After a day of walking around looking for jobs my feet were killing. I decided to get a bath then throw my high waisted pyjama shorts and vest top on. I watched Netflix with my bowl of popcorn.
Feeling a little uncomfortable I woke up awkwardly sprawled on the sofa glancing at my phone it was 11 o'clock in the morning. WHERE had the time gone! Suddenly my phone started ringing on a withheld number
"Hi is this Ebony Smiler? It's Claire calling from Octagon."
" Hi Claire yes it's me.."
"We spoke to your uncle and were really impressed so we was wondering if you'd like to start tonight?"
I nearly fell off the sofa without a second thought I answered..
"YES.. yes that would be great!"
"Ok fab! See you at eight, then we can show you around."
"Looking forward to it.. see you then." I melted back into the sofa finally some money will start coming in.Half seven soon arrived I was just about ready to leave I swiped my lip gloss over my lips, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I'm hoping I can make some new friends there since I lost a lot of my old ones thanks to my ex 'Jack'. How he fed them all the lies and they just fell for it. Enough about my past I snapped at myself it's a new start! I can do this.
I got to the end of the road. Town was swarming already with people dressed in glitzy dresses and men chugging there beer outside bars. I closed my eyes briefly to give myself a quick pep talk, I can do this!! It's been a while but I can do this! Before I knew it I was at the door. A short older bouncer and the blonde smiled, I instantly felt a lot calmer.
Something about Craig was charming and he seemed very approachable.
"Hiii again!" I beamed.
"Hey back so soon. The jobs already been filled." He shrugged and grinned.
I laughed "I see but no one secured your mouth shut yet."
He shook his head "Nope. Claire's just in the office on the far left. If you need anything don't be shy come and get one of us."
"Thanks Craig, appreciate that." I smiled and walked into the building.Claire showed me around. After a few hours I got to know where most of the bottles were kept. The place was packed and the beats were booming through the room. Everything had gone so quickly I'd met lots of new faces working there. My favourite so far had to be Carrie she was bubbly, kind and could hold her own. She made me feel so welcome. Emma was sweet and bubbly too. A girl who worked on the other side of the club for most part was called Daisy, she seemed a little off with me not anything bad just something but I couldn't quite work out why, if I'd done something wrong I was unaware. I figured I'd try make a little more effort to make friends with her. I was walking out with Carrie, Emma and Daisy when Craig and another bouncer called Jay shouted that one of them will walk us to our cars. Craig walked all three of us back. I noticed Emma eyeing him all the way, he smiled at her and looked at us all saying
"Still up for the after party at Jays tomorrow, Ebony you coming?"
They nodded. "Ermm sure, I won't be able to stay long but yeah."
Emma and Carrie hugged Craig to say thanks for walking us back. Emma clung a little longer and you could see a little spark between them, maybe they are seeing each other. They looked good together.
"Thanks again for making me feel welcome!"
We all got into our cars and set off home after a long night on our feet.****
Afternoon was here and I felt I had the confidence to start applying for teaching assistant jobs again to start back after summer.
I sat back after putting my laptop away. Sadie came flying through the door "I'm going away in a couple of weeks Jason booked us a holiday!!!"
"Wow!! When? Can I come in your suitcase, pweetyy please?" I pouted.
She giggled "I'll make you fit somehow. Don't ruin my clothes though."
I scoffed "Yeah right like you'd be wearing anything most of the time anyway.." giving her a knowing look of do you ever stop having sex.
I loved Sadie, I wished I could be more like her. She had a man who loved her dearly, clearly great sex and they just clicked together. I hope one day I can have that.
"How did your first shift go at Octagon?"
"Good I enjoyed it, I've made two friends in particular called Emma and Carrie they are lovely. So yeah it was fun!"
"Ahh good glad it was Eb's! We need to have a girly night soon though especially before I leave for my hol!" She squealed.
"We will I promise." I smiled warmly at her.
"Was there any hotties out last night then? Anyone catch your eye."
"Ones to admire but nothing special, I've told you I aren't dating for a while anyway." I said bluntly.
This was true I was going to tread carefully, Jack made me realise not everyone's as they appear on the outside.
"Hmm, don't dwell on Jack he was an asshole! I don't want you wasting time thinking of him, not all men are like he was.." She smiled squeezing my hand.
"I know." I half smiled.
"Eb's what's that smell?" She said raising her eyebrows.
SHIT!! Crap!! "Ohhh Pizzaa!!!" I rushed over to the oven. Luckily it had only burned a little around the edge, I gently brought my fingers and thumbs together and raised them to my lips, kissing lightly and joyfully tossed them into the air. She always rolled her eyes at my fingertips kiss or maybe the fact that I almost nearly every-time burnt something I was cooking. I should of got a job in a crematorium the way I burn stuff.
We shared the pizza I just about saved and then I started getting ready for work. I put my tight black leggings on, my black t-shirt with neon pink writing saying octagon on. Then for a little mascara and some lip gloss. Off I went again..