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Mom looked hurt. She looked angry. Like the most angry I've ever seen. She grabbed Mason's ear and dragged him to me. She grabbed the back of his neck and pushed him down to my level.
Was all she said and Mason begged for my forgiveness and sobbed. I looked at mom and she dropped him and he started whimpering. I looked at mason and back at her. She just did that. She corrected him. Mason apologized to dad and mom and he dragged himself to his car and left. Dad got back in the car to wait for mom. "Come get cleaned up then you can come back." My mom said and I nodded. I will never cross my mother. I looked back at Xavier and he waved lightly. I waved back.

"That...was so....AWESOME!" Tanner exclaimed. "Did you see that?! She totally fights like a beta!" Tanner yelled and we explained that she probably was fighting with her siblings all the time and she even thought she was an alpha for her whole childhood. He ignored us and continued to goof off. "Boom boom! Grrrr! Ahhh! .... BOOM! SKRRRTTT POW! WHOO! AH-" he yelled. "What are you talking about!?" Aaru raved. "Literally shut up." Callum said and they made their way inside. Mate got hurt and she put out so many distress signals. I wanted to help but that was a family thing. I just watched. I even learned something I shouldn't have. When she gets completely petrified she speaks in third person. I didn't want to know that. I don't want her to ever be so scared and hurt. I should have protected her! My phone buzzed and I looked at it.
It's okay :)
Mate's okay...
"Hey alpha! Mind if the mates come over?" Tanner said and I nodded. I don't know why they ask me. Their mates are always welcome. I never made myself the alpha but I guess since Callum doesn't want it that leaves me. I headed to my room to check my face. He didn't break my nose but that was super hard for a teen alpha. I've felt grown men hit less than that. If that was the same punch for Zea no wonder their omega mom actually snapped. She was protecting one kid and correcting the other. Those two dealt out some serious parenting. Flawless execution. I want to be like that with Zea...WELL OF COURSE I HOPE OUR KIDS DONT FIGHT!
Our kids...
Having kids with Zea sounds like a distant dream. I'd like to build this pack with her.
Soon enough the others came. Callum's mate Giselle, Tanner's mate Izzie, and Aaru's mate Jace. Giselle and Izzie are betas but Jace is a male omega. They were going to move in with us since we all moved together but something happened here so they are staying in a temporary place. It should only be a few more weeks now since we are all settled here. I head downstairs and let them in. Giselle tried greeting me but was interrupted by Izzie and Jace pushing her to the side to get in and be with there mates. I laughed and Giselle joined in and she entered the house. I closed the door and joined the group. "Jace you're getting fat! Get off of Aaru before you crush him." Izzie teased and Jace punched her. Izzie can't do anything about it because Jace is pregnant. Jace has been pregnant for about five months. That's why they are gonna move in soon so Jace can start nurturing the baby here next month. Aaru has also been stressing out that Jace doesn't live here yet. I mean I'm literally almost done building the spare rooms they can hop of my-

Once at home I showered and packed up some stuff for the week. Mom said I could wear a brace on my leg so I was grateful for that. I had on my favorite blue velvet shorts and a pretty off the shoulder ruffle shirt that was white. My siblings constantly check on me and I tell them we should be worried about Mason. He hasn't come home yet and he isn't even talking to Maddie. I brush my hair to keep it neat and I pack my omega clothes. I grabbed my book and made sure to have my wallet and keys. I slip my white shoes on and check myself in the mirror. I saw the bruises all over and my black eye. I sighed and grabbed my blue shades. I finally left my room and said bye to everyone. I drove back to Xavier's house and before I could get to the door some flashes of people tackled me in a hug. "KYA-!" I yelled as I fell and they giggled. "You're the new omega!" This girl with pink hair and eyes said. She was pale and had makeup on that looked amazing. She was so gorgeous I almost felt bad about how boring I looked. "I'm Jace and this is Izzie." This blue dyed hair boy said to me and as a fellow omega I recognized he was one. A...pregnant one. I looked at his belly in awe. Now I'm really jealous. Jace has some piercings and he had darker skin. Behind them came a tall girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She removed the people from on top of me and helped me up. "Sorry about them. I'm Giselle." She smiles and I waved at them all. "Um...I'm Zea..." I said nervously and played with my shirt. They seemed nice. "Well welcome to the pack and our friend group!" Jace said and hugged my arm. Friends...
Jace was so skinny. I mean they all are thin and pretty but for a boy Jace was small and short. I'm shorter but that's because I'm a female omega. I've never seen a male omega. "You have a..a baby." I said in awe. "Wanna feel?" He said and my eyes twinkled. I rubbed Jace's belly and I could really tell a baby was there! It wasn't just like touching skin. I was feeling a baby! "Awe you Omegas in heat are the cutest!" Izzie exclaimed petting my ears. "I agree" Giselle said and stroked my tail. I tensed and burned up. My face got red and I bit a moan back. "Hey! Hey! Don't touch omegas like that!" Jace said and swatted the girls hands and they nodded. I really think it was too late because I released a wave of pheromones and was panting again. "Ohhh..." Izzie said and face palmed. "Sorry" Giselle added and I said it was okay. I made my way to the door and stepped in. The guys were still playing games and Xavier stiffened at my scent. "Xavier!" I yelled and they looked at me. "How come he is pregnant! I want to be pregnant! I want a baby! Give me one now!" I yelled at him and dropped my bag. I started taking my shorts off and he ran over to stop me. "No! Stop! Keep your clothes on!" He fought with me as I tried stripping down. "BUT IM HOT!!!" I yelled and everyone started laughing at me. "Why can't I have a baby?! Why won't you give me one?!" I cried and jumped on Xavier. He held me and picked up my bag. "I'll be right back?" He told everyone and I cried harder. As he turned around and I saw the group I smiled. Jace sweat dropped and Izzie laughed. "She's crazy" was all I heard as I snuggled into Xavier humming. "Come on let's unpack your stuff." He said and put me down in his room. He started putting my stuff in his dresser. "So you're not giving me a baby?" I asked taking my clothes off and snuggling under the sheets. "We haven't even kissed. In fact you haven't even accepted me. I never marked you..." he said and I whimpered. "When this heat is over you not gonna be all cute anymore you gonna be cute and hateful." He laughed and I understand what he really meant. He wasn't happy with the fact that I won't just become his mate. I will. I'll prove him wrong. I'll prove myself wrong. I can be a good omega and still be me. I'll be happier that way.
"Do you want to kiss me?" I asked and I purposely let out as many pheromones as I could. He stopped then stiffened and I could hear his shaky breath. "Tell me that you want me..." I said and approached him but he didn't dare look at me. I put my hand on his back and let it gently brush up to his shoulder. "And I'm yours Alpha~ Kiss me. Mark me...Mate with me..." I finished and kissed his back.
"No." Was all he said. My world shattered. I felt like I couldn't breathe. "X-Xavier?" I whispered and he ignored me. He made his way to the door. And put his hand on the knob. "N-No...Wait!" I cried and got between him and the door. I hugged him and sobbed. I got on my tippy toes and kissed his chest that was exposed from his shirt multiple times each one getting more desperate. What did I do wrong? I hurt him so many times before so he must think I'm not for real. "I'm serious. I want this. I want you! I swear....Zea. Zea will be a good omega. Zea will be your omega..." I said weakly and looked at him. He didn't look me in the eyes and gently moved me out of the way and walked out. I tried to open it but he locked the door. "Xavier! XAVIER!" I yelled and he didn't answer he left. "ZEA SWEARS SHE MEANS IT. XAVIER COME BACK!" I screamed and sobbed. Why isn't he listening. I kept yelling and crying but nothing worked and my voice eventually gave out after about 20 minutes...

"Xavier? What happened?" Aaru said as I continued to try and block out Zea. "I'm just trying to make sure I don't listen to her and do something we both regret." I said and he nodded then I told him he could try calming her down. However he said it's not gonna work if she's that bad off. I headed outside to the backyard gym and just started punching that bag. Just doing anything to block her out. She was pretty far but since she's my mate I could still faintly hear her. That heat is so dangerous. If I looked her in her pearly white eyes I would have gave in. It took every fiber of my being to walk out. She even cried and was begging me. I don't know how this is going to play out for a week.

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