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I slipped a huge shirt on and looked at my body. It's the second day so my ears and tail are out. I looked at Xavier who passed out after so many back to back rounds. I'm so tired and hungry. He doesn't take any breaks. I walk to the door and slip out. I make my way downstairs using the wall and unluckily everyone is down here. My hair is a mess and my body has love marks from Xavier everywhere. I am hot and sweaty and everyone laughs at me. "Yeah yeah." I waved them off and ate the first thing I saw. I drank some coffee and joined the others but I stood up since I haven't showered. "So how was..."XAVIER~"?" Jace mocked me and I blushed. I shook that aside with a smirked. "I mean his dick is so big it almost killed me. And we totally have to be on like our 36th time or something. He just passed out for a first so I got a chance to escape." I said and opened my eyes to see the guys covering their ears. Jace laughed and said he told me so. Out of nowhere Xavier popped up in front of me with some shorts on and I jumped. He threw me over his shoulder. "Oh fuck!" I said and they waved bye and I pretended to be dead. He wasted absolutely no time and as soon as we got out of sight he stuck his fingers in me. I moaned and felt my eyes roll and fluttered as he pleasured me. He opened the door and shut it then picked me up and put me on his shoulders backwards. "Xavier what are you-KYA!!" I tried to ask but he just shoved his tongue in my vagina. He is eating me out in the air?! What the fuck! I pulled his hair and moaned as he licked and sucked on my clit. He tossed me on the bed and I never saw the outside for another day.
I had just showered and looked decent. Xavier was dressed and gave me a peck. We headed downstairs for breakfast and the corny pack cheered for us. "Congratulations. You both lost your virginity!" Aaru yelled and we looked at each other then him. He said he has his way of knowing things. He probably just made a logical guess and was right. Only a few people lose it to people other than there mate. Come here bro." Tanner called and Xavier listened. Tanner quickly revealed his back and they all let out some 'ohs' they were looking at all the clawing and carving I did. "Zea?! Is that your name right there?!" Giselle asked and I proudly claimed it. They laughed and we joined breakfast.
We pulled up to school since we were no longer on cycle leave and entered the building. "Well look what we have here! If it isn't our sister!" Dylan called out as my siblings all walked up. "Oh wow you really stink!" Mason complained while covering his nose and the rest nodded. "You two mate?! That's too fast! You better stop growing up on me!" Kevin cried as he shook me. I laughed and playfully pushed him off. We talked until the bell rung then made our way to class. Everyone commented on my smell today it was so weird. It kinda went like: "Is that Xavier?" "When did you get an Alpha?" "You smell really sweet now-" "oh really I think she smells rustic you know?" Left and right! I guess it's different for everyone. Different people will react differently but it should fade off after a few days.
~~~2 weeks~~~
(Cliche alert)
"You're vomiting like crazy?!" Jace said and I rolled my eyes before unloading some more. He held my hair back and I tied my hair up as I thanked him. "Hey go ahead and go back to your family. I'll be fi-" I started and continued my business. "It's fine I'm on break. Plus I like seeing you suff-I mean I just like being helpful!" Jace laughed and rubbed my back. "When are you gonna tell everyone?" He asked and I felt satisfied so I flushed the toilet. "I don't know. I don't feel like talking about it. I know it's normal and we all knew it was going to happen of course...I just want to keep everything as unchanged as I can for now." I told Jace as I cleaned my face and washed my hands. I brushed my teeth and Jace threw questions after question at me. I brushed more as I thought about them all. Once I finished I hushed Jace and answered as many as I could. "No I'm not hurting. No I don't feel anything. No I'm not seeing a doctor yet. Yes you can come when I do. No I'm not craving yet. No I don't have a secret bump. And no of course I've got no names yet." I rambled and surprisingly Jace understood all of that. "You just had your baby you know I'm not gonna start having a bump yet!" I laughed and Jace joined. "You can see my doctor." He smiled and I nodded. We came out of my bedroom and down the stairs. "Good morning Mate." Xavier chuffed and came to hug me. His so clingy and sweet it's adorable. "Hey there Alpha." I said and hugged him back. "Zea!" A guy said and once I sniffed I recognized Dylan. "Oh hello Dylan." I smiled and as Xavier let me go Dylan briefly hugged me. "And me." Kevin said as he came up. "And hello to you too Kevin." I laughed. "We are moving today." Dylan smiles and for some reason I was not feeling too good. "You're moving already..?" I tried smiling but I think my eyes gave it away. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded. "We've been talking about this for months...why would I not be okay." I laughed and it caused me to immediately shut it as I gagged. I ran quickly around the corner and threw up in the side bathroom under the stairs. They jogged over but Jace held them all back. "We just want to see if she's okay..." Xavier said and Jace improvised. "She's indecent right now. Sometimes girls don't want to be seen at low times." Jace explained unsure but it was enough for them. Shit I guess I didn't finish yet. Okay now I feel good. I wiped my face and told myself not to cry.
This was planned Zea. They are moving but you aren't going to lose them!
With that I let out a confident breath and marched out.

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