Yeti, that kills people

206 4 17

Arrow: Yeti, there is a dead tubby in our house * points to dead body on the floor*

Yeti: oooh... heeey... how did he get here?

Arrow: Yeeetttiii! what did you do?

Yeti: me? agh- ugh- I didn't do this!

Arrow: explain what happened Yeti!

Yeti: I've never seen him before in my life!

Arrow: why did you kill this person Yeti!?

Yeti: I do not kill people that is- that is my least favorite thing to do!

Arrow: tell me Yeti exactly what were you doing before I got home

Yeti: alright, well I was upstairs

Arrow: oki

Yeti: I was a- I was sitting in my room

Arrow: yes

Yeti: reading a book

Arrow: go on-

Yeti: and uh- well this guy walked in

Arrow: okay

Yeti: so I went up to him

Arrow: yes-

Yeti: and I uh- stabbed him 37 times in the chest

Arrow: ; - ; ........

Yeti: ; 3 ;

Arrow: Yeeettiii!!! that kills people!!

Yeti: oh, oh, wow- I- I didn'y know that-

Arrow: how could you not know that?!

Yeti: yeah, I'm in the wrong- here- I suck- 

Arrow: what happened to his hands? * points to the tubby's hands*

dead tubby: * has no hands*

Yeti: what's that?

Arrow: his hands? why are they missing?

Yeti: well I kind of cooked them up and ate them-

Arrow: ; 0 ;

Yeti: ; U ;

Arrow: YYYYeeeetttiiii!!!!

Yeti: well I was hungry, you know when- when you crave hands! thats-

Arrow: why on earth would you do that?!

Yeti: I was hungry for hands! give me a break!

Arrow: YYYYeeeeettttiiiii!!!!

Yeti: my stomach was making the rumblies! that only hands would satisfy 

Arrow: what is wrong with you Yeti?

Yeti: well I kill people and eat hands! that's two things!

Arrow: * facepalms*

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