Part 28.

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Springlock sat on the floor playing with her toys I had gotten out of my ship and slid as Tetravore took each massive stride, she would giggle and squeal as she slid into the walls or the throne I sat upon. She seemed to enjoy it, I am unsure why. But whatever made her happy was fine. I breathed a sigh and leaned back in my seat, completely relaxed.

Suddenly alarms started to blade, startling both myself and Springlock. She yelped and jumped up and into my lap, whimpering and shaking. I gave her a hug to calm her down, which it fortunately did a good amount. I continued to pat her back and assure her, the whimpering changing to a loud purring.

"Tetravore, what is going on?" I ask.

"Multiple hostile entities approaching. Threat: minimal."

Decepticons. I figured it wasn't going to be easy to elude them within a massive titan, but that was as much an advantage as it was a disadvantage. Tetravore being massive makes him very easy to see, but it also means he is able to obliterate the smaller enemies with his raw strength and power. Looking out the window, the Titan was correct and we saw an armada Decepticon flyers coming at us. Lovely.

"I suggest you two cling onto something." Tetravore warned.

I had already thought of that and grasped one arm of the throne with Springlock in the other. The poor sparkling was highly confused as I did so, but she started squealing with glee when the room started swaying as Tetravore turned. The Titan let out a bellowing roar at the oncoming Decepticons, my daughter grabbed her ears and pulled them down to block out the noise. Now THAT was a roar if I've ever heard one.

We then saw one of Tetravores clawed servos swipe at the Seekers, making them swerve and barrel roll out of the way. Some of them were of course swatted away like insects, I chuckled at the irony of it. Even Springlock was giggling when the Titan swatted the Decepticons out of the air, I believe that she's becoming more morbid with each passing cycle. Something I am unsure whether I should be proud or concerned of.

The Decepticons began firing missiles at Tetravore and all of which made contact as we heard it, but he didn't even flinch. They continued firing missiles but unfortunately for them they had no effect against this massive Cybertronian. Just then there was a beeping sound that echoed throughout the cockpit.

"Activating Mortars." Tetravore said.

Mortars?? Suddenly at least 2 dozen mortars were shot at the Seekers, a trail of smoke behind them as they flew at the enemies. The Decepticons were barely able to navigate through the barrage of oncoming bombs as they began to explode, taking out nearly every single one. Now, it was only 3 that remained. Tetravore reached out for them and successfully grabbed them in their alternative forms, bringing them close to his visor also known as the window my daughter and I observed through. The 3 remaining Decepticons, all dull in grey color like myself, transformed into bipedal mode and squirmed vigorously against Tetravores grasp.

"Enemies restrained. I, Tetravore, shall give you ONE warning, LEAVE and NEVER return here." The Titan boomed.

"OKAY OKAY!!! We won't!!" One of the Seekers cried.

"Intelligent choice, now FLEE."

Tetravore proceeded to throw the Decepticons away, them all flailing their limbs until they transformed into jets and soared away as quickly as they could. Springlock started applauding and laughing at the sight of retreating Decepticons.

"Flee! Flee!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled and gently pat her helm, she purred and nuzzled up against me.

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