Chapter 4: The woodland village

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I'm so mad

I thought I saved it but it turned out I didn't...



(Y/n)'s POV

"I was looking for my pet pig!"

Natasha yelled out, her cheeks was a light red and had tears in her eyes, she was flustered and remember why she was out here before running into the killer bunny

But what makes me curious is why has she got a pet pig? When I try to look after animals they dont even bother looking at me

Me and Hajime both blinked in confusion before he spoke up " if you don't mind me asking.." he stopped as natasha shook her head, " but why have you got a pet pig?" He asked her

"Well..umm..toots was give to me on my birthday.." she said and shyly played with her fingers, not wanting to look at us as if she had done something wrong, well, she kinda did losing her pig and all

"Toots?" Hajime asked her, "that's his name" she answered him still not meeting his gaze

"Why did you name your pig toots?" I asked her, I really wanted to know why she had a weird name for her pig, that and why she was given a pig for her birthday

Did her family do something different to us? Well not all families are the same but who would give a small girl a pet pig? Or was it something the woodland village did? Give out animals for people to keep as pets?

"Oh! Umm..that's because my little sister named him and I didn't want to change hims name, you know, because it might upset her" natasha said as she finally meet Hajime gaze

"Oh! But that's not important! Well- I nean- it is but I have to find him! Thank you guys for helping me!" She said has she quickly ran into the woods, in search of her lost pig

Hajime looked at me, "we should help her* he stated and started to walk into the woods, however, I quickly stopped him

"Why? We already helped her and now you want to help her look for her lost pig" I said to him, obviously getting upset as I just want to reach our destination

"Becasue, she's our new friend now" he replied and walked into the woods, following the route natasha had taken, I took in a deep breath and stood there

To busy in my thoughts, should I go and follow him? Why did I hate this part of my emotions? Why am I like this?

I took a step forward, before my eyes caught the small, dead body of the bunny that I had killed, I'm slowing turning into her..

No..we are different, that's why I'm here, to help Hajime find the truth and have fun along the way


It was now noon and I was currently eating some bread that we had left, hopefully Hajime didn't want some of this..

I also knew that I'm lose in the woods, as I have been in here for a couple of hours and just when you think you've found an opening out oof this forest it slaps you in the face and laughs at you

I was taking in the surrounding area and noting just how beautiful it is out here, the trees was a nice colour of green as it hide some of the sunlight

The birds would sing their song as they noticed you walking past and would follow you before getting bored and fly back to their homes

A small was on my face as I kept on eating, till I heard a small squeak, I looked other to where I heard the noise and placed some more bread into my mouth

It was then that the small animal ran out towards me, I don't think it noticed me as it was looking backwards, the animal went straight into my leg, knocking it self down on its butt

I stared at it, it was a small pig, not really thinking about why it was out here I crouched down to its height as it looked up at me, its emeralds like eyes stared back at me, before looking at the pice of bread I am holding

"No" I tell it, immediately knowing that it wanted my food, if you know me then you would you know that I don't like sharing my food with anyone, or anything for that matter

It got on all fours and got closer to my bread, I lifted it up so it couldn't reach it, "Stop it" I said to it but not advil, it got on it's two behind legs to make it taller and tried to reach my bread

"No, your not having some" I tell it, but it just kept on trying to reach it, why doesn't any animal listen to me? Back at home I tried looking after some of the animals but they never looked up at me or even noticing that I am there with them

The pig went back on all fours before getting on two again, sighing deeply I lower my arm as do the small pig, I rip some bread off and hold it out towards the pig, It immediately eat some

huh, I guess it really was hungry, like really hungry

I smiled at it, then I remembered that natasha and Hajime was looking for a pig called toots, and I was eating a small pig in the middle of nowhere

"I guess your Toots then," I said to the pig as it continues to eat some of my bread

It oinked at me, making my smile larger


I was holding onto Toots as he was sniffing me, he has been doing this when he had eaten all of my bread, perhaps he thinks I've still got some on me and I'm just hiding it from him

That happened two hours ago and I was still searching a way out of this forest. Toots, then began to sniff my face

"Toots can you stop!" I yelled at him, he looked at me sad and looks down at the floor, I sigh at him before apologising that I yelled at him

He perked up but didn't sniff at me, that was then I found an opening, my eyes widened in surprise and quickly runs up to the opening

I smiled at i spotted a familiar dirt path and ran faster, I moved some branches from the brushs that was in my path

I got to the path and immediately spotted a larger village then mine, I looked at Toots as he did the same before we both nodded and walked to the village

As we got closer i noticed there was a small wooden sign saying

'Welcome to WoodLand Village!'

"WoodLand village huh?" I mumbled out the name as I read, "this is where I'm supposed to go" i said to Toots as he oinked at me

I smiled at him and entered the village, maybe Hajime and natasha was already here and waiting for me to arrive


Still can't believe it didn't save

So I had to try and remember what I had put


Next chapter : She Follows

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