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Three more years into the war, Blinder's unit was called to meet with Generals Skywalker and Kenobi to aid in a stealth and rescue mission.  Blade was ordered to remain in her crate on the gunship until and unless she was needed.  The rest of the team dispatched in the base, located on the tropical planet Rishi, to socialize with their fellow clones and recess in the mess hall.  Blinder made his way to the command center, where the generals were waiting.  

Upon entering, his helmet tucked under his left arm, Blinder raised his right hand to his forehead in salute, his eyes quickly surveying the room.  The Jedi generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were standing at the holomap console, along with their respective seconds, Commander Cody and Captain Rex.  The human Jedi, their combat robes and faces caked with soot, their inactive lightsabers clipped to their belts, looked up as Blinder entered; Rex and Cody seemed rather scuffed up, as well.  Also present was Commander Ahsoka Tano, General Skywalker's Jedi apprentice; the young Togruta was clearly bedraggled, her head tails bruised and her uniform torn in some places.  Other than them, no one else was present.  The holomap currently displayed what appeared to be a maximum security fortress.  

"At ease, sergeant," said Skywalker.  

Blinder lowered his hand and approached the console.  

"Thank you for coming on such short notice," said Kenobi.  He sounded unusually weary.  

"What's the situation, sir?" Blinder asked.

"A failed rescue mission."  Kenobi gestured to the fortress on the holomap.  "The Separatists recently kidnapped several children of certain Republic senators.  We tracked them to this facility, but even after considerable planning were unable to free them.  The security was much tighter than we'd anticipated." 

"That's where you come in," said Skywalker.  "We need troops who specialize in stealth and espionage.  And Rex and Cody told us that your unit was the best.  They say no one beats you guys at stealth."

"Thank you, general," said Blinder, "but I can't take credit for that.  Neither can most of the unit."

The generals eyed each other askance, as did Rex and Cody.  Commander Tano also looked skeptical.

"Could you elaborate for us, sergeant?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't say any more on record."

His superiors glanced at each other again.  Then, after a quick and silent exchange, Commander Cody pressed the mute button on the console, ending the recorded transmission of the briefing.  Blinder eyed the room for cameras and bugs, having a keen eye for them.  Once certain there were none, he placed his helmet down on the console's edge for a moment, then lifted his left wrist to his chin to activate his com.


"Yes, sir?"  The respondent's voice was quiet and female, which left the others dumbstruck.  

"Report to the command center."

"But sir," the respondent protested, "what about protocol?"

"I'm giving you permission this time."

"Understood.  I'll be there in five minutes."

The transmission ended, and Blinder turned back to the generals.  "Everything from this point on must remain confidential," he told them.  "My unit can't risk exposing this asset."

General Skywalker crossed his arms.  "And who exactly is this asset?"

The sergeant gave him a secretive grin.  "Better to wait until she gets here."

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