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I got up from my broken mattress in my small closet room. I got up with pain shooting up my leg and ribs. I groaned with every step I took to the bathroom. I lifted to see bloody bruises littering my stomach and face. I jumped into the shower turning on the cold water which we can only afford.

We live in a small 2 floored house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. My mom normally wastes her money wait I mean my money on alcohol and drugs while I'm out working for the money to keep our house but that doesn't bother me because at least I'm under a roof.

Soon after my shower finished I hopped out and put on black ripped jeans and a gray t-shirt with my panda necklace that I always wear and scruffy high converse. I also have a nose piercing, 5 ear piercings and 3 tattoos. One on my ankle, ribs and behind my ear.

Slowly creeping out into the corridor to the front door while taking slow quiet steps my mom doesn't wake up. I let out a sigh of relief once I'm out of the door and put in my ear pods and listen to 'dont be sad' by Tate Mcrae on my way to school.

I had quite the reputation at my school since I always cause trouble like setting stuff on fire and fighting people that annoy me which mostly gets me suspended. I always thought there's no point of going to school since I can't go college so I just get into fights.

My walk to school was refreshing after the week of suspension which made me stay at my house of hell. As I walk into school, I feel someone push me from behind catching me off guard. I turn around and see the one and only "Queen B" of the school.

"What do you want Vannessa? I dont have time for your fucking none sense this early in the morning." I say rubbing my temples to forget about the pain in my ribs.

"Nothing I just wanted to ask how was your weekend being a slut?" she laughed out causing people to look at us.

I looked at her clothes up and down. She was wearing a pink mini skirt that was no where near her knees and a white spaghetti strapped top pushed down so you could see her pushup bra. I laughed.

"Sweetie you definitely got it wrong. I think you need to look in the mirror." I said laughing because she looked like she would fucking explode and turns out she did cause the bitch pushed into a locker.

I quickly got off the locker and punched her straight on the nose. "I told you I didnt have time for your fucking non-sense today Vannessa." I said spitting venom on her name.

She screamed and lunged onto me pulling my hair and I grabbed her hand that was holding my hair twisting and pushed her onto the floor before punching her one more time on the nose with so much force. "Next time don't fucking mess with me." I looked at her one more time before walking away.

I walked into my class and sat at the back. I put my head on the table and fell asleep.

I woke to someone screaming my name. I look up and see my teacher looking at me. "Cariana you are wanted at the principals office." She snarled looking at me with hatred.

I looked around to see the class staring at me. "Ok bitch no need to stare like that" I said as I got up and walked to the front. I took a bow and put my middle fingers up. "See you guys next week bye bitches." I shouted.

I ran into the corridor ignoring my teachers screams. As I entered the office I walked into principals office. I opened the door.

"What's up Mike. If I'm here for fighting Vannessa then she fucking deserved it and yeah I know I'm suspended again so I'll see you in a week. Ok cool bye" I said looking at my principal. Just as I was about to walk out he stopped me.

"Its Mr Johnson to you and you aren't here because of that. Please sit down." he said with sadness. I looked at him confused and looked around the room and notice a man in the corner.

"I'm sorry to tell you that your mother has died. I got a call this morning from the police" he said looking down.

"Wait are you serious?" I said quickly sitting down.

He looked up confused and answered yes.

"Ok" I said quietly looking down. He might think I'm sad but in the inside I'm having a fucking party. She is finally gone. Thank you God for listening to my prayers.

"You are going to be sent to your brothers in Florida." He said.

"Ok when am I- wait brothers? I dont have brothers I'm an only child. I think you got the wrong person Mike." I said looking at him confused.

"You do have brothers Carina." the man in the corner said.

"And you are?"

"I'm Noah. One of your brothers." He said.

"I'm so confused. I was never told that I had brothers." I said rubbing my temples for the second time today.

"Well you do and we need to get going before we miss our plane." He says walking towards the door.

"Okay. Bye Mike I know you'll miss me but dont worry my soul will haunt your school." I said laughing causing Mike to chuckle.

Wow that was unexpected. Who knew I had brothers somewhere in the world because I definitely didnt. We walk outside the building and I see a glossy black Tesla Model X P100D.

"This is your car." I said shocked. Noah smiles and nods his head. We hop in and he drives to my house after me telling him my address.

We enter my neighboorhood and his face scrunches in confusion. "You live here? It looks dangerous." I nod as he stops in front of my broken house.

"Stay here." I say as I walk into my hell.

Thanks for reading. 💕

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