I decided against going to Emma's I went back home. Instead I had a refreshing shower and chilled in my pyjamas until it was time to get dressed for work. I wanted to try something a little different to my normal natural look. I put on my black top and tied it in a side knot, with my black leggings. I decided to curl my blonde hair, put some mascara on and for a dramatic effect put red lipstick on. I felt good and ready to go.
I arrived and was pleased to see Craig and Kian on the door. For the laugh and because I had way too much time on my hands I'd made a paper I.D you know just incase.
Craig grinned and winked at Kian who was smirking back. Here we go...
"Hey... " I smiled.
I tried to walk past them but of course they wouldn't let me by so easily.
"Your barred remember. Securing people's mouth shut ring a bell? So stop right there."Craig pointed with his finger.
"Craig your mouth clearly has problems, now shift." I budged him with my elbow.
He laughed... "Red lipstick and feisty tonight."
Kian stayed quiet watching me.
"Yes, so watch it!" I tried to sound serious but Craig could see right through me.
"Come on in then. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you." He stuck his tongue out as I walked past.Kian was quiet he didn't even say hi. I mean he looked pleased to see me but something felt off something different. He hadn't commented on my red lipstick or hair maybe he didn't like it. Ahh well I did.. Emma and Carrie had told me I look hot. Daisy didn't look pleased to see me so I'm guessing she thought it looked good.
The nightclub was in full swing, people were sipping there drinks and dancing to the music. The vibe was good. I found myself shaking my hips slightly to the music as I waited for the drinks to take over to a booth. A tall man stood close beside me smiling warmly at me, I returned him a smile.
"I hope you don't mind me saying but your beautiful." He said smoothly.
"Thank you that's kind of you to say." I blushed.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" His eyes skimmed down my body and back up to my face.
"No I don't." I half smiled.
He appeared shocked.. "A gorgeous woman like yourself and no boyfriend. Surely you must have men queueing up!"
I giggled and shook my head. I lifted the tray and noticed that Kian was near I wonder if he heard our chat. He wouldn't be bothered anyway. I started to make my way to the booth.
The tall man said.. "Dance with me later?"
I laughed and shook my head and continued to the VIP booth.Later on I had swapped places with Emma. Carrie and I were having a little wiggle to the music while we waited for our drink orders. The tall man was back next to me this time a little drunk and wrapped his arm round my waist. I felt uncomfortable and tried to wiggle out but he was stronger than he looked holding me still.
His hands started to travel up my body, "Get off!" I shouted.
Carrie was trying to pull him off but he just wouldn't move. I started to feel a little sick, this perverts hands were nearly touching my breasts. I started to shove and push as hard as I could. I heard Carrie yelling for security. Craig and Kian were on the scene yanking him off me with no effort. The guy swung round to take a swing at Craig and Kian but as he'd pulled his fist back he hit me across the cheek.
"Ouchhh.." I moaned holding my hand to my cheek.
The rage on Kian and Craig's face scared me, he was out the door and barred quicker than you could say 'out'.
Carrie and Emma were at my side making sure I was ok. I kept telling them I'm fine. Kian came back in and stalked towards me putting a hand on my shoulder. He looked concerned and worried.. something he didn't show often.
"Come with me I'll check you over." He said in his low tone.
I tried to reassure him I was fine but he wouldn't take no for an answer and guided me through the club into Claire's office.He walked me over to the chair and knelt down in front of me. He softly brushed my hair off my face and looked at my cheek. I could see the anger in his eyes, not towards me but for me.
He held a cool compress against my cheek.
He avoided my eyes.. so I decided to speak to draw him back to me from wherever his mind was.
"Kian? Are you ok with me?" I said nervously.
His eyes flicked to mine.
"Yeah I was just worried that's all." He sounded sincere.
"I meant from earlier you seemed distant, quiet. When I arrived you said nothing to me." I looked away feeling silly.
"Ohh. I dunno why I didn't say anything to you. I was just taking you in, your hair looks pretty and your red lips look...." he trailed off gazing down at my lips.
He bit down on his lip as if he was trying to stop himself from kissing me.. I cupped my hand around his neck pulling him closer and pressed my lips against his. He tasted delicious! His cologne was intoxicating I wanted to stay in this moment. His hand was now in my hair, the kiss deepened and I was hungry for more. When there was a knock on the door.. we jumped apart. He wiped my red lip stick off his lips with the back of his hands.
In his raspy voice he shouted.. "Just a minute."
Then whispered "Shit."
I wiped around my mouth and reapplied my lippy. He was pacing up and down, and I stopped short when I saw the tent that had risen in his pants.
Oh my... he looked like he was talking himself down.. it wouldn't. I couldn't help but grin. He turned towards me, sat in the chair I'd been sitting in and put a folder from the desk on his lap. I had to bite my lip to try not to laugh.