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S u r p r i s e !

Liam's Pov:

We ran after Ana. She was bleeding. No. Screw that. It looked like all the blood was leaving her body. We burst in the bathroom and saw Ana pass out on the ground. I grabbed her. She looked pale and weak.

Fragile. Her eye lids were red. Blood red. She looked dead. I picked her up and ran to the car my brothers behind me. We drove to our private hospital in seconds. Going over speed limits by hundreds. Ana on my lap looking lifeless.

When we finally arrived I ran out the car with Ana in my hands. My brothers behind screaming for help. The doctors eventually came and took her. We couldn't go after her. So we waited.

We waited for what felt like hours until the doctor came out. He had a pitiful look. A look I despised. He gave us sympathy.

"Capo dovrei dirtelo in privato o davanti ai tuoi fratelli?" He asked.

(Boss should I tell you this privately or in front of your brothers?)

"Di fronte a loro."I replied.

(In front of them.)

"Beh, ha due costole rotte, una clavicola fratturata e ha una distorsione al ginocchio. Ha anche mostrato segni di abuso. Ha più ferite da taglio. Alcuni infetti. Ustioni di secondo grado, alcune non sono mai sbiadite. Ha perso molto sangue ed è molto malnutrita. È anche sottopeso per una ragazza di 15 anni." He said with sympathy.

(Well she has a two broken ribs, a fractured collarbone and has a sprained knee. She also shown signs of abuse. She has multiple of stab wounds. Some infected. Second degree burns, Some never faded. She has lost a lot of blood and very malnourished. She is also underweight for a 15 year old girl.)

She was abused? I didn't even know. She did show small signs like flinching and get alarmed at loud noises but I never took it in consideration. I failed her. As a legal guardian and brother. I looked at my brothers. Regret and pain flowed in their eyes.

"A-abuse? She w-was a-abused?" Luke said on the verge of tears.

"Some people are good at hiding pain more than others." The doctor said looking down at his feet in pity.

My brothers began sobbing while I kept my emotionless facade up.

"Can we go see her?" Alex asked sniffing. The doctor nodded.

We all got up and walked to her room. My brothers entered before me. I walked in and saw her connected to wires. I sat on a leather chair. My brothers scattered around the room. I took a deep breath. Tears threatened to spill.

How could I protect my family if I couldn't realise the smallest signs? How can I lead a mafia? I didn't even get to say I love her. I failed myself.

I'm sorry father was all I could think.

Luke's Pov:

Its been two days. Since I heard her voice. Saw her smile. Listen to her voice. Or even saw her beautiful eyes. I sat down next to her bed and grabbed her hand squeezing it and kissing her knuckles. Who was it? That was all that was running in my head for the past two days.

I tried to think back to when she could've slipped it out. I thought to the dinner. Our business partners Daniel and Mason. She said he ruined her life. Ruined her. Was he the one that abused her or her mother? I'm starting to think both.

When the two was speaking, she had called him a rapist. I don't think I was meant to hear but I heard. I never told anyone because I didnt think she was ready to tell anyone. I'm not one of those brothers that tell on everything someone says. I wouldn't like it if someone had done that to me. Hopefully when she wakes up. I could ask her. Of course not push it onto her but when she is ready because I love her with all my heart.

My eye lids got heavy and I was slowly falling asleep. Soon I fell into a deep slumber.

Alex's Pov:

She was the one that brought us back together. The one that made us eat together. Talk to each other without even trying and now she is slowly fading away. What did I do to deserve this? We finally fulfilled our father's dream. To bring the family back together. But that dream is slowly evaporating into the air as my sorellina (little sister.) lies in a hospital bed looking lifeless. I dont want her to die. We just got her back.

Please wake up Ana. I love you.

Elijah's Pov:

She was the one that pulled me out of the darkness. My grief and sorrow. My depression. My walls slowly broke down for her. I nearly let my neonata (baby girl) in. I could've let her in quicker but I was too stubborn to.

She looks lifeless on the hospital bed. I wish she could've let us in. It would have been quicker to find out. She didnt trust us even though we didn't give us a reason. But this time we will and she will trust us with all her heart.

I love you sorellina please wake up.

Noah's Pov:

I couldn't believe I didn't see the signs. She would flinch easily. She would zone out in her thoughts. She would be on high alert everywhere. I let her down. I let myself down. I promised my father I would take of her like a parent would. I let him down. I hope she wakes up so I can tell her I love her because my thoughts are slowly killing me.

Cariana's Pov:

I'm stuck in the darkness. Stuck with the demons of my thoughts. They are corrupting me. I'm drowning in them. Is this how it feels to be dead? To feel stuck in your thoughts?

I want to be alive with my brothers. Hugging them giving them. Giving them my love. What I could've done when I was alive. I regret not letting them in. I regret not telling them about the abuse, rape and depression. I regret everything.

I can hear them. My brothers. I can hear their dangerous thoughts of me dying. But I will hold on with everything I have. To be able to cherish them like a real family would and say I love them. I will hold on to hope.

Thank you for reading 💕.

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