chapter 3: Natasha

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What am I doing?


(Y/n)'s POV

Night has fallen as the stars light up the dark sky alongside the half moon that was helping the night sky bright up

The orange light of the fire crackled every now and again, we was cooking some kind of animal, I read in books

The animal was small, with pointy ears so its got good hearing,its body was covered in light purple colour, which u soon found out that's actual skin

The overall size of the animal was a little bit bigger then a chicken but it had wolfs like arms and legs, however, I knew that this isnt a type of wolf

It didn't have a snout like one, if anything the animal had a cat like face with a very small tail

And it wasn't covered in fur or feathers, which was good for us as we could have to get rid of all the feathers

Currently, I was eating part of its leg, same with Hajime but this is his second leg, he had eaten the two front legs as i had the back but was still on the first leg

The meat was tough to bite through but once it's off the bone it becomes nice and tough- not as tough as it was before- and only had to bite a couple of times before I could swallow

But the meat of the weird animal was nice, a good way to start this journey

"So..what do you think about this?" He asked as he jestered towards the meet, holding tightly onto the bone. "Its okay, it's one of those things I would eat again..but not regularly" I said to him and took another bite of the animal

He nodded and also took the bite.

We stayed silent for a couple minutes, listening to the fire crackle every couple of minutes


It was an hour later in the night when we started talking to each other again, mostly about random stuff, like when I had prank Toro, he was not happy about what had happened

Let's just say that we had to spend the rest if the day sreaching for the chickens, we had only found two out of six of them

For the last couple of days he didn't talk to me and would go out finding the rest of the chickens, he never did

It was till five days later till he started talking to me again..but I just acted as if he never existed

"I really was mean..huh?" I said in realisation, I wonder if the rest of the chickens are still alive, most probably not "yea, you was" he looked down at the dirt, a frown making it's way on his face

"They wanted to get rid of you at first...but I managed to convince them that your acting was because of the previous events, they talked it over and came to an agreement, they would let you continue to live here in hope that you would change...back In to your old self that I've only told them about"

Hajime monologued as he continued to stare at the dirt, as if there was something special about it and so.ethinv might pop up at him but I know the reason why

He was scared to look at me but all I could do, was listen to him, that's all i could do when he started talking like this

He would do this alot when we was kids, we would lean up against a brick wall, hajime crying about something and all I did was listen to him

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