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"You must be so excited!" Serena said as she started getting ready to show us the babies. Xavier nodded as he stood next to me. He was sitting with mom but I suppose his nerves got to him. "Here we go" Kayla said as she turned the screen to us. "Nice and healthy." She added and Xavier looked at the screen amazed. "Would you like to know the genders?" She asked and I nodded. "Baby A right here. This is your boy. Now baby B here is your girl." Kayla said happily and mom let out an excited giggle as she left the room. "Mom where are you going?" I asked and she smiled as she told me she was going shopping. I just relaxed as Kayla and Serena finished what they had to do. Xavier was the one who was asking questions and talking for a moment. When it was time to go we made our way to the car. "Thank you for bringing me." He said and held my hand. "Thank you for giving me babies." I laughed. "Hey did you ever think about names?" He asked and I pondered. "I didn't know the genders so I did get curious. I had always wanted to name my son Kai but I've never thought about a girls name." I told him as we got in the car. "What would you name a girl?" I asked him. "Blue." He immediately responded. "Why Blue?" I asked and he mentioned it was my favorite color and it was pretty. "Probably wouldn't put the E at the end though." He said and I pictured that in my head. Blu...
I opened the door to see my twin siblings fighting in the living room. Everyone else is sitting around. "Why are you all here?" I asked Empress and she said to ask the twins. I laughed and approached them to see what was happening.
They yelled and continued head butting. "Who raised us?" I questioned to myself. I put my hands between the twins and pushed them apart. "BOTH!" I said and they looked confused then immediately understood what I meant. "Aweee!" Maddie cheered and started playing with my belly. Mason joined in and I felt odd. My siblings are literally playing with my belly...ew. "Okay! Okay! Geez! You can play with them when they are born!" I smacked them away. They laughed and with a hug left. "Why did you all come just to know the genders. I could have called you." I laughed and Kevin rubbed his head. "Oh yeah...?" He said and looked over at Dylan who only nodded in a way that spelled out "totally? Why didn't we think of that?" Gosh they are all slow. They left and Empress gave me a hug as she left. I locked the door and looked back at the pack. "Sorry if they were here for a long time." I laughed and they joined me. I walked over to the free couch and lazily laid down. "I'm so exhausted and hungry..." I groaned and Jace laughed at me. "Your mean." I said and Xavier brought me a sandwich. "Oh woooow! You're- so sweeeet!" I cried a little and turned the other way. Everyone continued playing games, being on there phones, or talking and I ate while reading. Our babies will be so cute. I'm starting to feel excited now that I'm not worried about telling everyone. The hard part is over.

It's getting closer and closer to my due date. It's some time this weekend or next week. Xavier has made one of the rooms into another nursery. It was pretty and all blue. People had given me gifts, even though I didn't ask, which was so nice. I stood in the fully stocked nursery and placed the teddies I got in their cribs. Kai has a cute red one who will be Mr. Prince and Blu has a bear that is light blue named Ms. Princess. I don't care how ridiculous this gets. All babies get a teddy! I'm just excited.

(AN: forgive me I didn't mean to drag this out past 20 chapters so next chapter I'll be trying to wrap it all up. I think I'll make it as long as I can so that it will be a fitting end. I appreciate if you have read my story and enjoyed it. Also...don't worry I've already got plans for the mini sequel. It will be no longer than 10 chapters and it will probably take some time for me to publish it since this one took three months. Please expect at least one or two months , sorry it's just because I write slow. Again thank you and please enjoy the last chapter.)

(Ahaha it's already done. It's published or you can look up One Family Dinner...)

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