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"She looks different."

"Well of course she looks different. It's been years you idiot."

"Why you calling me an idiot? You are the only idiot here you dumb fuck."

"What? HOW THE FUCK AM I THE DUMB FUCK?" I hear someone being slapped.


"You deserve it stupid."

I've been fake sleeping for 5 minutes listening to their conversation waiting for them to leave but I dont think they will at this rate.

"How am I stupid huh?"

"Cause you are."

"Then you are stupid."

"No I'm not."

"You are both stupid so shut up." I said getting up rubbing my eyes. They looked at me shocked.

"I thought she was gonna be nice." A boy with brown hair and hazel eyes said. The other boy nodded.

"What's your names?" I asked. You could see the hurt and sadness in the eyes for a second.

"I'm Alex and this is Lucas." He said smirking.

"It's Luke not Lucas Alexander." Lucas said smirking.

"Call me that again and I'll fuck you up." Alex threatened glaring at Luke.

"You couldn't even if you tried." He said looking at Alex up and down.

"Wanna bet on that." Alex said and Luke nods. Just as they about to fight I stopped them.

"Can you stop? Why are you even in here?" I asked annoyed that they woke me up with their bickering.

"Oh we were supposed to wake you for dinner." Alex said.

"Oh shit which was 5 minutes ago. Liam is going to be pissed." Luke said checking his phone.

They ran out the door pushing each other and starting bickering again. I got up and started walking towards the door but not before seeing Alex's gun in trousers. Not to cause any attention I walk away. As I'm walking down the corridor, I walk passed the stair case to the 3rd floor. I dont go up because there are guards standing there blocking the stairway. I look out the window and see more guards surrounding the place outside. I swear to god if they are in a mafia, I'm going to start laughing. I walk into the dining room I see Noah and two other people. One in a suit with a bulge in his pocket which I'm guessing is a gun and the other wearing casual clothing.

"Where's Alex and Luke? I'm hungry." Noah asks as I sit down.

"They are arguing again. Shall I get them?" Noah nods. I walk to the door and but then stopped. One thing I know is that they love is food because I forgot to tell you that Luke was wearing a shirt that had a pizza on it and Alex had a t shirt with a ice creams on it so they must love food. I mean who doesn't.

"Why did you stop?" A man in a suit asked.

"Wait I have an idea watch this," I say I took a deep breath. "LUKE AND ALEX IF YOU DONT STOP ARGUING AND COME DOWNSTAIRS IM EATING YOUR DINNERS." Once I finished screaming, I sat back down and you could hear running footsteps from the stairs.

"OK WE STOPPED. WHERES MY FOOD?!" Alex screamed, two seconds later Luke came running in pushing Alex.

"DO NOT TOUCH MY FOOD." Luke shouted.

"What's your problem dude? Why are you always fucking pushing me?" Alex shouted in Luke's ear.

"Why are you screaming in my ear?" Luke pushing Alex away. I smirked.

"Oh I'm so eating your dinners now" I laughed out ready to grab their plates.

"NO DONT!" They screamed and looked at each other in a weird way.

"Ok if you stop arguing for the rest of the day I wont eat your foods. Deal?" I said smirking knowing it would be hard for them.

"Deal" they said then sat down eating their dinners at full speed. I looked around the table and see Noah and two other people shocked at what had just occurred.

"What?" I asked.

"How did you- you know what doesn't matter. So I'm Liam and thats Elijah." He said pointing to a brown haired, blue eyed boy. I nodded in recognition. "I'm guessing you already know the rest of them so let's cut to the chase and let me tell you the rules-" I cut him off.

"Yeah I know the rules thanks to my lovely friend wattpad. No smoking/drugs. No boys or dating. No talking back. No swearing. No sassy remarks. No fighting unless provoked. Always have good grades. Always answer with verbal responses. Before you answer let me be clear, I'm not following them." I said eating my roast chicken and when I saw Luke's fork drop I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked looking at everyone. They shook their heads.

"Yes those are the rules but there are two more which are no going to the third floor and always sit with your brothers at lunch when you are at school." He said sternly. I chuckled. "Is there a reason why you are laughing Cariana?"

"Yes there is." I said stuff my mouth with food.

"Which is?"

"Let me guess when I ask what job do you have the lie you are going to tell me is that your business is hotels and bars and that your offices are up on the 3rd floor. Am I right?" He looked at me with confusion and a hint of pride but covered it away. Damn I'm so lucky I read wattpad before coming here. "Ok let me break this up. I've been her for about 4 hours and in those four hours I saw guards surrounding your house but I ignored it and then I see Luke pushing Alex which made me see his gun which I'm guessing all of you have on you as well. You don't let me go to the 3rd floor and you have some big ass house. So the question is are you in a mafia?"

To say they all are shocked would definitely be an understatement.

"How did you find that out so quickly?" Liam asks.

"What can I say, I'm a very observant person." I say looking down to my plate. "Damn I finished my chicken."

"Ok then next subject. Why aren't you going to follow the rules?" He asked.

"Because the last time I followed any kind of rule something bad happened but I rather not talk about." I said as goosebumps grew on my skin as I remembered that memory. I looked down at plate.

"Anyways I expect your behaviour to be acceptable at all costs including school. Also I-" He was cut off by someone opening the door. I didnt look up because I thought it would be someone I wouldn't know.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Alex asks the person.

"Nothing just dropping of some documents." A familiar voice asks. I look up and my eyes widen so does his eyes.

"Oh my god Ryker?" I say shocked.

"Ana?" He says.

Thank you for reading. 💕

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