-chapter two-

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School got out pretty early today

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School got out pretty early today. The trees were swaying with power as I thought about this bizarre morning. Why had Chase even joined that band? We still could have had him play for us. Maybe he had been hurt by my words that day. It had been a Tuesday afternoon when Chase had told us about his abrupt move. His parents had gotten tired of living in their small house and wanted something bigger for the arrival of their new baby. Chase was already agitated about all the new baby talk; always coming to band practice with another story about how "insane" his parents are about this new baby.

After he had told us, something came over me and I yelled at him. He looked at me, eyes wide with fear as I yelled. I didn't know why I was being such a pain at that moment, it wasn't like we were super close. I mean when me and Amber hung out, he'd rarely come over and chat with us. He usually spent his time at Amber's house because his parents were busy with work and the new baby coming, so he would just go play video games or work on his keyboard skills. That's when I knew it was the end of the band, well, the end of the band that we all knew and loved.

A couple of months later-Jess, I, and Amber were eating lunch in the cafeteria. I had my marvelous PB and J....ok wait I'm going off-topic, focus Macy. Andrew and the socials (as everyone calls them) had sat down and all of the sudden, you could hear it from miles away as Karile stormed into the cafeteria and yelled at Andrew about some nonsense including cheat, lier, and well...some harsh words were said. Of course, we all knew that Andrew would never do that because he was in Hawaii but she refused to believe that saying the pictures he should them about his trip was fake. This is why some of the popular kids are, lets say...dull in the head.

So he finally, after all the dramatic shouting and accusing, he just left the table. Just left. Said nothing, didn't yell, or say it wasn't true. A few days later I was walking in the hall and I heard an amazing keyboard play. I checked who was there and surprisingly it was Andrew. So I called the band and told them my news, I had added Andrew to the band. At first, they thought I was just being empathetic because he had just lost his "title" but when they heard him play, they were astonished by his skills. So that's how the new band started.


When I got home I got packed for the sleepover we were going to have tonight. I packed my causal clothes because I wasn't trying to impress anyone I mean, Andrew was stunning don't get me wrong but eh...he's not for me. I got my cliche John Green book because I love the author and his writing. Sometimes I wish my life was like a John Green book; always going on adventures, finding a person that I couldn't get over, nostalgia, and fun friends. Don't get me wrong I love my friends and band but I always felt like there was something missing in my life.

I slid down the banister of my stairs as my heavy bag was on my shoulder, I felt like I had a couple of rocks stored in there but I'll make Jess carry it because he always talks about how "strong" he is. "Bye Mom!" I said as I got an orange off of the countertop. "Bye sweetie, say hi to Amber for me!" My mom said. She had favoritism over Amber. It almost seemed like she liked her more than me. I shut the door with my free hand and started to peel my orange as I waited for Amber and Jess to come to pick me up. I wonder what they talk about, knowing that Amber had a big crush on Jess. She wasn't one to be shy around guys, but with Jess that was a whole different case. Always studdering and staring at him. Ah, young love, so weird yet you can't get enough.

I heard a car honk a few minutes later and saw Amber, Jess, and someone else. It didn't look like Andrew and he was coming later due to football practice. I got in and saw Chase?! No! Why was Chase in the car? Was he coming to the sleepover too? As I stood there wide-eyed at Chase and thoughts running through my mind I saw someone else...THE DRIVER?! That idiot in the driver's seat of the van. He must be the lead singer of his whatever Diaper group.

"What are they doing here?" I asked with disgust in my voice. "Their car broke down so we had to give them a ride," Amber said, not bothered by the fact that those morons were in the car. Maybe she was relieved she didn't have to keep a conversation with Jess. "Don't worry," Jess said looking at my irritated face, "they aren't going to the sleepover." I was a little more relieved but still hesitant because now they knew about the sleepover.

"HA, you guys are having a sleepover? what babies" the driver guy said as he scoffed, looking at the window. "Shut up Rodrick, they are trying to be nice." Chase said with a bit of sympathy in his voice. Rodrick just rolled his eyes. Huh, so his name was Rodrick. Kind of a unique name for a dimwit. He had black shaggy looking hair, a basic tee with a band on it, some baggy pants, dirty looking converse, and did he have eyeliner on...? What a weirdo. 

We sat in silence as Jess and Amber awkwardly chattered to one another. I sat there, mad, as I took another bite of my orange. "Hey," Jess said looking at me, "don't get orange all over my car!" he exclaimed, a bit cautious of me now. "Yeah, Yeah. Don't worry your precious car is safe." I said rolling my eyes. I wish Chase and Rodrick would leave. I had to talk about the battle of the bands and what we were going to rehearse. Rodrick looked at me for a second and I slowly looked at him with a "don't mess with me" face. He looked back towards the window, clearly annoyed too that he was in the car. I wonder why he looked at me in the first place...don't flatter yourself, Macy, it was probably nothing.

Thank you guys so much for reading!! I'm sorry the second chapter took so long, I have so much homework and it feels like I'm always so busy. I did change a few things in this chapter and you can just imagine yourself as Macy but I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit confusing because I changed some things. I love you all and hope you had or have a great day!


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