Chapter 5

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I am going to skip till Ashley is five and Ash is ten and also both Ash and Ashley are really smart now and Ash isn't dense. Gary is Ashley's best friend/Mate and apart of the haram that she will have.

Ash. pov

Today is my birthday and I'm turning ten and I get to go on my journey with Ashley today as well but first I need to wake up and get dressed. "Big Brother wake up its your birthday you cant sleep in." I heard the familiar voice of my cute sister. "I'm up I will be down in a minute Ashley." I said then i heard her run down stairs. I get out of bed and go for a shower and get dressed into black t-shirt and jeans get my bag ready with everything that will be needed for our journey. When that was done I walk down stairs and greeted my mum and sister. "Morning mum, Ashley." i said while making my way to the table where plates of eggs and bacon were placed. "Happy Birthday Big Brother/Ash." I hear from them both at the same time. "Lets eat breakfast then we can go to the Professor to get your pokemon." Mum said while sitting at the table eating. I got up from the table and went upstairs to get my bag so that me and Ashley could leave to the lad. What I have in my bag is lots of Pokéballs for in case pokemon want to go with Ashley and me as well there is potions as well and other medical stuff for pokemon and humans. "Ash are you ready to go to the Lab with your sister." I heard my mum shout from downstairs. "Coming Ashley have you got your bag." I asked while walking down the stairs. "Yes Big Brother. I cant wait to see what pokemon you will choose." She said with excitement in her voice.

Ashley's pov

Today was the day the Ash would get his first pokemon and we would get to go out and have our journey. I am so excite to see which pokemon will choose. From my memories i know that the starters are the Grass type Bulbasaur, the Fire type Charmander and the Water type Squirtle. But I also remember that there was a Pikachu that would be the four starter. So I wander which will Big Brother choose. "Hurry up Big Brother want to see which pokemon you pick." i said while jumping up and down excitedly. "We can leave now so lets go." mum said and we all started to walk to the lab. I was holding Big Brothers hand while walking when I felt something happening to me it was like i could feel everything around me like I could feel that mum was upset that we were leave but when I looked at her she is smiling. I felt that Big Brother was happy and excited but he didn't show it. To say I was confused was an understatement but I just ignored it. I also noticed the I had levitated myself and Ash. That's when I realised that my Aura and Psychic powers had come through. The only problem was I didn't know how to control them. "Ashley are you doing this." I heard Ash ask me. "Yes the only problem is i don't know how to get us down." I said while looking at him with worry. "Ashley its okay just think about gently putting us on the ground and maybe that will help." Mum said while looking at me to showing me not to worry. "If I could levitate all of us we could get to the lab quicker." I said while thinking of lifting mum with us and I opened my eyes to see that is what i did. "Lets go to the lab like this." I said and we all were all at the Lab before we knew it. "I did it." I said before dropping to the ground and landed very hard on the ground but I made sure that Brother and mum Landed safely. "Are you okay Ashley that landing looked painful." mum said while making sure I was okay. Ash knocked on the door and we all waited to see the Professor answer the door. Instead of the Professor opening the door it was my best friend Gary. "Hello Gare Bear." i said while hugging him. Gary is the same age as me but he doesn't have any siblings to go on a journey with which i thought was a bit unfair so I came up with a plan. "Gary would you like to come with us so you can have your journey with us if that is okay with your Gramps that is." I said while smiling at him for some reason he was bushing I knew what it meant but as a 5 year old I just ignored it. "I would love to and why don't you all come in Gramps is just sorting out the starters for everyone." He said while moving so we could all come in. "Ash Happy Birthday by the way." He also said while shutting the door behind us. We all waited for a while for the Professor to get done with what he was doing. I could hear him in the lab moving things around so i knew he wouldn't be to long before he would come and see us. "Hello Ash and Ashley I see you have come to get your starter pokemon Ash. You have a choice between four Pokemon. There is the Grass type Bulbasaur, the Fire type Charmander, Water type Squirtle and last is the Electric type Pikachu." I hear from the Professor. "Gramps before you give Ash his starter I wanted to ask if I could go with Ashley and Ash on there journey." Gary asked while trying not to beg to come with us.

Gary's pov

After asking Gramps if I could go with Ashley I felt like I had been waiting for hours for the answer when it wasn't even a few minutes. "I was waiting for you to ask and I have already talked to your mum and we both agree that you will go with them." I heard from Gramps. I ran and gave him a hug and thanked him over and over. "Right now that is over Ash which will you choose out of the pokemon i have said." Gramps asked Ash. "I will pick Pikachu." He said while smiling. "Of course here you go. Why don't you call him out and start to make friends with him while i go and get a few things." Gramps said. "I choose you Pikachu." Ash said and throwing up his Pokéball and out came a yellow looking mouse that had a lighting bolt tail. It looked around for a bit until stopping at Ash and Ashley. It started to spark his cheeks while looking angry and them. "Hello Pikachu I am Ash and this is my little sister Ashley, I want to become a pokemon master and a professor so will you help me." He said to the pokemon. Pikachu looked at him for a few seconds before jumping up and down happily. "Pika Pika ." it said while Ash bent down to allow the pokemon to go up to his shoulder. "He said yes and thank you." Ashley said to Ash while she was rubbing Pikachu head.

Ashley's pov

I wonder what the Professor is doing. I loved to see Ash as happy as he is know with Pikachu. "Hello Pikachu, I hope we can be come friends to like you are with my Brother." I said to the yellow mouse. "Of course we can your highness. I will help protect you with all the other friends we will make on this journey." he said back. "Thank you Pikachu." i said and he just bowed before going back to looking around him. "Here is your pokedex and some Pokéballs Ash, Ashley I have a few things for you to as well as Gary as there are more things for you Ashley I would like to do Gary first if that is okay," Professor said. "That is fine Professor." I said. "Okay Gary I would like you to pick a starter pokemon." he said to Gary who looked shocked. "I will pick Squirtle." he said while taking her Pokéball. "I choose you." He said and out came a turtle looking pokemon. "Hello Squirtle, I'm Gary I hope we become great friends." he said to her. "Of course we will." She said back but what the others hear was her saying her name. "Here is your Pokedex and Pokéballs. Know for Ashley I have a starter pokemon for you as well as 4 pokemon eggs and a updated version of the pokedex its called a pokewatch it will hold all of your pokemon so that they will always be with you. You are also a junior Professor until you are older and can be a professor and a breeder with this when your older." Professor said to me. I was surprised by all of this. "You will also get lots of different Pokéballs, know lets introduce your partner to you." Professor said and he left and went to get the Pokéball and eggs. "Here you go Ashley." Professor said. "What pokemon is it Professor." I asked Professor "This pokemon is called a Riolu it is an fighting type pokemon but it helps out with aura as well but this Riolu is a shiny." Professor said. "I choose you." I said and out came a dog looking pokemon it was a sliver colour. "Hello Riolu. I hope we can be the best of friends and make plenty of new ones as well." I said to the pokemon but what happened next surprised everyone. "Hello your highness. I cant wait to be with you." "Wow did you just use aura to talk Riolu. "Yes I did I hope you don't mind." "I don't mind at all would you like to be on my shoulder like my Brothers Pikachu." I asked her. "Yes please I want to be as close to you as possible." "Wow I want expecting that to happen but I am happy for you Ashley, here you are the 4 Pokemon eggs that will hatch very soon I don't know what pokemon they will be." Professor said while handing me two eggs while handing over two eggs to Ash so he can help to hold them while we are on our journey. "This is your pokewatch and all the different Pokéballs now off you go and enjoy your journey." Professor said and we all left. "Enjoy your journey Ash and make sure you take care of your sister." mum said. "Bye mum and Ash will take care of me and I will help him to as well as Gary." I said while waving at her and that was the start of an amazing journey with Ash and Gary.

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