everything is fine-

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Walten: * sips some tea* everything is fine

Tinky: * screeching in the distance*

Dipsy: * chasing Ron everywhere*

Ron: * trying to run away from Dipsy*

Po: * throwing chicken nuggets at Shadow* MAY THE CHICKEN NUGGETS COMPEL YOU!!!

Shadow: * glitching*

White: * laughing at Shadow*

Scythe: * trying to pick up a book* * failing*

Miles: * chasing and yelling at Dutch*

Dutch: * running around with Miles' lucky gun*

Anne: * watching yaoi-*

Yeti: * making a pile of icecream*

Claw: * chasing Arrow around* KITTY! LET ME HUG YOU!

Arrow: * running away from Claw* * screaming*

Laa Laa: * staying silent in the corner* * Laa Laa's mind: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-*

Noo Noo: * watching all the chaos*

Walten: see-

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