Anger and Joints.

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  It's our second day into suspension. Gamzee has just been so angry lately that he's taken up smoking pot. It seems as if whenever he's sober he's angry or upset. So I've set up a little pot garden on my roof. We went to the doctors to get him a marijuana license. He's smoked at least two times a day. We got him at THC pills as well. I've got to make sure he's calm. He always got so angry at people who hurt me. Just it gets so bad. I look at him, he's smoking in my room right now. He's on his purple bean bag relaxing. I walk up to him and sit on his lap. He holds me tightly. I look at him in the eyes.

"Are you still mad?"

"Nah." He kisses my cheek and someone knocks on my door.

"Karkat?" Kankri says.

"Come in." He opens the door and Kanaya walks in.

"Hello Karkat, Gamzee."

"Hey Kanaya, what are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to talk to you in private." She says while straightening her red skirt out. I try to get up but Gamzee pulls me down. I stare at him, kiss him and pull a THC pill out of my pocket and put it in his mouth. He let's go and grabs my ass. I walk downstairs with Kanaya and outside.

"Karkat." She bit her green lip.


"I think Gamzee might snap one day.. he's just been angrier according to you." She stressed.

"I know. The pot is helping but I just worry about him snapping." I feel like I'm being watched. Kanaya hugged me tightly.

"Well, all of us, your friends will be prepared for the situation. Everyone." I pushed her away. I can feel the eyes staring right through my head now.

"What the hell do you mean?"

"Well, if he snaps, then we'll contain him. We have escape routes and everything." I stare utterly confused. "Weapons, a place to secure him, an area we can run off too." I suddenly get angry.

"Do you think my boyfriend is some.. some monster?!" I scream "You think you'll cage him up like some monster?! You think this will happen under my watch! It won't! Just because he beats people up doesn't consider him a monster! Kanaya, I think you need to leave.." she looks hurt. She walks off. Man.. I won't let them hurt him like that. I look up to the open window of my bedroom to see him staring out with a smile. I wave. He waves me up. I walk back inside and up.

  He opens the door with a large smile. I smile back.

"I heard what you said about me mother fucker." He pulled me in and closed the door, locking it. He pushed me towards the bed and got on top of me. I blushed.

"Yeah.." I whispered whilst staring at his lips "You're not an animal or a monster.."

"In bed I am." He whispered back and rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip. I smiled. He took off both our pj shirts and pants. Leaving us in boxers. He looked at my dried bloody bandage. He frowned. I wanted him so bad, but this was a turn for no sex. He got up and pulled me off the bed.

"We need to wash that off." He pulled me close to him. "We'll continue our fun soon." He whispered. I blushed as he pulled off his boxers as he walked me to the shower. He stood at the edge, turning it on and turning back to me. He pulled my boxers off and unwrapped my disposable bandage. There was dry blood but we got it resewn. He stepped in the shower and pulled me in. I shivered, but it warmed up as he put body wash on his hands and rubbed it on my stomach. It stung a little but after a while the blood went down the drain. I moaned in delight as he washed my body. I soon returned the favor.

  After our shower he wrapped a new bandage around my stomach and got dressed in clothes to go out. I dressed in a black turtleneck with my zodiac in grey on it and grey skinny jeans. Gamzee wore a purple crew neck shirt with his zodiac in black on it. He also wore pants but black. I smiled at his appearance. He was applying his make up. Shitty clown make up. He had gotten into a large fight which left him horrid scars.


I look around my home, to find Gamzee nowhere. Kankri said he went to the grocery store. I pulled my phone out and tried calling him.

  No answer from Gamzee whatsoever. The corners of my mouth twitch. I get up and get into the car and drive off. Thank lord our town is small. We only have two grocery stores. One sells faygo, one doesn't. I assume he's at the one that sells. I drive quickly to see his car there. I also see police cars. They're taking people out as gun shots erupt. I tear up. Gamzee.. don't you die.. I park the car and run up to see Gamzee being helped out with blood on his face. I frown and run up to him, hugging him tightly.

"What the fuck happened?!"

"I got into a fight.." he wipes off the blood with a towel that was handed. He has three diagonal, almost horizontal jagged scars running down his face. I feel like screaming..


  I watch him still apply his make up which is white and grey. He finishes and smiles.

"Now I don't look like such a freak."

"You've never looked like a freak." He smiles at this and pops a THC pill into his mouth.

"At least I'm more relaxed now." I worried. But fakely smiled. Time to go out for the first time in three-four days.

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