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I looked at myself in the mirror and thought deeply. Everything is done all I have to do is walk down the hall to the party. For some reason I can't bring my myself to do it. I'm shaking from all the panicking. "Hey honey you okay?" My mom said as she knocked and entered my room. "Oh Zea! You look stunning!" She said in awe. I smiled at her as I turned to wave. I had done my makeup and straightened my hair. My dress fit perfectly and really exaggerated how pregnant I was. "I'm really nervous. What if Xavier is mad I didn't tell him?" I said nervously. Mom laughed and grabbed my cards to hand them to me. I made sure they were in order and covered my pregnancy. Mom led me to the party and she headed in. I peeked in nervously and saw my family and pact mixed with some of our friends. There are so many people to tell...
I can do this!
You never know until you try and even if things went wrong I still have my babies. I pushed the door open and confidently walked in. "Hey! Zea is here!" Mason called out and it got people's attention. The room was quite and I looked at my cards. I removed the blank one and passed it to mom. I did this for all my cards to deliver my message.
I invited you all here.
To share some news with you.
I'd like you to know...
That I am...
I paused as I held the last card. As I looked at Xavier he seemed to really be anticipating the next card...which didn't exist. Then I finally took a deep breath and slowly removed my card. "Pregnant." I smiled and the room clapped, cheered, and I swear I heard a cry. Then the room fell silent as we heard a glass break. I looked in Xavier's direction and got startled because I didn't see him there anymore. Instead he was next to me and he had teary eyes. "You're pregnant..?" He whispered and I nodded. He chuffed then hugged my shoulders and showered me in kisses. There were plenty of awes in the crowd and I giggled as I tried to stop him. "I'm so happy! I'm gonna be a dad! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He yelled and people continued laughing. I patted his head and he looked like a light bulb went out. I looked at him confused but then he got on his knees to put his head against my belly. "Ah! Don't do that! Everyone is watching." I panicked and covered my red face. Then I felt a baby kick and Xavier started crying. "Oh my gosh no don't cry!" I said trying to pick up Xavier as I died from embarrassment. I facepalmed as Xavier continued to interact with my belly: talking to it, rubbing it, kissing it. He was so cute and thankfully everyone started partying again. Xavier eventually got up but he didn't leave me alone. "Awe lookie how big you are!" Maddie came over with my siblings. "What are you having?" She asked and I forgot to even tell Xavier that and he started looking at me waiting for the answer. Crap crap. I wasn't exactly ready for that. I bit my lip and faked a smile. "I'm having two triplets..." I whispered and fought the part of me that wanted to run. My siblings looked at me understandingly and continued talking to me and asking questions. "I like pickles and cheese." I laughed and Xavier seemed to be piecing everything together. My siblings eventually parted and Jace made himself present. "It's like I'm transferring it to someone else! Jace!" Xavier playfully yelled at him and Jace laughed. "You knew?!" Xavier questioned. He only nodded. "Jace noticed because it's easier for omegas to tell if another is pregnant...plus...I threw up on him." I softly laughed and apologized again for something that happened a long time ago. "Yeah and of course Mommy dearest knew too." Jace said gesturing towards my mom. Who was currently watching over my father's unconscious body...he fainted from the news. The party lasted a few more hours but eventually it did end. I plopped down on Xavier's bed in awe. "I missed your bed and your scent." I said breathing everything in. He laughed and pulled me into a hug. "Wait here." I said as I ran out the room and then returned after I grabbed my folder. "You got very close to seeing this in my nest that day." I laughed and sat down next to him. "What is it?" He asked and I opened it up. He looked at all the photos in excitement. "Two triplets?" He referred back to what I said and looked at the photos of just the two. He hadn't gotten down to the first photos yet. "This..." I started as I pulled out a old photo of the three of them. "This is Baby A, B, and C." I pointed out and he studied what I was saying. "I'm so sorry Xavier. It's my fault C didn't make it." I whispered and he looked at me confused. "I-my...Zea's womb was too small for all three." I sobbed and covered my face. I was embarrassed for speaking in third person and that I was to blame for the death. "Hey...something like that isn't your fault. It just happens." He said and pulled me into a comforting hug. "Is this what you were crying about that day?" He asked and I only nodded. He planted a kiss on my forehead and brushed my hair with his hand. "You look really beautiful today." Xavier said and I looked at him with a blush. "Like a goddess." He said and kissed my nose. I held Xavier's face and pressed my lips to his for a while. I enjoy kissing Xavier. "In a couple weeks you have to start staying with me." I told him and he had expressed that it made sense. Me and Xavier talked for hours before going to sleep.
I guess we really missed each other...

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