Chapter 1: survival

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An: before I say anything, I just wanna say that the ending is not what it seems

What do I mean?

Well time to read and find out

Trying to be mysterious like :)

Pic about is what Hajime looks like


3rd person

The two friends watch as the fires grow higher and higher with each second, they both held hands together as the moon rises and brings the darkness with it

The girl, (Y/n) screams out in pain, not physical pain but mentally, the boy besides her looks at her with so much sadness all he could do was hug her tightly as they hear the wood chip and building falling apart around them

The boy, hajime, felt tears falling out of his eyes at a rapid speed but he dont bother to stop them

Hajime looks over towards the once standing houses which was now on the floor and a few pieces of wood still standing tall

"I swear" the (H/c) haired girl spoke, taking Hajime out of his trace "I'll destroy them..the people who did this..they will all die!!" She shouted as she looked up at her friend

A shocked look took over his face as he listend to his friend speaking like this, but deep down he knew that he wanted to help her

To hurt the people who had taken away their home in a flash, but he couldn't, Hajime wasnt that kind of person

He never wanted to hurt the people close to him and listening to (Y/n)'s words hurts his heart, he could feel it slowly cracking apart

He held onto her shoulders and screamed at her

" do you hear yourself!? Wanting to harm others! To kill people! Your going to end up like them!"

He took a shaky breath

"You'll end up no good as the good who did this!"

He grabbed onto his shirt, where the heart is and heald it tightly as he cryed out in pain

(Y/n) looked at him, watching him cry out in pain, ever so slightly a smirk appeared on her face but as quick as it came it quickly disappeared

She stood up with her fisted clenched, so strong she started to bleed a little, "let's promise each other"

"Huh?" Hajime said as he lifted his head up to spot (Y/n) facing away from him the moon covered her figure

She turned half way to face him, her once bright (E/c) eyes was now dark

Those dark (E/c) eyes stared at him, no emotion shown within her eyes, at this moment Hajime knew, that the once kind and loving (Y/n) was gone

"We'll kill them, and once we have, let's kill ourselves"


Hajime pushed that memory back, everytime he thought of that moment he could feel tears pricking his eyes, so much that it hurt

After that night they walked together, (Y/n) was in front of him as Hajime walked slowly, the picture of his friend with those dark eyes screamed him to death

They walked the hole night till an old couple had spotted them and offered them help, they accepted it


Shortly after meeting the old couple they started to live there, it was all happy till 4 months in

(Y/n) had disappeared, Hajime and the old couple had looked all over village, looking for any signs that the young girl would hopefully turn up

Soon, that hope, turned into hopelessness, he didn't want to believe that she was actually gone but the world had other ideas


Two years later, hajime still hasn't forgotten about his childhood friend, when ever he had free time he would go out looking, he was desperately clinging onto his little hope

That was when he spotted her

She was laying down on the floor, she was covered in dirt and mud, a few cuts here and there, her (H/c) was tangled

Her clothes, the dress she was wearing before she suddenly disappeared was now ripped in places, the most damaged was the bottom of her knee length dress

Hajime stood there in shock, not believing that (Y/n), his (Y/n) was in front of him, alive and breathing but unconscious

He ran towards her, the shock was sinking in, what happened to her? Why is she like this? Why did she leave?

Thoughts like these was running around his head like crazy

He had to take her back to their home


The older couple was over joyed to find out that you was back however, you wasnt the same

You had forgotten about what happened to your parents, your friends and the place that you had once called home

You became happy, wanting to help the old cooper out with this they couldn't do

Hajime didn't want to believe it, you've changed, you didn't help them, you didn't smile when you was here, you was mean and threatening to hurt them

But at the same time he liked the new you, its was like that incident never happened, the child (Y/n) was back, she didn't change

The couple, hajime and (Y/n) lived together like a family till the day came that they left to become a powerful adventurer



Different writing techniques

I actually enjoyed this but I have a feeling that the next chapter won't be as easy

Also so sorry that this was short, I wanted to get you guys to know what happened to you and Hajime

One more thing

This book is like a test for my writing, trying to figure out different writing techniques that would help make the books better for you guys to read!!

Till next time, bye bye!!

Next chapter: leaving

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