Chapter 13

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I woke up to the smell of something delicious Kian's body. I inhaled his smell wishing I could bottle it up. My head was against his chest. I gently lifted up and moved his arm off my back carefully trying not to wake him. I put my pyjama top on and kept my lilac knickers on. I glanced back at the heavenly sight of this bad boy in my bed.
I got into the kitchen and started to cook sausages, bacon and eggs. I was about to turn the sausages when he startled me.
"How long have you been stood there watching?" I asked.
"Not long. You should have woke me. Ermm.. how well done do you like your bacon?" He said then pressed his lips together.
"SHIT! Noo.. noo!" I moaned.
He laughed.
   "Did I mention I'm great at cremating things?" I said sadly.
"Here shift over.." He took the pan and placed the burnt bacon in the bin. Then finished off the sausages, eggs and toast. I tried to convince him I could do the toast but he'd told me he wasn't risking it. We sat in comfortable silence eating our breakfast.
"It wasn't what it looked like. You know with Daisy." He said.
I sighed putting down my toast.. "Sure."
"Eb's I'm not into her." He said sounding genuine.
"Why not? She's gorgeous. Or is it that you've already been into her and moved on.." Carefully watching his expression to read if he has.
His face altered looking guilty.
   "Does it matter? I mean if I'm not into her what difference does it make."
Confirming indeed he'd fucked her.
I glanced down at my lap.
   "Ebony. I'm drawn to you like a moth to the flame. This is all different to me. I don't date..."
"You just sleep around." I said flatly cutting him off.
He sighed..
   "Look can we just get to know each other more. I enjoy spending time with you. I don't want to make promises I can't keep. I'm attracted to you, man am I attracted to you. Your insanely stunning. I've never fancied anyone the way I do you. Your banter makes me smile and laugh, your not like other women. You don't beg for my attention... your bright smile and wit draws me to your attention. You look innocent but I see the dirty cheeky thoughts in your eyes when we look at each other. Sometimes though I realise your so pure and don't want to hurt you."

Wow... after that speech I'm officially speechless. He thinks all those things about me. My hearts beating fast and my stomachs fluttering. But why would he think he'd hurt me? I got up making my way round to his chair to straddle him. He rested his hands on my hips looking into my eyes.
   "You have the most gorgeous hazel eyes you know... and that beautiful smile..." I cut him off kissing him. Our tongues rolling off one another.
I pulled back for air my chest beating fast.
"I have to go, I'd promised I'd help Craig pick up his car from the garage then we are going to the gym."
    "Ok!" I hopped off him a little disappointed.
He went to get his clothes on. I walked him to the door. His finger hooked into the front of my knickers and pulled me to him.
"Try to behave Mini. I'll text you." He kissed me on the forehead, opened the door and went.

I grabbed my phone and rang Sadie. I needed to tell her about all the recent events and to ask her advice. Her advice was to follow my heart. Yikes like it was ever that easy. Nothings ever easy or that simple let's face it.
Kian hadn't text all day I was starting to think he'd regret last night or should I say this morning.
As if he knew he texted..
KIAN: Hey gorgeous. I've been thinking about this morning ;)
I grinned because I had too..
EBONY: Hi Trouble! Me too. You may have to remind me again just how good it felt. Just to make sure x
KIAN: I think we can arrange that. I'm training tonight so I'll speak to you tomorrow?
EBONY: Training sounds interesting. Yeah speak tomorrow x

I wonder what training he means. I was intrigued and made a note to self to ask him in person.
It was less than 24 hours and I was already missing his face, his body, his banter, everything pretty much. Pingggg...

KIAN: Miss you ;)
   I smiled looking around can he read my mind. He missed me too!
EBONY: I miss your mouth. On me x
He instantly texted me back...
KIAN: I could say the same
EBONY: Don't keep them from me too long x
KIAN: I don't think I could if I wanted to. I have to go now
EBONY: Have fun training! Goodnight Kian x

    That night I dreamt of him.. the way his lips felt on my body...

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