Chapter 6

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Small note is that all of Ashley's Pokemon will be shiny what I mean by that is that shiny Pokemon are more attracted to her she will also catch non shiny Pokemon to. The shiny Pokemon have nothing to with her aura. Ashley will also have all the legendary Pokemon.

Ash's pokemon so far


Ashley's pokemon so far



Ashley pov
We had left Professors lab and were walking towards route 1 when Gary pointed out that some Pokemon where following us. We call turned around and standing there where the three starters that you could choose from as well as what looked like a smaller version of brothers Pikachu what was different about them was they were different colours from what they would normally be. "Big brother are you going to catch them." I asked him while looking at the Pokemon in front of us. "I will if they want to come with me." He said while walking closer to them. "Would you like to come with us." He said while bending down to there level. What happened next surprised us all. All four Pokemon went around Ash and came towards me and it was like they didn't even see brother. "Would you like to join me." I asked confused of what just happened. "Yes please we would like to all join you." I heard them all say at the same time. "Gary can you get me four Pokeballs please as I am carrying one of the eggs." I said. I could feel Gary unzip my bag to get to were I had put the pokeballs I was given. " Here you go Ashley." Gary said while handing over four Pokeballs. The fist to catch was Bulbasaur she seemed to want to be caught first next came Charmander he seems to be scared of the Pokeballs but got used to it after seeing his friend going into it. Squirtle just took the Pokeball out of my hand and pressed the button and went in side. The smaller version of Pikachu how ever didn't really want to be in side her Pokeball so i did what had to be done I tapped her on the head with it then when it pinged to say I fought her I let her back out. "There we go now we have new friends to join our journey brother." I said while making sure I had everything sorted. "Ashley why don't you scan the Pokemon you got so far with your Pokewatch." Ash said while smiling at me. "Okay." I said while getting out the pokeballs I had. I scanned the smaller version of Pikachu first. Pichu. Type Electric Species Tiny Mouse Pokémon Abilities Static, Lightning Rod (hidden ability) This Pichu is female. It is also a shiny. Moves Thunder Shock, Rain Dance, Volt Switch, Surf
I was surprised with the moves it had. "Has any Pichu had the move surf before." I asked Gary. He just nosed his head no and was still looking shocked with what he had heard. Next I scanned Riolu so I thought her ball and out she came. Riolu. This Pokemon is a female she is also a shiny. Type Fighting. Species Emanation Pokémon. Abilities Steadfast, Inner Focus, Prankster (hidden ability) Moves, Aura Sphere, Tackle,  Counter and Cross crop.
"Wow Riolu that is some great moves." I said to her "Thank you." She said then she went over to my Pichu. Then I choose  to scan  Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur is a grass and poison type. The Species Seed Pokémon. Abilities1. Overgrow Chlorophyll (hidden ability).Moves Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Sleep Talk. This Pokemon is a female. She is also Shiny. "Wow you have some impressive pokemon so far sister." I heard Ash say. Now it was time to scan Charmander. Charmander. Type Fire Species Lizard Pokémon, Abilities Blaze. Solar Power (hidden ability). This pokemon is male he is also a shiny. Moves Dragon Breath, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Sunny Day. Now it was time to do my last pokemon then we can continue walking. "I choose you Squirtle." and out came my Squirtle. Squirtle. Type Water. Species Tiny Turtle Pokémon. Abilities Torrent, Rain Dish (hidden ability). This pokemon is a male he is also a shiny. "Okay everyone return excerpt Pichu and Riolu you two can ride on my shoulder." I said then I looked at Gary and Big Brother. "Lets get moving so we can find a place to set up camp." I said and started to walk ahead of them when I saw someone fishing they had Orange hair. She was reeling her rod in and out came a giant Gyarados and she scream really loud that I covered my ears and went over to her. "Are you okay," I asked while watching her. "No I am scare of Gyarados." she said while hugging me very hard. "Big Brother can you catch it." I asked.

Ash's pov

After Ashley scanned her Pokemon we all started to walk again with Ashley in front of us and both me and Gary heard a loud scream so we went running towards it and saw Ashley hugging a girl while a Gyarados was just sitting in the river. "Big Brother can you catch it." Ashley asked while pointing at the pokemon. "I can do that, Pikachu us thunder." I said and Pikachu jumped off my shoulder. "Pikachuuu." he said and sending a powerful thunder towards the water pokemon. It hit and the pokemon fainted so I through a Pokéball at it. It started to move around and then it finally stopped and pinged telling me I had caught it. "There its caught so you don't have to worry about it. By the way my name is Ashley what is yours." Ashley said. "My name is Misty and I love water pokemon except Gyarados." Now know as Misty said. "Do you mind if I use your fishing rod because I want to get some water pokemon." Ashley asked. "Why don't we find somewhere to camp first then you can fish Ashley." I said while helping Misty up and walking in front of everyone to find a place that we could camp.

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