Part 11.

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I awoke the next morning to it being rather silent, as it always was within my ship. I got up from my berth and walked towards the cockpit to check on my Predacon, something within my spark told me to do so. Entering the room, a beeping sound caught my attention. It was coming from the cloning chamber. My optics widened and I ran over to check what the problem was, checking all of the system settings for anything out of the ordinary.

The chamber was running low on energon to fuel the development and required a refill soon, I vented if relief that it wasn't more serious. If it were any more serious, I would have lost my lifelong project. Fortunately that was not the scenario. I walked over to one of the energon cubes still in the room and brought one over to the chamber, opening the refill port and carefully pouring the blue substance in. I was cautious not to spill it, but I did add a little more than I should have. That shouldn't be a problem though. I closed the refill port and turned to the exit.

Once my work was done, I exited my vessel and headed towards the warehouse. As I grew closer to the entrance, I could hear multiple voices conversing inside. Odd, who could be here this early in the day? I made my way to the entrance and walked through its doors, entering the large space to see Undertaker and his construction associates standing around a makeshift table.

"So if we were to do this kind of layout, it would be more spacious and easy to get around." The one known as Scrapper said.

"That could work."

"What could work?" I ask.

The Cybertronians turned to see me standing here.

"Oh hey Nex, we're just brainstorming ideas for how the place should be laid out. Wanna see what ideas we got?" Undertaker asked.

"Of course."

I approached the table to see 3 datapads laid out, each with a different design upon them. One of them had a a very interesting first floor layout that intrigued me, my laboratory space being in the shape of a hexagon with a corridor  lwrapped around it leading to the storage rooms. The second and third designs seemed rather basic and bland to me. I pointed to the design I liked.

"This one interests me the most." I say.

"I liked that one too." Undertaker said.

"Alrighty, you two are the bosses. We can get started right away on the repairs."

"That would be excellent, thank you." I said.

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The construction crew had finished the repairs to the structural support in little to no time at all, I hadn't seen anyone work so quickly other than myself when I was still working with my science lessons. They were now using a drawing tool upon the floor to indicate the areas for my lab space, the wrap around corridor and the storage areas. I was rather impressed and fascinated by how they worked together quickly and efficiently.

I was observing the process while the others were hard at work. While observing the placement for electrical hookups and outlets, I noticed that they did not match the inputs for my cloning chamber. This raised immediate concern that I wouldn't be able to bring my Predacon into the laboratory. I approached the one known as Long Haul who was marking the area for electrical.

"Excuse me?"

He turned his helm, "Yes sir? How can I help you?"

"You wouldn't happen to have any TRD-97 outlets instead of these, would you?"

He looked rather confused.

"Those are really hard to find and kinda expensive, I can't guarantee that we could find them."

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