Slendytubbies' got talent ( ft. the boys)

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Shadow: we have judges Tinky Winky and Yeti

Yeti: WOOH!

Shadow: how you guys doing today?

Yeti: doing good man! * intense coughing and wheezing* ... sorry... 

Shadow: we're going to get the very first contestant, okay let's get started shall we

Shadow: how's it going DJ- uh... Claw- your application says you can play the piano and make jokes, is that like a at the same time kind of thing? cuz you only have 20 seconds

Claw: Piano and jokes

Shadow: Alright, play piano and tell a joke

Claw: * starts playing Megalovia on the piano* * stops* Subscribe to Tinky

Shadow: * wheeze*

Shadow: is that a joke??

Yeti: it must be a joke, that's hilarious

Tinky: it's a yes from me

Shadow: come on, you don't have any other jokes?

Claw: alright, knock knock

Tinky: who's there?

Shadow and Yeti: who's there?

Claw: good Youtuber

Yeti and Tinky: good Youtuber who?

Claw: not Yeti

Yeti: wOOOW! ok Claw! fuck off the stage, Claw!

Tinky: ; 0 ;

Yeti: what kind of a name is DJ Claw??

Shadow: DJ Claw-

Yeti: who goes to a club and is like, " oH MY GOD, it's DJ Claw!!"?

Shadow: * wheeze*

Yeti: you're never gonna hear a crowd of people going; CLAW! CLAW! CLAW! CLAW! CLAW-

Tinky: * laughing*

Yeti: no one's ever done that

Shadow: I'm going to be nice, I'm gonna give you a yes but you have to change that name 

Tinky: no- no more Claw, alright

Dipsy: what's going on, DJ Claw?

Claw: I- um... yeah

Dipsy: what do you mean yeah?

Claw: ... y-yeah

Shadow: Dutch, your application says; I can do the duck voice, " I can beatbox like Donald Duck"

Dutch: uwu

Shadow: I'm actually kind of curious of how the uh... how the Donald duck beatboxing goes, I want you to beatbox the Tetris theme

Tinky: you're being a little bit picky right now 

Yeti: can you imagine going on X factor with a talent and the judge is like " oKAY, sING tHE tETRIS tHEME!", like every time like why- just let-

Shadow: his application is right there!

Yeti: do your thing!

Shadow: his appli-

Yeti: dO your tHING! * bangs his fists against the table*

Shadow: * pulls out a gun* do your fucking thing! you're taking too long!

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