Chapter 6

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The man looked straight at her and smiled "Hello lil sis" "YOONGI!?". Yoongi laughed as he walked up to her "this is gonna be fun isn't it" Cheyenne squinted her eyes at him and gave him a dirty look.

"Sure if that's how you wanna play" Cheyenne said with a smirk. Yoongi walked towards the front of the class and began to teach. Cheyenne looked towards the back of the class and smiled so did the other students.

Yoongi's eyes widen suddenly when he heard Cheyenne yell "FIRE". Every student in the class began to throw paper balls at yoongi. Yoongi turned and covered himself  he bended down behind the desk and waited for the paper balls to stop flying.

When it finally stoped he got up and pointed at Cheyenne "you outside now". Cheyenne can hear the anger in his voice she got out her seat and walked outside with him. "What yoongi" Cheyenne said with an annoyed yet satisfied voice. "You know what you made them throw balls at me" Cheyenne let out a large laugh.

Yoongi stood there confused until he realized what he had said "wait stop thinking dirty". Cheyenne continues to laugh as he got more agitated the bell rang and Cheyenne smiled at him. "Sorry bro can't talk class is over" Cheyenne waited for jungkook and kylee and walked away from yoongi.

"That was epic chee" jungkook said "why thank you I try my best" Cheyenne,jungkook and kylee walked towards the lunchroom. As they stepped inside they notice a group of girls siting in the seats they always sit in. "What the hell those are our seats" kylee said in an angry tone.

"No need to get angry let's just go over there and ask them politely to move" Cheyenne said with a small smile. They walked over to the table and smiled at the girls. "Excuse me these are our seats" Cheyenne said kindly.

A girl with long blonde hair looked up at her and snarled "sorry sweetie but your name isn't on the seat and we're already here so get lost". Cheyenne's face for red from anger "you two have to go but the cute boy can stay". Cheyenne's blood began to boil at the girls words and she lost it.

"Alright little miss ass wipe get out our seat before I drag you off by your over bite" Cheyenne's voice was full of rage. Jungkook looked towards her with his eyes widen shook you can say he was "jungshook". The girls eyes widen and they quickly got up rolling there eyes.

"Well that was nice" kylee said giggling a little as she sat down. Cheyenne and jungkook laughed "hey chee I've never seen that side of you before and I think I like it" jungkook said with a wink and a smirk. Kylee looked towards Cheyenne and gave her a awww look.

"Hey chee wanna come to my house today" jungkook asked with a smile. "Sorry but I promised kylee" Kylee interrupted befor she can finish "no it's okay go with your boyfriend" Cheyenne looked towards her and gave her an angry look. "He's not my boyfriend" "not yet at least" jungkook said turning Cheyenne into a blushing mess.

"Alright then it's official chee is coming to my house after school no complaints" Cheyenne looked at kylee giving her a help look. Kylee shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

The end of the day came and the students were leaving school. Jungkook and Cheyenne were on their way to his house. The ride was silent and Cheyenne had her arms crossed the whole time making jungkook worried and left him wondering if she was mad at him.

Soon they arrived to his house and went straight to his room. "Hey chee wanna play some video games" jungkook said with a smile "sure". Cheyenne and jungkook played hours and hours of call of duty. The room full of laughter and screams of joy.

The sun started to go down and Cheyenne began to get tired. "It's been fun cookie but I'm gonna head home before my mom gets worried". Jungkook looked at her and pouted "okay but tomorrow I want to take you somewhere all day so tell ur mom okay chee".

Cheyenne smiled and left for her house her ride home was normal. As she got home she was greeted by an angry brother. "YOU LITTLE WITCH" yoongi yelled at her Cheyenne couldn't help but notice the vain popping out his neck. "What yoongi" "you made the entire class throw things at me and I'm gonna tell mom".

Cheyenne's eyes widen she knew if he told she wouldn't be able to go with jungkook the next day. She had to think fast and the first thing that came to mind was "hey yoongi is that a wrinkle on your forehead and a pimple on your cheek". Quickly yoongi gasped and ran towards the bathroom giving Cheyenne enough time to run to her room and lock the door.

Cheyenne knew yoongi would be too worried about his face to remember to tell their mother anything. So she changed into her pajamas and layers on her bed ready to go to sleep when there was a knock on her door. She got up and unlocked it and it swung open.

"You misbehaved in school young lady?" Cheyenne's mother asked Cheyenne's eyes widen "that little snitch" she whispered under her breath. "You are grounded no leaving the house" "but what about school" Cheyenne asked with a worried look.

It's not school she was worried about she was worried about netting with jungkook. "You can stay home now stay in here and don't come out" her mother slammed the door and locked it. Locking the door didn't make sense since she can always open it from the inside but that was the least of Cheyenne's worry's.

She quickly ran towards her bed and screamed into a pillow. She was over flowing with anger she couldn't believe this was happening to her. Cheyenne pulled the covers over her head as tears flowed from her eyes. She laid there the whole night till she fell asleep thinking about jungkook.

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