Mad Tea Party

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( ah yes, a remake of Welcome to WONDERLAND from my first vine book-)( swearing)( maybe offensive)

every character ever having a tea party

Walten: oh! what is this party over here?

Walten: * walks over to them* hello everybody!

Shadow: oh!

Tinky: WHO ARE YOU!?

Walten: why I'm Walten

Po: This is Walten, I found him while I was in a tree

Yeti: I'm having quite a ball in Wonderland, what about you all?

Claw: yes~

Yeti: who are you?

Claw: I'm flower~ UwU

Yeti: oh!* turns to Dipsy* and who are you?

Dipsy: I'm the Cheshire Cat!

Yeti: oh!* turns to Shadow* are you the Jabberwock?

Shadow: YoU hAvE nO iDeA mOtHeRfUcKa * flicks him off* * gets up from his seat and runs off*

Laa Laa: * holds up tea cup* here is to more children falling through our rabbit holes!

Miles: * spills hot tea on himself* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Noo Noo: * singing*

White: * drunk* YoUrE hOmOsExUaL sToP iT

Shadow: * pounces on her and strangles her*

Ron: * running away from Dipsy* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Dipsy: * chasing* PLEASE STOP!!

Dipsy: * catches him* HAHAHAHA!!!

Po: * throws chicken nuggets in the air*

White: * smoking*

Noo Noo: ah! she's doing her Kegels!

Tinky: oh! her Kegels! stop! * slaps cigarette out of her paw*

Arrow: * sees a yellow tractor in the distance* what is that yellow color tractor doing in Wonderland?

Richard: * on the yellow tractor* * flicks Arrow off*

Arrow: :0

Yeti: * behind Arrow* * on a wheelchair* I NEED A GODDAMN WRITING DESK!

Tinky: fucking acid reflux putting me in a bad mood

Po: oh no

Scythe: * looking at Tinky*

Tinky: the fuck are you looking at Hare?

Scythe: ; - ;

Tinky: you're ears look like Michael J Fox did them (︶︹︺)

Scythe: oh my god...

Laa Laa: * holding tea* when you have this tea! toilet paper doesn't do SHIT! you've got to use the-

Ghost Girl: * poofs out of nowhere* * runs up to her and steals the tea from her* * runs off*

Dutch: * laying down* * has his legs up in the air* UwU


Anne: I gOt TiTs!

Conor: * wheezing*

Walten: * feeding Tinky*

Tinky: * eating like a pig*

Walten: ; w ; oh shit

Claw: * walking*

Dipsy: take your chair with YA! * throws chair at Claw*

Claw: * screams and runs away*

Shadow: * asleep on the wheelchair*

White: * sneaks up on him* * filps the chair upside down*

Shadow: * still asleep*

White: ; - ;

Laa Laa: * on another wheelchair*

Po: * on top of her*


Dipsy: * in a field of long grass* Sexual~ UwU

Ron: :0

Po: * twitching*

Ron: Po, what are you- * notices Y/N* oh HELLO! hello!

Y/N: * backs away*

Shadow: who the fuck let them down the rabbit hole?-

Ron: >:0

Lenny: * in the distance* I'M GONNA SHIT ON YOUR DREAMS!! * talking to Gary* * flicks him off*

Gary: ಥ_ಥ

Po: * on the floor*

Tinky: * runs up to Po* are you okay Po?

Po: * poofs into Spider Po*

Spider Po: * gets up and looks at Tinky fiercely*

Tinky: OH SHIT-

Dipsy: I think Po's possesed-

everyone: * dead silent*

Noo Noo: run!!!


everyone: * runs away*

Ron: * hiding underneath the table*

Spider Po: * runs over to the table* * filps the table upside down*


Spider Po: * runs over to Miles and screeches at him*

Miles: * flicks her off* fucking spooks person!

Spider Po: * pissed off*

Miles: * runs away*

Tinky: * notices broken tea cup* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (╥﹏╥)

Spider Po: * tackles him*

Tinky: ACK-

Walten: * hits Po with the wheelchair*

Dipsy: save us Walten!

Spider Po: * turns around attacks Walten*

Walten: oop-


Spider Po: * chasing him*

Tinky: goddam acid refluxes-

Spider Po: * passes out* * poofs back into Po*

Po: * asleep*

Laa Laa: and that was the true story of Alice in Wonderland-

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