-chapter three-

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As we were stuck in the car I heard a familiar song fill the car

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As we were stuck in the car I heard a familiar song fill the car. Is that The Adults Are Talking by The Strokes? No way someone actually had some real taste for music in the car, I thought as I looked around for anyone picking up their phone or have their earbuds unplugged. Not only did I see someone hold their phone up to their ear, but it was in fact, it was Rodrick. Huh, who would have thought that a guy like him, who is supposed to be my enemy, the only one with taste in this very car?

As I looked at him and, everyone else who wasn't focused on the road turned around, he glared at us with his eyeliner traced eyes. I quickly looked away because I wasn't that bored to mess with him right now, plus it actually seemed to get his attention.

"No, no way, this is such a huge deal! I'll tell him right now. What no way I'm inviting the dorks with us, Rodrick rolled his eyes as he scanned the car, looking at us. "but I- ugh fine, fine. Ok bye." What was that all about? And were we the "dorks"?

"What was that all about?" Jess asked with eyes shifting quickly on the road and in the backseat. Now sighing, Rodrick put his hand to his forehead and said, "I have to babysit my little brother and his idiot friend." Huh, Rodrick having to babysit. Now there's a sight that I got to see for myself. "Ha, what about your wicked party Rodrick?" I scoffed as I thought about how much he talked about it with Chase. "Shut up. It's not like you ever have to watch little kids before." He had no idea that I did babysitting as a small job.

"Well, Rodrick, Macy actually does babysitting for her job," Jess said as he chuckled. Rodrick looked off into the distance and winced because he knew that he was wrong. He hesitated, thinking about what he was going to say next. "Do you think," He hesitated again not wanting to ask for help, "will you help babysit them instead of me," he asked doing a weird... puppy-eyed look? What the hell is he doing to his face? It looked more like a constipated guy than a puppy-eyed look. I was debating about if I wanted to save his misery or enjoy hanging out with my friends.

"Ok, I will on two conditions: One, stop doing that ridiculous face. Seriously, you look like you need to go to the bathroom real bad." Chase and Jess scoffed at that. "Second: You have to get me tickets to go see one of my favorite bands instead of paying me your "lunch money". As Rodrick sat there wide-eyed he said, "What!? I'm not paying like $500 for tickets to one of your silly bands. Which one are we talking about by the way?" Well, let's see I really wanted to see a lot but I saw that The 1975 was playing near my house. Hope it's not too expensive...actually, I hope it's expensive haha that'll make him real upset. Sounds like a plan. "I want tickets to The 1975 and they're only $50 bucks for 2 because that place is super cheap. It's been in this town for over 70 years."

"Alright, but I'm going with you because I have nothing to on that day and because I peculiarly like The 1975 too," Rodrick said as he smirked at the end. "Alright hotshot sounds like a plan," I said as I took out my hand for him to shake. "Don't call me hotshot and we got a deal." He said as he outstretched his hand to shake mine. His brother must be a real irritation because he just lost himself $50 to go to a concert with me. I mean I really don't know why he wants to spend a whole afternoon with me but I mean who wouldn't want to go to The 1975 concert? IT'S THE 1975!!

"We're finally here!" Jess said as he got out of the car. Damn, that felt like it took an hour to get to the dork's house. "Alright, let's set up the party." One of their bandmates said as he ran over to discuss the plans. "Shit!" Jess said as he looked at his phone. "What now?" I asked as I looked over to what he was so worried about. "Ah, shit!" I said as I saw his phone. "What's up? What happened?" Amber said as she had more panic than me and Jess had combined. "Looks like my parents are home and they would kick my ass if they found out I was having a party.

Hmm. I wonder what we could do now because no way my house was available. Andrew's grandma was visiting and Amber's parents were both sick because they always go to these silly parties and somehow either get sick or really hungover after. "Alright, I didn't want to do this but I think we should join their party," Jess said as he paused to look at Rodrick's house. "But I would have to still babysit," I said as I tried to figure out a way to be at the party and babysit. "Why don't you just babysit them here?" Amber said. "Then they can be in their own house and do their own things while we have a party." Wow, she had a good idea actually. "That could work. I could go to a room while they party in the rest of the house." I said as I smiled. This could work! Hell yeah!

"Jess, you go ask them since you came up with the "brilliant idea". I said as I rolled my eyes at this asinine idea. "Fine, fine. Since you were so nice about it." Jess said sarcastically as he turned to walk over to the band. As he walked over he called their names, but they ignored him and kept talking. "Hey!" I yelled "Bon Jovi!" I said as I glanced right at Rodrick. He turned surprisingly at my name and looked at me with an aggravated look on his dark brown eyes. "Jess is trying to call your stupid ass and all you're doing is being an annoyance at all of us," I said as I stuck out my tongue at him. As Jess had finally got a hold of him I decided to sit on the ground, back on the car, and read my book.

About 3 minutes later I saw Jess walk back with his eyes rolling. "We can go but Rodrick said that you can't just roam around with his brother and his friend because he said and I quote, "The idiot is a snitch, don't trust him or his friend." "Alright," I said as I put my book back in my bag. "Let's go have the weirdest night of our lives."

Hey guys! Sorry, I haven't been updating recently, I just had a loss with my family so I was unavailable but writing is definitely getting my mind off of the pain and the morning. I'm sorry in advance about the language I just thought that since it sounded better and that they're teenagers that they would throw out some language sometimes. I love y'all and I really hope you like this story ❤️



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