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Elijah's POV:

We walk into Caleb's room. The bed was unmade. It looked like someone was in here.

"Someone's been in here." Alex said touching the books open on the desks.

"Well no shit sherlock." I said back. I swear people can be so stupid some times.

"Soo what do we find?" Noah says. I shrug my shoulders. We start looking all around the room for 1 hour.

"Oh my lord. Is it always this hot in here? Someone turn on the ceiling fan." Liam whines. I look at him. Why was he whining? I should be. I'm sweating buckets out here. I walk over to the switch. I turn it on. The fan starts spinning and thousands of papers start dropping.

"What the hell?" Noah says. I pick up one of them. It was picture of Dad and Uncle Logan. There was a massive red circle round Logan's face.

"Why are there so many photos of them on the fan?" Luke says. I look at them and back down at the picture. I keep doing it until finally I get what he is trying to say.

"Oh my god.." I say trailing off. Why wouldnt we get it? We sent Logan to the Russian Mafia to get some details about what they were doing but he ended leaving the Italian Mafia to join the Russian. Everyone in our family hated him. Of course, except our Dad. One day, they both went to hang out in their secret hangout place somewhere in the house. We found out where it was after but we never saw Dad again after they went out.

"What?" Alex asked.

"How did we not get it?" I say frustrated throwing the photo on the desk.

"Get what Eli?" Noah says impatiently.

"Logan has them. He was working with Nikolai this whole time. He probably even recommended Ana to him. That's why Caleb said they were closer that we think. How could we be this stupid? They are literally under our noses." I shout pulling my hair. My brothers eyes widen as they look down at the photo.

"They are in Dad's secret place. That's how Caleb was able to get in here. Shit that room is soundproof. They could be screaming right now. If we dont get there now, they could be gone." I shout running out the room. I run down the stairs and into the library. I look for a specific bookcase.

I finally found it and I pushed it open. The familiar secret corridor came into view. I ran not even stopping. I heard my brothers behind him. I get to the door and burst it open. I look around and see blood and weapons across the room.

"Ana?! Caleb?!" I scream running around the place. I couldn't hear anything. I ran into another room and I saw the chairs they were sitting on then I saw a note.

Sorry to break it to you but you were late. You were a bit too slow. Right now I'm probably out of the area and far away from here. Caleb and Cariana are with me along with someone else you know very well. I'm guessing you know who I am now. You guys should've figured it quicker than that. Anyways this letter shouldn't be this long so I've got to go.

p.s. and before I forget, I killed Nikolai and his family. Now I'm the new Mafia leader.

Your handsome uncle Logan.

"Shit!" I scream. We were so close. My brothers run in the room. I hand Luke the note.

"Who is the extra person?" Luke says angrily. It said we know the person very well. Who could it be? We stand there for a while thinking about it.

"Oh SHIT!" Liam screams. We look at him. "IT'S DAD." My eyes widen. He had Dad?!

"We have to find them ASAP!" Alex shouts before running out. We ran after him.

Don't worry. We'll find you.

Caleb's POV:

I wake up in a back of a van. I look and see Dad and Cariana unconscious. I hit Dad with my leg. He wakes up slowly. He looks at me.

"Caleb?" He says squinting his eyes.

"Yeah it's me. Do me a favour and wake up Ana for me." I said nodding my head towards my unconscious sister. He looks next to him and his eyes widen. He hits his shoulder onto hers. She instantly wakes up and looks around. She sees Dad and looks scared and goes stiff. I instantly get why.

"Ana don't worry. This is Dad. Logan's probably driving." I say to her. She immediately relaxes.

"You turned into a beautiful girl Ana." Dad says smiling at her.

"Thanks Dad." She smiles and puts her head on his shoulder.

"We need to get out of here. Can you guys open each others ropes?" I ask.

"Well we can try." Ana said shuffling towards Dad. They try for about 5 minutes until it finally opens. Dad crouched over to open mine. Once he does, we look for a door.

"I found the door guys." Ana says.

"Okay when the car stops for some gas. We are going to run. Got it?" They both nod. We start waiting for the car to stop.

After counting for 26 minutes, the car stops. I count to three before opening the door. We all run out. They stopped at a gas station. We start running away onto the main road. We heard screaming from behind us telling us to come back.

"HELP SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed pushing through people. Ana starts screaming as well after we hear gunshots. We see a taxi stopping.

"You guys run for the taxi." I shout. They nod. I run faster to open the door. They get it in and I do after them.

"DRIVE!" My dad yells at the taxi driver. The drivers and drives out fast. I take a sigh of relief. At least we got away.

"Hey do you have a phone we could use?" I ask the driver after 30 minutes and he nods. He hands me his phone and I pass it to Ana.

"Call them." She nods and dials the number.

Liam's POV:

We were looking for the car that Logan might have been in when I get an unknown call. My brothers tell me to answer it and put it on speaker.


"Liam? Is that you?" Ana says.

"Ana?! Where are you?"

"We escaped and we are like minutes away from home."

"Thank god." Noah says sighing in relief.

"Is that Noah?"

"Dad?!" I say.

"Yep the one and only."

"I can see the mansion. Let us in." Ana says.

"Ok." I say excited as I end the call. We all rush out to the front as the pulls into the massive driveway. They come out the car and run towards us. Ana hugs me first and then everyone joins in.

Finally. Was all I could think.

Thank you for reading 💕.

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