Tinky is a terrible roommate

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Tinky: they had a big meeting, they sat around and told me all the rules and stuff. and then they said

Walten: look Tinky, we got these little boxes that we got from Ikea, that we keep our toiletries in, and we cleared one out for you

Tinky: and I was like Hooray! but I don't have any toiletries, so what I ended up doing was just basically I just filled mine with basically as many as I could * shows a picture of a box full of rubber ducks* I thought that was very funny, and then every problem is, every time I went in there I would start to rearrange them. I mean I was having a great time, and then this is a genuine habit and then you know one day I got like narrative you know I got more like a chase scene was kind of everything, and then after like four to five months they start to develop their own religion * shows a picture of rubber ducks circling around a bottle of toothpaste*

Tinky: honestly it was beautiful! and they like had a wedding * shows a picture of two rubber ducks having a wedding* it was such a beautiful day, I mean like the weather and everyone looked good, it was really beautiful. and then at Halloween * shows a picture of two rubber ducks with tissues over them to make them look like ghosts* 

Tinky: from like probably six to eight months down the line, they genuinely started to get very sophisticated about their own kind of culture, like entertainment, they started to make their own kind of movie, there are a few blockbusters * shows a picture of one duck holding onto another duck on a little raft* this is beautiful, it was like a result do you know the- mean it was really lovely, it was a lovely moment, awesome

Tinky: oh and there's more * zooms out of the picture to show dead ducks around the two* 

Dipsy: * starts playing the kazoo in a romantic way to show how beautiful the moment was*

Tinky: * stops him* the-the problem was... * looks sad* that you know I-I... * shows a picture of more ducks* I got more * evilly smirks* I start to make it seem like as if they were generating from the drain * shows a picture of ducks marching out of the drain* 

Tinky: and the problem is, but if you go online, you can actually you can get these wholesale * shows a picture of an army of ducks ( Tinky's army)* from China! this genuinely happened... and a lot of time I just wanted this, I staged Nuremberg in the bath and it got me insignificant trouble, this was not good * shows a picture of ducks bowing down to a king duck* 

Tinky: that was when I got the message 

* text* Walten: Tinky, we need to talk about the ducks

Tinky: that's a message no one wants to get! and I was like

* text* Tinky: the ducks?

Tinky: I was just denying the ducks, and he said

* text* Walten: the bathroom ducks!

Tinky: I was like" the bathroom ducks?"  " yes, the ducks in the bathroom!". I was " oh, those ducks... what about them?", he said

* text* Walten: please stop... I was in a rush this morning but I couldn't shower until I'd moved a hundred tiny ducks

* text* Tinky: ah, sorry about that. from now on, no more tiny ducks... you have my word

Tinky: * smirks* I'll be honest... some of you have spotted that loophole far quicker then he did

Tinky: he did not see this coming, this hit like a ton of bricks. * shows a video of someone walking in the bathroom, and pointing the camera towards the bathtub* huh? * dramatic music* * the person flips the camera towards the toilet that has a huge duck sitting on it, then flips it to the sink with a huge duck in it, then in the washer*

Tinky: * smirking*

* text* Walten: do you think what you're doing is funny?

* text* Tinky: a bit

* text* Walten: I'm away this weekend. by the time I get back, I want ALL DUCKS GONE

Tinky: to be fair to him, it was getting quite hard to move around the flat, there were a significant number of ducks. then I said

* text* Tinky: :( look, can I have one duck in the bathroom?

* text* Walten: ONE.

Tinky: * evily smirking*

* text* Tinky:     :)     

Tinky: * shows a video of someone filming in the bathroom, just sitting. then the person flips the camera towards a H U G E rubber duck next to them, taking over the whole space in that small bathroom*

* text* Walten: you're insane 

* text* Tinky: Quakers!

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