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Everyone stared with wide eyes at the golden servant before them.

???: "Y/n L/n. It's been too long... Mongrel."

Y/n: "You look well, Gilgamesh

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Y/n: "You look well, Gilgamesh."

The king of heroes chuckled before stepping over Lev Lainur towards his summoner. The two then firmly gripped each others hands before engaging in a bro-hug.

Roman and the rest of Chaldea were freaking the fuck out.


Haruna sighed before opening a comm link.

Haruna: "Yo, how ya been, Gil?"

Gilgamesh chuckled again upon hearing that familiar voice.

Gilgamesh: "Haruna L/n. I am well. I trust you mongrels haven't been too lonely without the kings presence."

Haruna: "I see you've still got your arrogance going for ya."

Gilgamesh merely scoffed before looking at Lev's broken body.

Gilgamesh: "I assume this mongrel is responsible for the creature I was summoned within."

Y/n: "Yup. That's him."

Gilgamesh: "Very well. Any last words, mongrel?"

Lev started to cackle under his broken breath when the summoning circle lit up again. Everyone's eyes widened as a woman stepped out.

???: "I have been summoned. Who is my summoner?"

Lev: "That would be me... Kill them, my serv- GAH!!"

Lev yelled in agony as a sword was driven through his back by the new servant.

???: "You are weak. Not fit to be my master."

Gilgamesh: "Tch

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Gilgamesh: "Tch. You there, I suggest you reveal your name lest I destroy you here and now."

The woman looked at Gilgamesh, she then leaned to the side and saw Y/n, who stepped forward upon seeing that she was looking at him rather intently.

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Roman RiotWhere stories live. Discover now