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Oh fuck no.

Cariana's POV:

I turn around and see Vannessa 2.0 smirking at me. I get up and grab my water at throw it at her. I see my brothers getting up. I shake my head telling them to sit down.

"You bitch." She screamed and pushed me. I chuckle angrily and punch her face.

"That's what you get. " I said pulling the middle finger. Out of nowhere, someone slaps me. I turn around and see her minions standing.

Please don't blow up. Hold it in. It's for the best Cariana.

Vannessa 2.0 pushes back down in my seat. That fucking tears it. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. Bitches the devil is coming.

I get up and round house kicked her. She fell and I grabbed her hair pulling it to back to the ground. I feel people kicking from the back. I turn around and see her ugly ass minions. They try to kick me but I flip back and run towards them punching and kicking them in the process.

I see a boy get up and come towards me. He tries punch me but I dodge it. I see my brothers getting up. I dont want to get up. I'll hurt them. I can't control my anger.

"No stay back." I scream. The boy tried to kick me but I grab his leg and twist it. He falls so I turn him around and punch him continuously. I feel someone pull my hair. I grab the hands and twist it. I hear a scream so I turn around and see a random girl pulling my hair. Why the fuck are random people joining in?

I push her onto the ground and punch her till she's knocked out. I get up and look around. There's about 5 people on the floor. Vanessa 2.0 gets up and runs towards me but I just punch her out. I look down at my clothes and see blood.


I was sleeping when I felt hot water getting poured onto my body. I scream and look to see my mom looking at me with her evil eyes.

I gulp.

She drags me from the hair down stairs and into the kitchen and ties me to a chair. I look up and see a table full of knives, belts, different of baseball bats full of spikes and guns.

"You deserve to get tortured and I would gladly do you for them slut." She said stabbing in the thigh. I scream in pain as all the different tools are used on my body.

The last thing I see before I black out is...


I look up and see everyone staring at me scared or shocked. I grab my bag and run out of the school. I hear people calling my name but I keep running until I stop at an alleyway. I take a deep breath and start crying as the memories all come rushing back. I walk out of the alley after 10 minutes and started heading home. After a while, I feel like I was getting followed. I stop walking and get out phone. I pretend I'm checking my makeup.

In my reflection, I see a hooded boy in black following me so I take off my shoes and start running. I run really fast without shoes. I don't know why. I just do. I hear the boy behind running after me which causing me to run quicker. I'm running for 10 minutes before I slow down. I turn around and see a gun pointed at me. I duck down as the bullet goes pass my head. I grab a rock and throw at his face. He groans. He sounds familiar but I let it slide and start running again. I run for another until I see the mansion round the corner.

That pushes me to run faster. I jump over the gate and see the boy turn around and jump into a car and drive off. I take a deep breath and run to the front door pushing it open. I run into the kitchen and see all my brothers in there. They looked scared and frustrated as they had laptops out.

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