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  I finally get to go home today. The surgery went well, no complications. Gamzee has been here the entire time. I'm still not sure what we are. It feels like we're together but we haven't been on a date or anything. I sigh as I look at Gamzee sleeping on the couch. I get up with little pain. I stand up and stretch. My legs are a little wobbly so I sit back down. It's about 10 and my room is lit up.

"Good morning!" A nurse comes busting in the room scaring me and waking up Gamzee. "Are you ready to go home yet Mr. Vantas?" I nod.

"Alright well your brother came and dropped off your clothes. He said to get dressed and go home." I take the clothes.

"Thanks." She smiles and walks out. I look at the black long sleeve shirt, grey jeans, boxers and black converse. "Gamzee."

"Yeah?" He gets up.

"I need help getting changed.." I can feel my face get red.

"We've changed in front of each other so many times. Why are you red?" He laughed and I tried pulling the boxers on but they only went halfway because of the pain. I felt myself getting more red.



"My boxers.." Gamzee smiled and came up to me. He grabbed my boxers by the hem and as slowly as he possibly could, he pulled them up. I covered my face as he kissed my waist and grabbed my butt. He stood up and pulled the hospital gown off of me. I shivered because of the cold anethestic room. He held me by my waist and kissed my neck and collarbone a few times, then putting my shirt on me. Next came my pants. He told me to lay back on the bed. I laid back, stretching as my legs were being put in my jeans. It felt amazing to stretch like this.

"Stand up." He said. I stood up as he got on his knees and pulled my jeans up to my liking. He buttoned them up too. I smiled and pulled him back up. I kissed him and sat back on the bed. He put both my shoes on. He grabbed his guitar and keyboard. Time to go sign out.

  After signing out and putting his stuff in his car he told me he had a surprise for me. We were off to an unknown destination. Soon we were outside a diner. I looked at it. We got out and walk inside. I saw Kankri and Cronus at a table waving us over.

"Karkat, how are you feeling?" Kankri got up and hugged me, then Cronus did too. We sat down.

"I feel better."

"That's good. Well lets order." I nodded. A male waiter came up and asked for our orders.

"I'll have a chicken burger with a side of fries please." Kankri said and then closed the menu, crossing his arms.

"I'll have the fish burger with some fish sticks." Cronus said, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Sir you can't smoke in here." The waiter said.

"I'll burn you with this cigarette." He said and glared at him. The waiter clearly wanted to leave us.

"I'll have the double cheeseburger with onion rings." Gam said.

"I'll take the meatball sub with some french fries." I said and handed the waiter all of our menus. I looked at Gamzee. "Was this your surprise?"

"No." He smiled and I saw Kankri smile as well.

"Then what is it fuckass? I'm getting anxious."

"I'll be staying with you until you specifically tell us you're capable to take care of yourself." He grabbed my hand and smiled as largely as he could. I smiled back. "Thank you for allowing this Kankri."

"Yeah, thanks. Oh, and thanks for the necklace. I love it."

"You're welcome Karkat." Kankri smiled.

  After dinner we all headed back to my house. Cronus and Kankri are going to watch a movie downstairs while I help Gamzee get settled in my room. I walk up the stairs to my large and fairly clean room. I have the master bedroom upstairs while Kankri has the second biggest room downstairs. I have a king sized bed, a flat screen, my gaming corner with my laptop and other devices, a closet and my own personal bathroom. Gamzee looks around.

"I haven't been in here in forever." He puts his clothes in my closet on the rack on top. He puts his hygiene crap on the large counter sink. He then proceeds to jump on my bed. I look at his dumbass and growl. "Karbro. Come here." I walk up to him and he pats the bed. I lay down next to him as we stare at my ceiling. He wraps an arm, gently around my waist and pulls me closer. I shake him off and get up. He sits up.

"What's wrong?"

"My arm hurts.." I lie.

"Take some medicine." He gets up and hugs me from behind but I pull out of his grasp. "It's not your arm is it."

"What are we?" I turn around and look at him.


"What are we?" Karkat looks at me.

"I'd like to be your boyfriend.." I whisper.


"Karkat Vantas. Come with me." I grab his arm and pull him to his screenless window. I open it and step on the flat roof. I put my hand out to him. He looks at me, then he grabs a two thick blankets. He hands them to me and climbs out on his own. I lay one blanket out and sit down on it. He sits down on it with me. I wrap the other one around myself and him. He cuddles into my side.

"Karbro." I look down at him.


"Be my boyfriend?" I bite his ear gently. He looks up and directly in my eyes.

"Fuck yes." He kisses me. I smile and stand up, leaving him with the blanket.

"You hear that Earth! I'm dating Karkat Vantas!" I shout as loudly as I can.


"Yeah?" I turn around and look at him smiling.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now lets get back inside before I freeze to death." Karkat climbs in with the blankets and puts them on the bed. I jump on the bed and cuddle in. He joins me soon after.

Loverboy  (Human!Gamkar)Where stories live. Discover now