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"Congratulations on finishing your first trimester. Are you ready to see?" Kayla smiled at me. I nodded at Kayla, mom, and Jace. Serena used the machine on my and I was pretty excited. She finally found the- babies! "Oh! My!" Kayla said concerned and I questioned what happened. Kayla used her stethoscope on me and everyone looked a little distressed. I almost started panicking but Serena did her best to calm me down. After they finished and cleaned up Kayla said she would be back with answers. I didn't understand what was wrong. I saw the same thing as everyone else but I was the only lost one. Is something wrong..? Mom and Jace were trying to soothe me but I didn't really listen to them. I was too busy thinking. I looked at my belly and placed a hand on it.
Please be okay...
"Hello. I'm back." Kayla spoke but not in the confident cheerful way she usually does. "These are your photos." She handed me a folder after opening it herself and grabbing a photo. "Are you ready to hear this?" She asked me and I nodded. Mom and Jace said they would wait in the car for me. "This is baby A. This is the healthiest baby. This is baby B. B is a little smaller then A because it gets less nutrients which we will make sure to monitor that. This last one...was baby C." She started with explaining but I cut her off with my eyes. "W-was..?" I whispered and she nodded. "Your womb is a little smaller than average. That caused C to not have enough room and eventually the siblings took the nutrition. We are going to do everything we can to make sure B survives too. We need to remove baby C so the fetus can't harm the others by being there. Is that okay with you?" Kayla went on and I only nodded.
~after surgery~
"Do...do you want to see baby C?" Serena asked and I nodded again as I bit me lip. A tiny little fetus was shown to me. It looked like a big bean and it had some features. As I looked at the little toes my eyes watered and I had to look away. That was my baby...Xavier's baby. Everything was taken care of and Serena added a photo of baby C to my folder because I asked. I don't want to look at the photo but I have to keep my baby in any way possible. I had three triplets and now I have two. I will do everything I can for them to stay healthy. I'd give anything for that to happen. I got in the car and Mom had been crying. I smiled at her weakly and she drove us home. I put the folder in my backpack and made sure I didn't look pregnant. As me and Jace got out mom called my name so I stayed. "Zea...you're always trying to be independent and strong. Sometimes I need you to let go. I need to you be comforted. You don't have to be brave all the time...especially not now. I think all of your melt downs are due to the fact that you're letting it build up. So think about that for me please..." she said and I felt my heart race. My eyes stung and my throat started feeling dead. I wanted nothing more than to just cry. I wanted to be in my nest. I told mom that I loved her and I headed inside. The house was quite so I had absolutely no distractions. I made my way to my room and opened my backpack. I put the folder on my book shelf in my nest and put my backpack by the door. I crawled back in my nest and shut the door. How could the universe do that to me and have it be my fault. "I killed it. If only I was- I was-" I spoke to myself and everything came out wobbly or broken. I finally sobbed and let myself cry out. I was screaming and crying so hard I hadn't realized my nest opened. I felt arms around me as I cried and I didn't look at them since I already knew it was Xavier. Xavier pulled me into his arms and swayed and he laid back. Thankfully he was hugging my shoulders. I'm not ready to tell him yet. Especially now. I will begin to get bigger and it will be obvious. I had cried for awhile...maybe an hour and Xavier stayed with me the whole time. How could I even tell Xavier that it's my fault we lost a baby and he didn't even know. "Xavier..." I whispered out and he hummed a response. "I love you." I said and snuggled closer. "I love you too sweetie." He said and I grinned. "You know what's weird?" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows then looked up at him. "I haven't been feeling aggressive so I did the math and you haven't had a heat in like two months." He said almost with a laugh and I was scared. He's gonna figure out. "Yeah I guess. Maybe it's because I was a late bloomer anyway." I laughed and he joined along. "Yeah that makes sense." He whispered and I watched him look around like he was searching...? "Hey? What's wrong?" I said as I held his face to gently make him look at me. Stop scamming my nest Xavier...
I almost growled at him for some reason. "Sorry. Nothing is wrong." He said and kissed my forehead. "It's lunch time I'll go make you something. What do you want?" He asked me and I thought about it for a moment. "Can I have a grilled cheese?" I asked and he wondered if that was it. I told him yes and he left.

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