Chapter 5: She Follows

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The pic above is natasha btw

She looks so adorable



(Y/n)'s POV

The was people talking as walked down the path, there was booths to both sides of me, some people was selling meat of different kinds of animals, like fish

And some was selling fruits and vegetables, which at the moment had lots of people around

I was curious as I looked around me, it hasn't been an hour since I've entered this village, it definitely bigger then my home town but smaller then the popular citys

The cuts where everyone wants to live, but as they get older they would like to live back out in the county side, where it was nice and quiet, and where people knew each other

I, myself, don't want to live in any types of citys that me and Hajime comes across, it's always the same,

The people, the houses, the shops

I held onto Toots tightly as we walk past the meat booth, he snuggled into me, he was scared

He whimpered in my arms as people looked over towards us, probably thinking 'why is she carrying a pig' or something like that

It was then a little girl came up to me, curiously was flying in her eyes, she grabbed onto my short skirt and pulled on it, gaining my attention

"Hi..?" I spoke to her, confused as to why she even came up to me, "is that your pet?" She asked innocently, her eyes lighting up as she looked at Toots

I looked at him, he was also looking at me, I could tell what he wanted me to say. "Well," I started "he's my..friends pet" I said to her

"Would you like to pet him?"

Her somehow shown brighter as soon as I said those words, Toots squeals in concern, thinking that somehow the little girl would hurt him

I crouched down to the girls hight and nodded at her, her hands was shaking, maybe she was scared to touch him or that Toots might bite her

Her finger tips touched Toots head and immediately smiled and her hands stopped shaking, she started to stroke him, the thing is, I think Toots liked it but he wouldn't admit it

"Maliah!" A voice yelled out, however, it sounded similar but not at the same time

A woman, in a long light blue free came running over towards us, her dark brown hair was falling behind her as she ran

"Momma!" The girl, Maliah, ran towards her mother and hugged her, her mother crouched down and returned the hug

I stood up as I watched the two hugged each other tightly, I looked down at Toots as he lifted up his head to look back at me

"Let's leave them we?" I asked him, he oinked, confirming at me as we leave the family


"Toots, get off" I said as I entered my room for the night, fortunately they aloud small animals in the rooms but they must stay in the room at all times

"Toots, seriously, get off the bed I've got to sleep on that" I told him and put my hands on my hips, however, Toots just stood up and turned around and layed back down

That little pig! One of these days I'm going to eat you!

I sat on the bed and looked over at Toots, hes fast alseep already, I guess running around the forest all day made him really tired

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