly moving to the white ribbon it connects itself, making itself into a necklace. Whipping my tears I pick the chocker up, touching the warm crystal up. Feeling the presence of my friends in the crystal I smile softly. Placing the necklace around my neck I touch the crystal gently thinking of my friends and family. Putting the rest of the gifts in my pocket I get back on Ro as we make our way home.

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