Triiiinnng, triiiinnng, triiinng I let out a low laboured groan into the pillow with my face firmly squished against it, I pulled out my arm from underneath it and slapped the snooze button. Just five more minutes, that's what we all want right?! After the second maddening trinnngg sound I sat up, just another day in this cycle I need to find another job ASAP, or how am I going to be able to afford the rent? Food? Phone bill? All bills? My shoulders slumped how did it come to this I sighed with a huff I grabbed my dressing gown and strode out to the kitchen to grab some coffee.
Sadie came out of her bedroom in a teal chemise looking rather pleased with herself, too pleased for herself at this godly hour. She always looked so beautiful I envied her, her long straight crimson hair and those chocolate button brown eyes you could just eat.
"Ebs, you look shattered did we keep you awake?" She chirped.
"Well as a matter of fact after the first three moans my headphones managed to block you both out." I said flatly.
Truth be told I couldn't sleep before I even heard Sadie's moans. I had been tossing and turning which then turned into thrashing like a toddler when no matter how many time's I'd tried to sleep I couldn't, my mind was flooded with worry. I needed money and fast! Sadie pinched my toast and ran off back to her room shouting "Sorry Eb's we are staying out tonight so you'll have a peaceful one tonight."
I rolled my eyes and made myself another piece of toast.Staring into the mirror trying desperately to control my hair I don't have time to do anything with it. I scowled at the woman staring back at me trying to work out when things got so bad. I swept my mascara over my lashes and headed out. When I got into town I started calling into places to see if there were any job vacancies. It was soon gonna be time for my hair appointment and boy did I need it cutting.
I walked through the door and it chimed alerting Sam my hairdresser that I was here, she beamed at me arms open wide and I hugged her back. She was my mother's oldest friend and the most easiest person to talk to.
"So Ebony what are we doing with your hair today? It's been too long." She said twiddling her fingers on the ends of my hair.
"Hmm, just the usual cut please. And yeah it has been too long Sam."
I always chickened out of doing anything too extravagant with my hair. I kept it my natural blonde wavy hair.
Sam smiled "Ok if your sure, one day we will go wild though.." She laughed when I stuck my tongue out at her.When I stumbled out the door something across the road on the corner caught my eye a few people stood near the entrance of a nightclub. I never really took notice before as it's always shut throughout the day, well durrr I muttered to myself of course it's going to be shut normally it's a nightclub the word night should give that away. Before I had any second thoughts I marched across the road across to the people.
"Excuse me.."Cough, cough. "Do you know if there are any job vacancies going here?"
A gorgeous man with light blonde hair smiled "Well we need cover for one of our boys who is going away for a couple of weeks, but you don't strike me as someone who would have there door badge license." He said raising his eyebrow.
I stuttered suddenly feeling stupid that I asked the security for a job "I... I...".
"Craig, put the woman out of her misery" A tall man with dark skin and curly black hair said.
The blonde man now had a twinkle in his eye and grinned "I'm just messing with you, Claire or Phil will be able to help you. They are just next to the DJ stand, come I'll show you."
I smiled back how could I not with a grin like that "Thanks."
"My pleasure.." He looked me up and down licking his lips. "Just over there".
"Thanks again" I said as I started walking towards them."Hi I'm Ebony, I'm just wondering if you have any job vacancies?"
The lovely lady with brown hair smiled "As a matter of fact we do we have a big event coming up next weekend, have you done bar work before?"
My thoughts dragged me back to working for my uncle in his bar in Ibiza. Ohh how I missed the sun and sea. I loved the vibe listening to music giving me an uplifting feeling with no care in the world while people sipped there drinks laughing, dancing and having fun.
"Yes I have, my uncle owns a pub abroad I can get a reference if needed?" I was trying not to sound too eager.
"Great yes jot his number down and we will get back to you." The man said.
I did just that said my goodbyes and started for the door, when I noticed a cluster of bouncers all watching me as I went.
The blonde Craig I think his name was shouted "Sure you don't want to do some security work?"
Laughing I turned and said "No but someone should secure your mouth closed."
The bouncers all laughed including Craig "See you soon."