The End?

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  I look around the barely lit room as my loverboy sleeps. I stare at him intently until I hear noises coming from the middle tunnel. I get up. I shake Karkat up. He's alert. He grabs his clothes and weapons. Changes quickly and heads to the left tunnel. Running. We start running as fast as we possibly could. The route was long. The voices grew louder. We ran and ran. Soon Karkat stopped in front of me. He had tears in his eyes.

"Go." He whispers. I feel tears running down my face.

"No!" I scream. He pushes me violently and he kisses me.

"Fucking go you idiot!! You've saved my life and now I'm going to save yours!" He screamed at me. Suddenly my memories are flooded by that fateful day.

I keep calling Karbro but no answer. I'm getting worried. He's been very depressed lately. Maybe I should go see him. I jog to his house, getting more worried by the minute. I look to see a big shadow in his window. I climb up the side of the house with the plants growing. I hop on his roof and into his window, to see him dangling limply. I run up to him and hold him up. But i can't get him down.. I grab his chair and stand up on it, hurrying to undo the knot.

  Within seconds he falls to the floor. His purple bruised neck sticks out. I listen to his heartbeat. He's still alive but barely. I breathe into his mouth as I hold him in my lap. I keep repeating CPR until he gasps for air, crying and holding me. He buries his face in by neck and sobs. I cry hard and hold him close to me.

"Why.. why did you save me.. I was finally going to be happy.." he looked at me, hurting.

"Karkat... I can't let you die.. you mean everything to me.." I wipe his tears and he wipes mine. I look down at the new and old scars, cascading his wrists. I frown and he wipes one of my tears.

"I owe you my life.." he says to me "Promise me you'll let me save YOUR life one day.."

"I promise." I hold him and stroke his hair softly while rocking him.

  I snap out of it and realize I promised him. He looks at me painfully.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper and hit him over the head with my club. He goes unconscious. We're already by the door, but... they stand in front of me as I pick up Karkat.

"Gamzee!" Kanaya screams whilst wielding her chainsaw "Put him down NOW!" She threatens me. I lay him down. She points at me. "Get away from us all!"


"Get out of this town!" I look at my boyfriend as I kneel beside him. He's waking up.

"Gamzee.." he whispers. "Go.. before they kill you.." I let my tears slide off my cheek onto him. He smiles and pulls my face down into a kiss as I heard the chainsaw near me. I get up after Karkat puts something in my hand.. I look at the true monsters and run off. I open the door and run through into a new city. I'm in (your city).

  A few months later...

  I stand in front of the man. He puts down his menu.

"May I take your order sir?" I sigh and put on a fake smile. He orders the lobster. I write it down and take it to the chef, aka my manager.

"Makara, go home." My manager Mike says, not looking at me. "You've been working 10 hours straight." I smile at him.

"Fine. Thanks Mike, see you tomorrow." He nods and smiles at me. I take off my apron and clock out in the back room. I sigh and rub my eyes. My apartment is not to far from here. I walk out and zip up my jacket. It's warm but this was a jacket Karkat bought for me.. I fiddle with the cancer zodiac necklace. I reach my apartment complex and head inside and up to the third floor. I see my apartment, but my neighbor comes out of his/her room. Their (eye color) staring intensely at me.

"Hey Gamzee." The girl/boy said.

"Hey ______." I wave. ______ come up to me and hugs me.

"How was work?" The (h/c) said.

"Long." I sighed.

"Well, I'm going out to get some supplies for dinner, would you like to come over later?" I nod and blush.

"Sure sis/bro." I open my apartment and wave, walking into my bathroom to shower. Am I developing feelings for ______?.. I've barely known her/him for a few months..


This is where it ends and continues in the Gamzee x Reader story!

Loverboy  (Human!Gamkar)Where stories live. Discover now