Waking Up

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  I woke up late at night I assume since the room was dark except for my monitors. I look around to make out a figure on the couch and one at my hand. I take my hand from the strangers and touch their hair. I know this thick untamed hair from anywhere. It's Gamzee. So that must mean Kankri is on the couch. I look to the window to see a balcony. Nice hospital. I can see the sun rising. The sky is a purple, pink and orange color. It's gorgeous. I think I'll watch the sun rise until one of them wakes up.

  About 15 minutes into the sun rising, Kankri woke up. He looked at me, went back to sleep but took a double take and ran up to me. He sobbed on my arm which was in a cast. I held him from the hospital bed. For once, I'm not angry. I'm pretty calm. Kankri kept crying and soon Gamzee woke up to me holding my brother. I sniffled and laughed a bit.

"Kankri you smell awful. What is that?" I managed to croak out.

"I'm sorry Karkat. Does this smell trigger you? Cronus smokes cigarettes and the smell usually sticks to me." I shook my head and pushed him off.

"Kankri.." I heard Gamzee speak up softly.

"Yes Gamzee?"

"Can you go get us some breakfast?" Suddenly I see a light bulb go off in Kankri's head. He nods and walks out, leaving Gamzee and I alone.

"Gam, I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize." He cut me off.

"Why not?"

"Trust me. Kurloz is on his way with my keyboard and guitar so I can keep you company." I swear to god I saw him blush as he said this.

"Oh okay.." I kept my eyes on him. I studied his face and body posture. We kept this weird eye contact as if we're both doing this. Gamzee looks awful. His eyes are puffy and bloodshot. His smile wasn't there. He looked anxious. He looked uspet and scared as well. His hair, oh man, I could run my hands through his hair and just get lost in it.

  Kankri came back with a nurse. She held a tray for me and Kankri held food for Gamzee and him. She placed the food on this machine that hovered over my lap. It had bacon and eggs with coffee and some yogurt. I said thanks and she went off. We all ate in silence until Kurloz came in the room with Gamzee's stuff. He set it all up and signed something I don't understand. Gamzee signed back and waved. We all finished our breakfast.

"I need to make some calls and tell everyone you're okay." Kankri got up and left. Gamzee looked lost in thought.



"Are you gonna play a song for me?" His dumbass goofy smile reappeared and he nodded.

"Just thinking of what to play." I nodded and kept my eyes on him.

"Do you like Led Zeppelin?"

"Yeah I love Stairway To Heaven." He got his guitar ready. He played the intro. Eventually getting to the long song. He sung beautifully and played the exact tune. He looked so happy when he played his guitar or keyboard. Sometimes he cried when he played music. He said it was so beautiful and I couldn't agree more.

  After the 8 minute song ended, Kankri came back in and said he needs to go home and shower and stuff. He'll be back in a few hours. Gamzee began to play a song on his guitar again. I recognized it almost immediately. Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls. This time he was already crying during the beginning of the song. He sung and I sung along. I sung Taylor Swifts part. I'm not a huge fan of her but I love this song. I kept my eyes on Gamzee as he cried and sung to me. I started crying too. We both stared at each other. I finally know what Gamzee meant by eyes are windows to the soul. His purple eyes showed me an emotion I know all too well. My red eyes showed the same emotion whenever I saw him. Love. Gamzee smiled at me, still crying and singing. I smiled back and wiped his tears away. We finished the song. He put his guitar down. He looked at me and stood up. I tried to sit up, but the pain was unbearable. Gamzee saw this and pushed me back down gently. He leaned down to my level and to my surprise, he kissed me. On the lips. My best friend just kissed me on the lips. The boy I've been in love with for years, kissed me. I felt more tears fall down my face. I felt my face get hot. It was a sweet kiss. Nothing to lustrous but nothing like a joke. We've kissed quickly as a joke before, but this kiss. This kiss meant something to both of us. He broke away, noticing my heart monitor grew faster. I smiled at him.

"Karbro." He smiled and wiped my tears away.


"I've been in love with you since middle school."

"Same here Gam." I looked at him and got close enough to kiss him again. The pain made me want to curl up, but I needed to do this. I kissed him softly and broke away to lay back on the bed once more. "Gamzee?"


"How bad is it?"

"Well you've got a broken arm, some internal bleeding and you had 12 stitches in your head. But the doctor said you'll be out in two days since you're going under surgery to get the internal bleeding fixed." I gulped harshly. "I'll be waiting outside any room you're in, okay?" I nodded and looked at the clock. 12.

"What time will I be going to get this fixed?"

"Around 1." I frowned. Gamzee grabbed my hand and kissed it. This made me feel slightly better but not so much.

  The doctors came in and told me they're ready to do the surgery. Gamzee kissed me and followed one of the nurses to the waiting room to wait for me. I was moved to a portable bed and towards the room I'll be having surgery in. I fiddled with the necklace Kankri gave me. It had the cancer zodiac on it. What I didn't realize until now was my name engraved on the back. Karkat Vantas. I need to thank Kankri properly when I get home.

  We reached the room and the doctor cleaned up and put gloves on. A redheaded nurse put a mask over my nose and mouth with some gas flowing in to make me sleep and not feel the pain. She told me to think about my happy place. My happy place would be with Gamzee right now.


  Karkat's going under surgery right now. I texted Kankri and he said he'll be there in 10 minutes. Even with the best doctors in the world, I still worry about Karbro. I frowned and looked at the lock screen of my phone. Mine is Karbro and me. I have my arm around him and he's  actually smiling with me. He looks cute and awkward. I unlock my phone to see my wallpaper which is just him. He's angry in this picture but I still think he's cute.

  Kankri arrived. His black hair in order, his tannish pale skin finally cleaned from crying. His red turtleneck and black jeans. Karbro looks almost identical to him except that Karbro is tanner.

"Kankri may I ask you something?"

"Go on."

"Can I stay with you guys until Karkat tells us specifically he's better?" Kankri nods and crosses his arms.

"Why not. Just have Kurloz drop your stuff off." I said thank you and hugged him. "That was.. triggering."

"Sorry.." I rubbed my neck and looked down.

"It's fine. Just don't do that again unless I hug you first. I'd prefer and scolding from Cronus instead of watching him beat you up." I laughed and nodded. Time to wait for my crab.

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