Chapter 8

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I'd had a great few day's. Sadie was on holiday so the apartment was pretty quiet which meant no moaning .. I chuckled to myself. I missed her! I decided to video call her for a quick chat. She looked amazing she had a golden tan and she beamed with happiness. I have some news she told me... Jason asked me to marry him and I said yes. My god!!!! I told her how happy I was for her because I truly was she deserved the world that woman. Later on I came to the realisation I knew that eventually I was just going to be that annoying third wheel and that wasn't fair. I needed to find my own place. I sighed it's been good but it's time I spread my wings. Luckily the second interview I'd had went better.. maybe wearing trousers that time benefited me. I rolled my eyes I can't believe that happened.. what was I thinking, I clearly wasn't. I thought I may as well search apartments to give me an idea or what's going for how much.

I was giddy it was Friday I was looking forward to seeing my work mates. I decided to put my Octagon crop top on and leggings today. It's been so hot at the moment so why not.
I arrived at work my stomach fluttered as I saw Kian at the door alone. Every time I see him the more attractive he gets. He was on the phone, he put up his hand so I waited thinking he had something important to say. Nope when he came off he slid his phone into his pocket.
"Mini you got any ID yet? It's getting out of line this. I can't keep turning a blind eye."
Giving me that sexy smirk his eyes travelled down to my flat toned stomach on show.
He raised an eyebrow.. "Well?"
I rolled my eyes, I started to walk past him but he blocked me.. so I darted towards the other barrier but he was too quick for me.
I whined.. "I've lost my earring now.." holding my ear whilst pretending to look on the floor.
He fell for it hook line and sinker. As soon as he came out from the barrier I ran through the door. Before I could even say better look next time, his arms came from behind me and wrapped against my chest... pulling me close to his body as if I was in a hold.
I could feel his firm muscles behind me... I melted into him as I giggled.
"Okay okay, I'll bring my ID next time." I played along.
He let go of me to my disappointment. I turned and looked into his dangerous blue eyes .. for a second I thought I could see wonder?
"I'll be checking." He flashed me a I-dare-you-not -to-smile. How could I resist that dreamy smile.

He was focused all night. He was talking to a few members of his team, I kept glancing over at him and he caught me every single time but I'd look away. He didn't do anything to acknowledge it though, not until the guys dispersed and went back to there places. He looked around before glancing towards me with a naughty wink... and walked off giving me the acknowledgment I clearly wanted.
I blushed as my stomach fluttered.

    He was all I seemed to think about recently. I wonder if he thought of me as often as I did him. I highly doubt it that's wishful thinking. Daisy was due back in tomorrow night. I still wasn't sure what was going off with them.
   Craig caught me staring. Dam it! He beamed his bright cheery smile...
    "Eying my best mate are you!"
  "Mmm-me? ... I ...I was just wondering."
   He quirked an eyebrow.. "Wondering?"
Shit.. should I ask?? To hell with it.
   "I was wondering what's the deal with him and Daisy."
   "Ahh, you do like him. He doesn't really date."
       "Oh. I see. Why not?"
He sighed...
   "That's not really for me to say. You'd have to ask him yourself..." he paused before continuing.. "Your a gorgeous woman. Your the first I've seen him really be different with to be honest. You two seem to bounce off each other well. Strictly off the record, but I think you'd both make a good match."
     I blushed by his compliment but felt gutted knowing he sounds like he just likes to sleep around.
    "Thanks Craig. What about you and Emma?" I raised a brow at him.
     He smiled.. "Yeah I'm working on that."

    Just then Kian came over.. Craig squeezed my shoulder before swapping places with him.
   "Hey Smiler." A slow smile spread across his face as he looks over the crowd.
     "Hey Trouble"..  he turned and feigned shock at my choice of word.
    "Yes you know it." I told him.
   Still looking at the crowd he said.. "Your rather quiet tonight Smiler. Everything ok in that pretty little head of yours?"
     He thought I was pretty? I couldn't help but smile at that. He never really complimented me with words.. he's shown me with his eyes but not a compliment as such. So I was chuffed with that but it still left me confused.
    "I'm ok. Just been thinking that's all." I mumbled.
   "About what?" His voice low and concerned.
  "Things that aren't even things.."
        This time he looked at me searching my face for more information. Did he know what I was thinking?

I decided to try change the subject kind of....
   "Soo Daisy's back tomorrow night."
       He tensed up a little. Hmmm, I'm so confused now. Finally he answered.
    "Yeah she is, let's hope she's not being as stroppy."
All I could say to that was..
    "Yeah hopefully. She doesn't seem to like me for some reason anyway, so it doesn't make a difference to me."
     I was walking away when he shouted over his shoulder... "She's just jealous. Don't worry too much about her."
      I carried on walking.. was that his way of telling me there was nothing to worry about concerning him and her? I don't know. It was hard not to be jealous when she's around. She's all over him whenever she gets chance. I've barely touched him. I crave to touch him. I can only imagine what the sex is like with him. I sighed and told myself to stop dreaming...

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