Chapter 2: Leaving

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An: first time...


I'm scared of how this us going to turn out like

Also the pic above is what you'll be wearing


(Y/n)'s POV

Today is the day where me and Hajime will leave this village but I'm scared, what if we leave then the village will just...disappear..

Will Toro and tori be okay by themselves? They're old so they can't do much as before, especially because now Toro has hurt his back looking after the small farm we have

Tori doesn't have a problem doing he work herself but I still dont want to leave her alone and do all the work

Since that day I helped Tori with the farm, the fruit and vegetables seemed to grow nicely and we've now got two goats

I wonder how shes going to look after them, Toro could make the food for them but other then that I don't think he could do anything else

Anyway, I was in my room, looking at the outfit was currently on my bed, looking at my hands I remember when I..disappeared from this village

The was similar to the one Hajime found me in, sighing and shaking my head I get out my head, today is going to be good, or as good it could get

I've already got clean and washed my hair but now, time to get changed I to this dress, then put of the armour that Toro made


Taking in a deep breath I walk into the main room, the living room if you say, the house was small, all the main thing was in one room

The tables and chairs was I  the.iddle of the room while the kitchen was on the far side of the wall, and a couple of windows here and there

All of the 'family' was at the table, drinking something, hajime was smiling and laughing while talking to Toro, tori was at the kitchen side making something

I smiled at them, I'm going to miss this, but at lest I'll still have Hajime at my side and I'll make some friends on the way, good or bad

But I'm really excited and scared at the same time, I'm going to make my future with Hajime by my side, does he still not realise the reason why our village burned down and killing everyone but us?

Isnt that enough evidence to prove who did it?

I walked towards one of the two empty seats, I sat next to Hajime, who smiled at me as I sat down, i smiled back at him

Oh Hajime...please think as to why I'm doing this, I'm worried about you, how will you react when you find the truth?

I better stop thinking about it before the readers find to much out already

"(Y/n), I see your wearing the dress!" Toro said, a bright smile on his face. I nodded at him, "it's very nice" I replied

"You should thank Sara, she did make it for you"

Sara, one of the most popular villagers, she makes people clothes and sells materials, but the down side is, they are extremely expensive

If we save enough money to buy one thing at her shop, we could buy 1 pin, however, she knows what me and Hajime are doing

Leaving the village to become adventurers and find out who destroyed our home and family, so she decided to make our outfits a d the best thing it was free! Though, she wanted something in return

When we get to the city we have to buy some cloth for her to make outfits out off, she'll give us some money to buy it and don't waste it on something stupid, I dont think she knows us every well

"Yea, I'll go and thank her when we leave" I said to him, but I know I won't, I don't like her. End of story.

He nodded at my answer as Tori placed down some food at the table, she took her seat and smiled at us, but the look on her face I know she has no idea what we was talking about

"We should eat and the let you guys put on the armour and then it's time for you guys to leave" he said,sadly before taking a deep breathe and smiling at us, a fake smile to hide his sorrow

"Yea" hajime spoke, looking over at him I realized something

He too, doesn't want to leave them


By the time we got to the edge of the village, it was already noon. Me and Hajime was wearing our new outfits for the journey along side our weapons, I have a normal bow and arrow while Hajime had a nice sharp sword

We had already said bye to Toro and Tori, to say they was sad was an understatement

It only made us not want to leave them alone, maybe it was their plan to begin with

I was looking at forward, the dirt path was alone, no big trees of different kinds nor any flowers to keep the path looking nice and bright.

Further on the path was a couple of trees, they wasn't small nor tall

Taking in a deep breath I look towards Hajime, who, was looking at me with the biggest, brightest smile

"Are you ready?" He asked me, I kept on looking at him, blinking in response before I smiled a small smile

It wasn't a happy-to-go smile, it was more along the side of sad-to-find-the-truth smile

"Only if you are" I replied back to him, he held onto my hand, the smile never leaving his face " we're going to do this together" he said

I nodded at him, I couldn't speak to him, I can't trust not voice at this moment

I gently squeezed his hand taking a deep breathe before we took our first step away from our home

And into a new world


I cant remember if I said that some of the chapter may be short....

But what do you think so far?

I hope it's good...

Next chapter: Natasha

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