The Fight

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Present Day

  I look in the mirror at my candy red eyes. Gamzee always would comment on them, saying they're sweet looking and are the windows to my soul or some shit. I check my outfit which is a black zip up sweater, black skinny jeans and red converse. I miss that fuckface. We had a fight a week ago and we haven't spoke since. He won't return my texts even if I try to apologize. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom only to see Kankri. He looks at me briefly and then walks along. He confuses me a lot.. I walk out of the house and towards the café since it's the weekend. Maybe Gamzee will play there tonight. Why do I care so much? We're not dating. He hangs out with the popular seniors while I just hang out with my nerd clique seniors. Typical love story. I scoff in the cold weather, seeing my breathe as I enter the shop. I smell the most delightful cake snd coffee. I see my friend Sollux and walk up to him.

"Hey KK." He waves me over and pushes up his shades.

"'Sup fucker." I sit down and wait for the waitress to come over.

"How'th it goin with Gamthee?" His lisp made me smirk slightly.

"Not good, don't necessarily care."

"Well motherfucker, you should care." A shadow blocks the light. Of course it's my purple eyed best friend. "Karbro, I'm sorry. That fight was dumb." He sits down and I immediately recall the fight we had.

A week ago

"Fine!" I scream at him.

"Whatever! You never gave a shit anyways! You always tell me you fucking hate me! Why are we even friends!?" He screams back. I can feel my tears well up in my eyes. I watch him punch walls and flip the fuck out. I let the tears stream as I walk towards the door behind him. He tries to grab my shoulder, but I shake him off and let my anger get the best of me. I punch Gamzee straight in the nose. I'm not sure how I reached up that far or how I even got that lucky shot. I turn on my heels and run back home, only to hear his sad, angry cries.

Flashback End

  The silence was broken by our waitress. It was Jade. She had long black hair and green eyes which were behind round glasses. She smiled.

"What may I get you?"

"I'll have one black coffee." She laughed.

"Anything else Karkat?" I shook my head.

"I'll take a coffee 2 sugars and three creams Jade." Gamzee said.

"Mm can I get the honey cake and a thmall cup of honey tea." Sollux said.

"Alright, see you in a few." She walked up. I looked at Gamzee.

"So.. do you forgive me?" He said and smiled goofily. I leaned back and nodded. I can't be mad at some fucker who I'm in love with. I sigh. I've been in love since we were in middle school. I'm not sure if he feels the same or not. Probably not, he had hooked up with so many girls.

  Jade returned with our orders. I sipped my bitter coffee and smiled. Gamzee smiled at me and I smiled back. He put his coffee down and got up.

"Show time." He got his guitar and keyboard out and walked up to the stool. "Hello everyone. My name is Gamzee Makara and I'm going to sing a song called I Will Follow You Into The Dark." He started the keyboard up and put the guitar at his side. He began to sing and play. I wanted to cry at how beautiful this was. I teared it up and I felt Sollux kick my shin. I shot daggers at him and he stuck his tongue out. Gamzee kept his gaze on me the entire time.

  I stood up after he finished. I looked at him, smiled quickly and went to the counter to pay.

"That'll be 2.25 Karkat." Jade said. I gave her a five.

"Keep the rest as tip." She nodded and I pulled my hood on and walked out. I can't let Gamzee see me like this. I practically ran home.

  As I walked in I saw Kankri on the couch reading.

"Karkat. You're home. How was your evening."

"Triggering." I rolled my eyes and mocked him.

"That's unfortunate, if you wish to talk I'm always here." I said a small thanks and went up to my bedroom. I locked my door and went to check my pesterchum. I had nothing new. I turned the laptop's tab to my music. I played my favorite song at the moment. Picture Perfect by Escape The Fate. I laid the computer on the nightstand and laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I felt my phone vibrate. I unlocked it only to see Gamzee texted me.

>WhYd YoU uP aNd LeAvE sO qUiCk? :o(


>WaNnA hAnG tOmoRrOw? :o)


>SeE yOu ThEn

  I locked my phone after checking the time. It's barely going to be 8. Maybe I can go see Nepeta or Kanaya. I don't really want to see Equius, so I'll call Kanaya. I dialed her number off my phone and she answered after 2 rings.


"Kanaya. Hey its Karkat. Can I come over?"

"Karkat, of course! Yes you may. Just have Kankri drive you, I don't want you walking in the dark."

"Kanaya, I can drive myself." I rolled my eyes and sat up on my bed.

"Oh yes, I forget sometimes. I'll see you in a bit. I'll have some tea ready." And with that she hung up. I went down to talk to Kankri into letting me borrow the car. Kanaya is always been like my mother. She graduated two years ago and she's always been so mature. She's dating Vriska. She's been dating Vriska since she was a senior and we were just sophomores. I really hate spider bitch and she'll probably be there but Kanaya will keep her in line.

"Kankri." I look at him while he reads.

"Yes, Karkat?"

"Can I borrow the car to go see Kanaya?"

"Yes, but may I ask something?" I nod "Is something triggering you?" I nod again "Okay. If you wish to speak once you get back, we may." He hands me the keys and begins to read again. I walk out to the car and head off to Kanaya's house. Hopefully she can help me out with my issue of Gamzee.

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