Naked at Noon

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Reed Sanders was not the type of guy that believed in chivalry and helping old ladies across the street.  He was not your straight A student or your weekend choir boy.  He was the type of guy that would make the pregnant lady stand while he sat smugly in his seat on the city bus. Indeed, Reed was his own dimension of asshole- which explained what he was doing running stark naked through the school cafeteria with Hayven MacaFee and the rest of his gang.

From what I had heard, he'd been to Juvy twice, made it a habit to engage in random sex with so many people-not necessarily one at a time- that it would make a porn star blush, and had a mouth that made sailors look like saints.

It was only natural that I asked around and maintained a certain level of curiosity regarding his existence. As the new girl in a small town and an even smaller high school, I wanted to get to know the small class of 130 students that would eventually make up my graduating year.

I was supposed to have two classes with him, but he never showed. Granted, so far only one week of school had passed, but I suspected this was another habit of his.

Asking around, it hadn't been hard to find out plenty about him. Actually, the problem was more so that people had too much to say about Reed Sanders. In a small town like this, people got bored, and when someone like Reed came along, they gravitated to him like bees to honey. The lines between fact and fiction inevitably blurred as rumors begin to fly. Needless to say, they hadn't been much help.

Staring up at him for the first time from my seat near the back of the school cafeteria, though, I couldn't help but think no one had mentioned how ridiculously handsome he was. The fact that he was completely naked probably helped, I'll admit, but his face was almost distracting enough to keep my eyes from drifting down the rest of his body. Almost.

From what I could tell from across the room, he had thick, black hair that hung in jagged, unkempt strands around his face and a sharp jaw line.  His shoulders were broad and his muscles were long and lean.   He ran across the cafeteria, dawning a devilish grin like the cat that just ate the canary.

And then it happened, the moment that would forever immortalize me in Weldon High School History- at least for the next 4 years to come. Reed Sanders turned, our eyes meeting for a split second, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

Fear was the first emotion to leave me speechless as he began to walk towards me, panic the next. Glancing behind me, I desperately hoped that he was looking at someone else, that I was imagining the whole thing and had somehow misread his stare. No such luck.

I forced my eyes to meet his- if for no other reason than to keep them off of the rest of his naked body- as he came to a stop in front of me.

Unfortunately, I wasn't disappointed. Up close, he was even more handsome. He had these impossibly deep green eyes, a shade I had never seen before. They left me speechless as I opened my mouth and nothing came out.

For a second, the only thing I could hear was the pounding of my heart beating a million miles per second in my chest. He had to hear it too, to see the perspiration gathering on my brow from the horrible cocktail of excitement and fear pulsing through me.

I vaguely registered the eyes of everyone else in the cafeteria on the two of us.

Why was he doing this? What did he want from me? I was just the new girl, the unassuming brunette that made it a point to sit in the back of the class and take notes like a good student. I kept my mouth shut, did all my homework, and made it a point to return my library books on time. I was a good girl, in every possible way. And he was a bad boy. 

Very bad.

"Your name, what's your name?"

My eyes widened as I stared up at him. The question he'd asked only partially registered in my mind. No, my brain was already too wrapped up in savoring the sound of his voice. It was deep and controlled, in a way that made me think telling him my name was probably more of a demand than a request.

"L-Iz. It's Liz. Liz Reethers."

Ah, and the awkward stutter seemed to be but the cherry on top of the cake.

Reed peered down at me, a look of satisfaction spreading across his face.

"Liz. And I suppose that's short for Elizabeth?"

I nodded furiously, grateful this question didn't require a verbal answer. Whatever he was doing here, I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. My self control was dwindling, and the fact that he was so close was only making it worse. My eyes wanted to take a peek at the rest of his body, especially the part of him I knew I shouldn't even be thinking about. And, to top it off, everyone was staring.

"Reed! What the fuck are you doing? Hurry your ass up!" Glancing over his shoulder, Reed met the panicked gaze of Hayven MacaFee. Dismissing his friend with a quick middle finger, Reed whipped his head back around, focusing his gaze on me.

"Well, Elizabeth Reethers, hopefully I'll see you around very soon. It's a small town, you know."

His words were laced with enough suggestions to make the blush on my face achieve another shade of red. Taking a few steps back, he kept his eyes glued to mine before finally turning and following Hayven out of the cafeteria.

Exhaling sharply, I realized for the first time that I had been holding my breath. Oh my god. What had just happened? I could feel the eyes of every person in the cafeteria on me as I tried to appear as unassuming as possibly, turning my attention back to my sack lunch and taking a small bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

He hadn't been wrong about the town being small, with only a population of a five thousand or so, but I sure hoped he was wrong about the 'seeing you around' part. I didn't particularly care for the way my mind flat lined around him.

Rumor had it, though, that when Reed Sanders wanted something, he always got it.

A/N: Please vote if you liked the chapter :)

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