Gamzee's Confession

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  I wake up at 10:30. It's Sunday and snowing outside. I shiver and get up to shower. I lay out my clothes. My black turtleneck and some black jeans with black shoes. Black. I love that color. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I hear the door open.


"What Kankri?"

"I've gotten you something." I turn around to see a silver necklace in his hand. "It is the zodiac cancer." He hands it to me and walks out.

"Thanks?" I say loudly so he can hear me. I put it on my sweater and head to the shower.

  I step in the warm water and let it drown my feelings out. Shower time was calming to me. It helped me think straight. It made me feel better. Speaking of thinking, apparently I wasn't because I forgot I need to go see Gamzee today. Shit. I sigh as I finish putting the shampoo in my thick black hair. I wash and rinse it quickly along with conditioner. I stepped out into the warm room. I put fresh boxers on and began drying my hair off as I walk to my room. I change quickly to get as warm as possible and walk down stairs. I see Kankri next to Cronus.

"Kankri, I need to borrow the car again." I talk a glance at Cronus who had a cigarette in his mouth. He smiled at me. Creepy.

"Are you off to see Kanaya again?"

"Gamzee wanted me to come over." I blush slightly.

"Alright. Remember. The time must come." Kankri handed me the keys and I waved bye.

  I was driving to Gamzee's house. It was a bit foggy and still snowing so I had to be careful. I tried to see into the fog, but it kept getting thicker. Lights shown through the fog suddenly. Getting closer. Right towards me. I tried to scream as the large semi hit me, but I was already out cold. I felt heavy. I was awake, but not awake. I felt liquid streaming down my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked at my stomach, crunched against the metal of Kankri's totaled car. I cough up a thick liquid. Blood. I look at the driver of the truck run towards me to pull me out. My eyelids grew heavy with the pain. I felt tears run down my face, and I passed out. I can feel arms pull me out and up. I hear people screaming. I hear sirens, but I can't wake up. I'm lifted up into something and into what I assume is an ambulance.


  Karkat still hasn't shown up and it's 4 PM. I'm getting worried. I look at my wall and punch it. Today I was going to confess what he really means to me.. I teared up but I heard a knock. I rubbed my eyes and opened my door to see Kurloz. He seemed annoyed. He signed 'what's your issue'. I signed 'Karkat'. 'Oh. Calm down. I'll text Kankri.' I nodded and closed my door. I laid down and cried. I've been in love with him for years.. he probably doesn't feel the same but he needs to know..

  About 10 minutes later, Kurloz came into my room frantically signing random crap until I understood one phrase. 'Karkat's in the hospital'. I felt the tears build up. 'Where?'. Kurloz signed it out and hugged me tightly. Then he signed out 'lets go.' I nodded and we rushed to the hospital.

  I cried the entire way here. I ran in his room after talking to the nurse. The room was packed. Kanaya, Vriska, Cronus, Kankri, Nepeta, Sollux and now Kurloz and me. Kanaya and Vriska sat on the couch. Vriska cooed Kanaya as she worried deeply. Kanaya is like Karkat's mom.. Cronus sat in a chair next to Kankri, holding his hand. Kankri keeps whispering the word trigger and rocking himself as he cries. Kurloz decides to go talk to spider bitch and Kanaya. I came up to Kankri.

"Kankri." My deep voice cracked from crying. "What happened.."

"He.. He was hit by a semi truck as he was coming to see you. He couldn't see.. He.. he.." Kankri burst out into tears and so did I. Almost everyone in the room did but Vriska, Kurlbro and Cronus did. Nepeta was sitting by Karkat's heart monitor. She was already crying and petting his hand. I bit my lip to suppress my crying. I sat next to Kankri. I put my head in my hands. This is my fault.. I wanted to see him.. I could have driven to his house.. And now he's on life support..

  A few hours passed and Karkat still hadn't woke up. Vriska had taken Kanaya home because she was on the verge of murdering someone which is rare. Nepeta was dropped off by Kurbro since she was dropped off by Equius. Cronus had kissed Kankri goodbye since it was getting late and he was exhausted. Kankri and I sat in the dim room with the sound of Karkat's heart beat monitor beeping.

"Kankri.." I sniffle.

"Yes Gamzee?" He looked at me.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I'm in love with Karkat." I heard Kankri laugh a bit. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes, leaning back on his chair.

"I already knew that." He responded and opened his bloodshot eyes. "Karkat is in love with you too." I felt a spark in my heart. I felt a fire begin.

"Really?" I grabbed Karkat's hand and caressed it with my thumb.

"Yes. It triggered him when you two fought. He was upset dearly and didn't eat for two days. He ate rarely. Enough to survive, but not enough to keep himself healthy. I'm glad you apologized though. He needs to as well."

"It affected me too.." I whisper. "But he doesn't need to apologize Kankri. As soon as he wakes up, I'm going to confess to him." Kankri took a big sigh.

"Would you prefer to sleep on the couch?"

"You take it. I'll sleep right here." I looked at my red eyed best friend. His usual angry face was now peaceful and sad looking. I saw Kankri, fast asleep already. I looked back at Karkat and smiled. I kissed his hand multiple times, hoping he'd wake up. I then got up, kissed his forehead and sat back down. I slowly began to fall asleep next to his hand, in my chair. I felt calm. Tired and calm. My candy eyed best friend, I'll see you soon.

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