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^ art by @/spacialrift on insta

!! the chapters this point and on will be highly triggering, theres a little bit of spicy times at the end of this chapter it will be marked !!


Only a few days after Sophie was let up from bedrest, a large party had been organized at Evergreen to commemorate the defeat of the Neverseen. Their mere existence had been a looming threat over their heads ever since Sophie had first come to the Lost Cities.

Everyone was having a hard time believing that the nightmare was finally over.

"I don't think Fitz is going to care what dress you wear, Soph." Linh told her. Sophie was riffling through her closet, desperately searching for a dress that Fitz would like.

"Yeah," Marella agreed. "He's just like a lovesick puppy. He'll follow you around no matter what you're wearing." She teased.

Biana shook her head, uttering, "I hate my brother."

"Sophie doesn't!" Stina shouts from the back of the room, where she was currently rummaging through Sophie's jewelry. 

Because Sophie just loved making herself late to things, she was still picking out a dress while all her friends were already on hair and makeup.

"Are you almost done yet?" Linh calls.

Sophie hears Marella say from outside, muffled as it passes through the wall, "I bet we could defeat the Neverseen again before she finishes getting that dress on."

She rolls her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips, "I heard that!"

She eventually settles on an orange-y red dress, hanging off her shoulders with a high sweetheart neckline. It must have been the right choice, because Biana went red as she saw her.

"Holy fuck, my friend is hot." Biana says when Sophie finally finds the sleeves and emerges from of the closet.

Sophie goes about as red as her dress.

"Will there ever be a day where we can compliment Sophie and she won't blush?" Marella asked in amusement.

"Nope," Stina answered. "But I'd love to see it."

"Guys stop teasing." Biana chided, though she looked like she was enjoying it as much as they were. She led Sophie to the mirror, sitting down cross legged in front of her.


"Use too much." Biana finished for her. "Relax, I know exactly how you like your makeup done."

Stina snorted something that sounded like, "Of course you do."

Around an hour later, Biana had finished primping Sophie up and was smiling proudly as Sophie studied herself in the mirror.

Her skin was flawless, all the blemishes gone. A soft pink lipstick was applied to her lips and a blush was on her cheeks. Biana had added red eyeshadow to the inner corner of her eye, and used a more orange tone to smoke out the bottom outside corner of her eyes,

She gave Biana a hug, thanking her profusely.

"You're welcome," Biana said for the fifth time. "If I had your bone structure, then I would be wearing makeup all the time!"

"Alright are we ready to go yet?" Marella called. "The party started like half an hour ago!"

"Beauty can't be rushed, Marella." Biana smirked at her.

"You know . . . she's right." Linh said as she took Marella's hand.

The two were super close, everyone had a feeling that there was something simmering under the surface, but none of them made any comments.

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