43K 1K 244

Hi everyone. I just wanted to thank
you guys for 1k. It's literally
unbelievable. I always want to say
there is a new character
in the list. His name is Chase
Carter. Just a heads up so
you dont get confused. Again thank you so much for 1k.
Anyways enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy.


Cariana's POV:

I don't know how long it's been. Maybe weeks or months but I slowly feel myself. I can feel my toes and I can hear my brothers voices. My eyelids are heavy but today I'm going to wake up and that's a promise.

Luke's POV:

I walk into Ana's room and sit down in the leather seat. After a while, my brother walk in after me. It's been 2 weeks since she last woke up. Its because she lost a lot a blood from her injuries. I don't know when she is going to wake up but hope fully very soon. She just came back I dont want to lose her again.

I grab her hand and kissed it. I put head on my seat while holding her lifeless hand and closed my eyes. I was sitting like that for about 3 minutes when I felt a squeeze. I thought I was hallucinating but I wasn't because she squeezed it again.

"Oh my god!" I shouted catching my brothers attention.

"Why are you screaming?" Liam said annoyed as they others glared at me. I ignored him.

"Squeeze my hand again if you awake." I said to her loud enough for my brothers to hear. Once they heard, they got up from the positions and looked her. She squeezed my hand and her eyes fluttered open.

"Why the hell are the lights so fucking bright? Can someone put the fucking beeping sound off. It's so annoying." She groaned.

"Yep she's back." Alex said grinning and after we all hugged her tightly. We don't even know how long we were like that for since we didnt even know the doctor came in for her checkups. He cleared his throats. We all moved the way and he saw Ana awake. His eyes shone with happiness and Ana's eyes went wide.

"Cariana I see you are awake." She nodded cautiously. I tilted my head to the side in confusion and stared at her. Why was she so cautious?

Cariana's POV:

The doctor came in after our cherishing hug. My eyes went wide. It was him. That's the doctor. When I was in my comatose state, he kept whispering stuff to me. He said stuff like 'Nikolai would be happy to see her.' Or 'She will soon be a queen of the mafia.'

I know for a fact that Nikolai is a Russian name. I'm not really sure. I'm mostly just guessing he is part of the Russian Mafia.

"I see you are awake." The 'doctor' said. I nodded cautiously. I feel someone staring at me from the side but ignore it. I need to figure out what he is doing.

"I was about to be here for your normal check up but seeing you're awake. I'm going to have to check your vitamins." I nodded and rolled my eyes discreetly.
While he was checking, I thought why don't I try and be Liam and threatened him. I smirked internally.

He finally checked me and before he left I grabbed his hand and told him to come lower so I whisper in his ear.

"If you plan to attack me or my family, I won't hesitate to shoot you right in the head. So you will go to this "Nikolai" to back the fuck off before I kill him and his family in the most dangerous way possible." I aggressively let go and see him sweating. I smirk. He walked to the door.

"Do you understand?" I say emotionless. He nods frantically scared for his life and walks away in a hurry. I chuckle and turn around see my brothers looking at me confused.

"Liam give me your laptop please." I say. He gives me the laptop and I quickly go into my hacking site. My brothers gather round. I chuckled darkly once again.

"He messed with the wrong bitch." I say with an evil. Some my brothers look afraid of me. Some smiling.

I have the highest degree in hacking so that means I can hack into anywhere. Including Mafias. I quickly hack into the Russian CCTV cameras and watch the leader Nikolai.

"What the hell are you doing?" Liam asked.

"I'm hacking into the Russian Mafia accounts. I'm doing this because while I was half dead and half alive. Depends how you guys see it. That doctor kept saying stuff like 'Nikolai would be happy for her to become his queen.' in my ear. So now I'm hacking into his cameras." I explained smiling. To say they shocked would be an understatement.

"How did you do that? Our top hacker can't even do tha-" he started but got cut off by Nikolai saying something. We turned our heads to the screen.

"Yes she is in the hospital. I need you to get her for me. I've been watching her for a while and she is the perfect fit to be my queen. Yes kill her brothers in the process as well. We attack in 2 days." He says and ends the call. I look at my brothers and they look livid.

My brothers start screaming curse words. I start laughing. Why are they screaming when we are steps ahead of him. Like literally 2 WHOLE FUCKING DAYS ahead of him.

"Why are you fucking laughing?" Elijah shouted.

"Because you guys were here when you literally heard his plan right," They nod. "Meaning that you are literally steps ahead of him. You guys are in a Mafia and you need a 15 year to give you common sense. Damn you guys really are dumb." I say looking at them with amusement.

Liam looked at me smiling. I smiled back. HOLD THE FUCK UP! SMILING?

"Oh my god he is smiling. Liam Bianchi is fucking smiling." Luke said clapping his hand enthusiastically. The moment Liam heard that though he glared at him. They sat down and we all started chatting as if I was never in a coma.

It's been a day since I woke up and I'm getting discharged. Liam had thought of everything and set up the plan while the doctor is in the basement getting tortured. The thing is that I dont know what the plan is. Hopefully it's one where they kill Nikolai. When we got home, I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom jumping into my comfy bed. I snuggle in and sigh. That damn hospital bed was so uncomfortable. I hear someone chuckle at the door. I look up and see an unfamiliar boy. I shot and grabbed the lamp aiming at him.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

I have a question. Do you guys want me to like explain each of the Bianchi's personalities? Because I'm not sure if I should or not.

Thank you for reading 💕.

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