The night was over Jay had his arm wrapped around Carrie's shoulder while Harry walked closely to my left and Emma linked my right arm. Craig walked in front with some of the other guys. Kian was behind us with Daisy draped over him.
"Sooo sleepover at yours Emma.." Winked Craig as he spun round.
Emma laughed. "Who invited you?"
He was clearly having fun playing this game..
"Your eyes did." He flirted.
She shook her head and linked arms with him. We were nearly at the car park when we heard Daisy whining "Come to mine."
We chose to ignore them and their crisis. We said our goodbyes to Jay and Carrie. Harry hugged me a little too long... I could feel his hands getting lower towards my bum. I pulled away, smiled and waved.
Turns out Craig wasn't kidding he was coming over. He hadn't drove that day he'd walked from the gym. So he jumped in the passenger seat. That left me climbing into the back. All of a sudden Kian flings the door open, we all turned and gaped at him.
"Room for one more." He said grinning.
We broke into laughter. The space in the car felt next to nothing I may as well of been on Kian's lap.. no Ebony that's where you want to be.When we got back to Emma's we had a couple of cranberry and vodkas. Emma was laying in Craig's arms asleep. He lifted her up and took her off to bed. I hadn't noticed I had been staring at Kian's heavenly pink lips. The drinks had made me want to press my lips against his even more.
He must have caught me staring he just smirked. I licked my lips and moved over to grab the bowl of popcorn.
He gestured to come sit with him.. "Come on sharing is caring."
I giggled and slouched down next to him on the sofa with the bowl on my lap. All my senses seemed to have heightened. He smelt devine... he grabbed a piece of popcorn and put it in my mouth.
I'd been gawking at him with my mouth open and he just found it amusing... "Getting a good close up look."
I clamped my mouth shut... "W-what? I... I... I was just....."
He laughed.. "I know what you was just.... doing."
I blushed he must of took pity on me, he put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. We sat watching tv laughing, asking each other random questions. I tried to stay focused on most of our conversations, sometimes though when he laughed with his head back I'd get lost in how gorgeous he truly was. I still got to know a lot about Kian..I must of fallen asleep as I woke and was wrapped in a blanket laid on the sofa. I felt groggy so run a shower. I dried myself off put my pink lacy french knickers on and matching bra. Wrapped the towel around me and went to find my bag. I glanced at my phone CRAP! It's 10:27 my webcam interview!!! I have less than three minutes to get my laptop on and get some clothes on. I scrabbled for my laptop switched it on, grabbed a white shirt threw it over my head straightened it out. Then it rang I answered I looked on the screen I wasn't at my best but I wasn't at my worst.. well not yet anyway. I was answering questions when they asked if could show them a few documents. I gazed over to the documents... would you believe they were on the kitchen table. Just then also Kian stumbled through Emma's door holding a bag of shopping. His eyes popped out of his head when he noticed that I was just sat in a white smart shirt and pink lacy knickers. This was a great start to the day.
"Ebony are you there? Could you please show us the documents?" The lady repeated.
I glanced back over to the table and looked back at Kian. He just stood there his smile grew into sexy, hot devilish grin. God I could feel the heat on my cheeks and down below.
He leaned back against the door his fingers playing on his lips and eyed towards the table where the documents were. The BASTARD!
He knew exactly what he was doing. I glared at him. I paused the screen went to grab the documents... I could feel his eyes on me. Sweat was forming on my forehead I'd just taken a shower and now needed another.
I quickly walked back over to the laptop then to my horror.. saw the lady and mans facial expressions who were interviewing me telling me they could see exactly what I was wearing, I hadn't in fact paused it just muted it. I sat back down quickly apologised and tried to carry on the best I could but felt mortified.When the video call ended I glared at Kian. He was biting on one side of his lip trying not to laugh. I could now seriously bop him on the nose. I couldn't believe I had been distracted by him and not paused the dammed video properly at all.
I strutted over to him pissed off. He'd started cooking sausages, bacon and egg. He turned and leaned against the counter...
"What was that about?" He pointed at the laptop.
"What was that about? That was an interview for a job." I said like he was meant to know.
His facial expression changed to curious.
"Your leaving Octagon?"
I huffed.. "Nooo.. It will be my day job through the week. Not that I'm going to get that job now."
I sighed and shook my head staring at the floor trying to calm myself down. He reached out with his fingers and lifted my chin to look at him.
"I'm sorry I should've passed you those documents. I didn't realise what was going on. You distracted me just sat there looking... "
His gaze burned hotly against my skin. I blushed I could feel my cheeks go warm as his eyes lingered and swept over my body.
I started walking backwards but he started walking forwards.. I bumped into the cabinets and he got so close I thought he was going to kiss me he leaned to the side and opened the drawer, he pulled out a spatula.
Not taking his eyes off me he leaned back.. "Thought so."
Excuse me! What now? What's he mean by that.
"What's that meant to mean?"
He kept his eyes on the food as he lifted the egg out of the pan with the spatula.. "Nothing of relevance."
I sighed.. "Fine. I'm gonna get dressed now".I pulled my shirt off and put a summery crop top on with my denim shorts. I felt his eyes on me as I got dressed. I thought what the hell since he had practically seen me in my underwear anyway.
"Ki my man, you cooking breakfast." Craig called over with Emma following behind him.
She glanced my way and gave me a look to see if I was ok. I nodded and smiled wondering if Mr Sex On Legs was gonna spill and embarrass me further. I was still a little pissed and that comment 'Thought so' I don't understand what he meant by that. It felt like he was going to kiss me.
Was he waiting for me to move in first?"Ebony you want some?" Kian pulled me from my thoughts.
"Ermmm... yeah yeah please." I answered.
We sat to the table I hadn't realised how hungry I was.
"Hmmm.. this is goood."
A naughty twinkle played in his eyes as he gazed across the table at me.. "It's because I made it."
I laughed at his comment. He just smiled broadly then continued talking to Craig, while me and Emma talked girly things."Carrie's text asking does anyone fancy going swimming? Bowling? Cinema?" Emma asked us all.
The boys just looked at each other, so I just said bowling would be good as I don't have my bikini with me. With that though I could see Kian's mind working glancing down at my body.
We all agreed bowling and swimming next time. I squeezed in the back of Emma's car again with Kian. We set off driving, when Emma and Craig were in deep conversation of who's gonna win Kian leaned across and whispered...
"The pink lace would of worked for swimming."
I tried to hold back my grin... I shook my head and pretended to zip his lips back up Zipppp.We decided to be on teams. Me, Carrie, Jay and Kian against Craig, Emma, Lauren and Harry. Lauren was a new girl who started the other night working with us. She seems really sweet, we thought this would be a good way to get to know us a little better. Daisy was visiting her family but would be back in a couple of days.
Jay went first he started off well. Carrie tried but it wasn't her strongest skills she blamed the ridiculous shoes we had to wear. She made me laugh. Of course Kian was good at it. I was alright. We were just about tying it was mine turn when I knocked them all down with a strike. I ran back to my team for a group hug. Then Craig was up he just missed one. It was all over to Kian now. Craig tried to put him off by peer pressure.
I playfully shoved Craig.. "Zip it will ya."
He laughed. I turned just seeing the bowling ball get a total knock out. Kian spun round and since I was the nearest to him he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like I was nothing.. I squealed. He laughed setting me back down then went to hug our other team mates. It was just a game but we had a laugh. We all felt like young teenagers again. Dinner was on the losing team however...